'Come to the Stable' (1949)

I'm watching this poignant movie at present and am so enjoying it. Both of these women had turned their backs on the world of fame to serve God in great humility in their own way. I'm in awe of some of the sacrifices I see made not only from the sisters but of a tough mobster with a tender heart too.
'Tenth Avenue Angel' (1948)
My last few birthdays, the above has been my choice of movies. You will see why if you watch, there is a Christmas miracle. What a winning combination, Margaret O'Brien and Phyllis Thaxter.
Precious movie with Jimmy Durante in one of his best performances.
'It Happened on 5th Avenue' (1947)

I had sent the above two movies to my dad several years ago, the last one in particular, 'It Happened On 5th Avenue', I was hoping he would catch a hint about family concerning he and mother. A most wonderful movie.
EDIT 12.2019: Here are some additional movie greats also wonderful for Christmas time, I will update as I think of them.

What's not more Christmas then Bing Crosby? Especially playing the part of endearing Father O'Malley. Ingrid Bergman is just quietly beautiful here...See the clip of her as a nun playing baseball. Who doesn't love that?

Nominated for 10 Academy Awards; this movie goes hand in hand with Bells of St. Mary's. Our beloved Father O'Malley played by Bing Crosby, so sweet, so poignant. I actually knew a priest like Father O'Malley as a little girl, he would braid my long hair in one long ponytail as I waited for my mother to pick me up from c.c.d. class. There was nothing creepy about the man, but a man of honor and care.
Whether you're Catholic, Protestant, or like me, a simple follower of Christ, child of God. These things matter, Oh God help me to never blaspheme the name of Christ by my actions or lack of actions.

Anytime you can find a movie by Frank Capra, you are pretty well guaranteed a GEM. This is one of those movies. You couple Capra's expertise with Gary cooper and Barbara Stanwyck? You have a masterpiece. This is a beautiful movie and the ending is stellar, if you are looking for a movie that speaks of Christ and what He did on that cross over 2000 years ago, you will be in awe in the end... This movie has special meaning to me because the first time I viewed the movie was on a cold winter's eve in 1993 after delivering my fourth little baby, our fourth baby girl, Rebecca.
All photos in this edit are by Robert Stock.
Christmases Past
My daddy when I was almost born into this world, my mama wisely put up a small Christmas tree that year and of course the little manger scene too.

My mama and me. She made this jumper for me and I remember being so fascinated as she painstakingly ironed on the tiny pieces to form a Santa Claus on the jumper, she is an artist and a Godly one. She called me 'baby' the other day, it was cute. She's almost 90.

This is my daddy, I love this picture of us. I miss my daddy sooo much and I'm still so grieved in my heart at the tragic loss of my dad a couple of years ago. The other day I was crying quietly in the kitchen asking my dad why and our new little fur angel ran up to me, what a Godsend.

This is me as a wee little gal in ballet class at a Christmas party.

God be with you in this Holy Season. God is with us. May we quietly plod along being the best mom, the best daughter or the best wife or husband etc., whoever you are, whatever season you are in. Let's be content in the quiet of the Season.

A box full of goodies for our delivery people I quickly made and placed in our drop-off bin, it was fun to do. I tried not to get too matchy-matchy poo-poo with it. I want to bless others not drive myself or others in my family crazy. (big smile) This worked and worked quickly and accomplished what it needs to accomplish.
Our delivery people often don't get here til dark and my husband was reading that some have 300 stops and no bathroom breaks. Can you imagine?
Mixed Emotions at Christmas:
The video following my short treat box video above; I posted the clip last January when we lost Charlie. It features the little boy at Boys Town, Teddy weeping and just sharing his little heart on pain from 'Little Men of Boys Town'. This exchange is soooo beautiful I think especially Spencer Tracey playing the part of Father Flanagan. Be prepared especially if you are going through any loss or feeling any pain. It's a good clip and Father Flanagan has some beautiful, sweet, sweet godly advice. Oh give us more Father Flanagans! Give us more Pastor Flanagans! May *we* be that Father or Pastor Flanagan, or Brother or Sister Flanagan.
Video clip HERE
Video clip HERE
May we exhibit Justice and Mercy all of our lives, may we have discernment and boldness, saturated with Love.