Today was so very gorgeous, this scene was taken last fall but it reminds me of today. Yes today. *happy sigh*
Listening to or I was listening to: Sunday Morning Jazz
This morning in homechurch we listened to a great David Wilkerson classic sermon, Right Song Wrong Side. You can find it here on
You can find a wealth of spiritual richness here. As many friends may know David Wilkerson suddenly went to be with the Lord this past year. A huge loss for us.
Our Family watching as I type: Sergeant York (1941) One of the best movies ever. I love Joan Leslie as Gracie, what a sweet spirit Gracie has. The character of Gracie is the kind of person I aspire to be in the Lord.
Today was gorgeous I tell you, our family has been fighting sickness this week and it's been rather trying at times. I celebrated a birthday and had a wonderful time with my sweet family. The girls are so sweet, they made me ( my request) scrambled eggs with bell peppers and onions and wedges of toast. : ) for breakfast. For lunch we ran to the square in the burbs and then on to Starbucks where we sat outside on the square enjoying the beautiful-beautiful weather watching people....Then back home for a wonderful lasagna made by Marianna. We also watched To Kill a Mockingbird (1962) with Gregory Peck. Love that movie...the book is wonderful. The music is just so beautiful....I have the soundtrack and play it often...the best. The character of Atticus played by Gregory Peck is that of a perfect gentleman and the picture of humility. The opening theme of the movie, with the little girl humming with her box of colors and such... could be me as a little girl. That was very much my world.
One precious surprise was an old friend from my old church found me through hubs office number just to wish me a happy birthday, it meant the world to me. I don't have real brothers and sisters so this was special. Carolyn has always showed me such love and respect. I love her and it was strange, she had been on my mind and I had been missing her.
So many great people out there, I love them I really do.
Another really nice surprise was our sweet brother in Christ, Obrien sent our family the sweetest note and wrapped Christmas present ever. All I can say is it made me cry in a good way because this fella didn't realize it but it was perfect timing in the Lord. We are very proud of him, we had the privilege of praying for him as he just became a Green Beret. His mother is a dear friend of mine.
I ain't seen ya in a coon's age where ya been keepin' yourself? ~Gracie to Alvin from Sergeant York. (1941)
Better run, I'm fighting this sickness off myself. Better rest now.
More next time.... God is good all the time.
Lord if you're willin' please give him that land.... ~Ma York from Sergeant York
Love, Amelia
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