Saturday, August 29, 2015

Sisters, Brothers, are we Quenching the Spirit in our Homes?

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The following message by this sweet sister in Christ has some very common sense points in it.  She also shares a most poignant story of Charlie, the little boy in the mountains of Virginia, the story touches my heart greatly.  You see, we all have "Charlies" perhaps that we failed to minister to when we were supposed to, maybe years ago.  If our hearts are tender...We wonder what we could have done differently and have used these failed situations to learn from and do better in the future for the next time.

I hope you enjoyed the lessons!  I did.  Great reminders!

My Charlie Lessons  (...just a couple for starters)

When I was a newly married young lady 35 years ago, I was at the grocery store and an elderly lady in the frozen vegetable department was on my heart...She had came up to me to tell me that a certain mixed veggie-mix "tasted real good".  She was soooooo precious, just so very, very precious.  She was with her adult son and my heart was so strong to go to her and speak to her and tell her that Jesus loved her...She needed to hear it so badly, just a little care is what she needed!  I saw her later as I stood in the check line and my heart beat rapidly.  Did I speak to her in the next line?  No.  My heart is still grieved over that disobedience.  Just think of the Hope and perhaps answer to a lonely heart I could have been an instrument of?! Oh God forgive us!  Forgive me!

Ten years ago or so I was at our local grocery behind a poor young black woman... She did not have money for her baby formula.  She was trying to use food stamps to pay for it.  As she walked off the checker looked at me and shared that she did not understand why the government did not pay for these mother's baby's milk.  Did I offer to pay for the baby formula?  No.  My heart still aches over that one and in the future that will not happen again!  Oh God forgive us!  Forgive me!

In my home...  I have consciously made an effort to watch my mouth.  When I speak in the car or at the dinner table I ask myself... Is this going to make the atmosphere in our home more beautiful?   If it's not a necessary thing to bring up I do not.  Does that mean we walk around like a bunch of goodie-two-shoes never correcting or bringing up any controversy at all?   No, but some things are better left alone.   We must pray for discernment.  God help us.

I do have lessons where I have obeyed that Still Small Voice of the Holy Spirit and oh what a Blessing!  ...Once my husband and I were at a coffee shop when we were newly married and I saw a depressed-hopeless-looking young man sitting at the table by himself and God impressed on me to tell him Jesus loved him...   As we left I walked by his table and told him...  I feel like I need to tell you that Jesus loves you.  The young man smiled hugely at me as if his prayer was miraculously answered.  It is so worth it to take that chance...

Sometimes I am on the receiving end.  The other day at the little town store the checker asked how we were; it was slow with no other customers, our conversation went deeper and I was sharing with the precious checker on the various spirit of various towns and she was so-getting me on the shocking prejudice of what others perceive to be outsiders in one particular town.  She fingered her cross necklace and shared how the manager of the store from uso-town also has the same-thing happen to him.  She was so precious, her caring words were...If there is anything we can do to let us know.  Her care was so precious.  She attends a liturgical church many would scoff at but her heart was the real deal.

As I left the store that day a black lady who also checks, who I always tell that she looks like Diana Ross walks up, I say... Hey!  There's my mo-town girl!  I hug her quickly.  Yep, Church can be everywhere.  Let me be that smile and giggle.  Let me share encouragements and be willing to be encouraged too.  As Mo-town girl said when we got on the church-subject...  It's right here right now.  

Now before you read the next paragraph, please know I am not anti-Gifts, I have attended many spirit-filled churches, I am not against conservatives either if it's from a personal relationship with Christ, I like to align myself with a true Heart of Christ which may appear ultra conservative to some.  I will say though lately I've heard some things from both camps that seem to be a bit on the crusty side to put it lightly and the only thing I can think of is that these folks from town or city must be big fish in their small ponds so to speak that have become very comfortable in their set.

It was rather interesting that very day...Just an hour before I had talked with a charismatic lady, she said the right thing but seemed overly confident...  neither my daughter Delle nor myself felt comfortable with her attitude, we felt an arrogance.  It grieved me personally, I left her presence with a heavy heart.   Also, earlier at Walmart a religious woman behind us, no makeup, a bun on the back-top of her noggin.  The male checker had joked with her good-heartedly about her "ponytail".  She dryly replies, "It's a bun".   I looked back at her and smiled hugely, a toothie grin. ... I couldnt' resist... * big smile*   

I bet you have a ponytail under that bun!

I'm still finding myself laughing to myself over the off-the-wall comment I found myself making.

Well, that is life in smalltown.  The Forest is a beautiful place of solace with my Father, my Creator.

I'm just typing my thoughts here, very little editing, please oblige.

Have a good day Loves, let's think of our Charlies, let's think of and pray for ways to keep that Fire Lit!

Please Father help us to have Your Heart.  Help us to be broken-hearted over the things that break Your Heart.


Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Do We Have a Beautiful Mind? Let's Find Out...

I so enjoyed this; this man is precious.  What a great message to get us through the week!


...And me being the music lover I am...I have been once again so encouraged, just so feeling His Love by this song and music.  Such a rush.  Such encouragement to keep things in perspective.

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Oh may we pray for this country.   Does it amaze you what people claim is simply politically incorrect when it is simply grievous to the Father?

Stay good Loves.  Let's keep a Beautiful Mind...You and I...A Beautiful Mind...Heart...Soul...Mind

Have a sweet day....   amelia in the Forest

Friday, August 7, 2015

Let’s not pit the Senseless Death of Cecil the Lion Against the Slaughter of the Unborn. Not an Either/Or

"As God’s image-bearers and as caretakers of His creation, we must not choose between Cecil the lion or Planned Parenthood.

...So let’s not fall into the trap of pitting the senseless death of Cecil the Lion against the wanton slaughter of the unborn. They are not the same, but they both speak powerfully about human dignity—our dignity as God’s image-bearers and as caretakers of His creation."   Eric Metaxas


I've prayed and prayed that the churches would wake up on this issue.  This is a MUST READ ARTICLE in my opinion, Eric Metaxas states my sentiments exactly.

Article in entirety, highly recommended!  Click this link-title:



Wilberforce, of course, fought the British slave trade for many years because, as a Christian, he could not allow that brutal institution to continue undercutting human dignity. But the outworking of Wilberforce’s Christian worldview didn’t stop there. The great member of Parliament also fought for a “reformation of manners” in England, seeking to preserve an otherwise decaying society by reintroducing people to God’s standards in numerous areas of life.

And did you know that one of his passions was getting people to treat animals humanely? In 1824 Wilberforce actually founded the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, saying that the ugly contemporary practice of bull-baiting was evidence of a “degraded human nature.”

So let’s not fall into the trap of pitting the senseless death of Cecil the Lion against the wanton slaughter of the unborn. They are not the same, but they both speak powerfully about human dignity—our dignity as God’s image-bearers and as caretakers of His creation.

loading ...I hope you too are encouraged as I was on this article by Mr. Metaxas.  My daughter, Marianna sent it to me knowing this has been a matter of prayer.  


Once in a while someone will ask how we taught our children, now adults a true love for the Lord.   The main way we taught our children is by our lives.  They see us in quiet time, they see us feed the homeless when we run into them instead of making a sarcastic remark.  They see us care for homeless animals...not making hard calloused remarks on tofu, cats, lions etc.  (My heart weeps at times)   They see us live out that Bible we read...and yes we teach the Bible I hope in a gentle, loving way.   Jesus Christ is a living thing, not a dry crusty doctrine.   If we are busy loving the Father, living that lifestyle out in our lives...repentant hearts, not perfect, but perfectly repentant...Then our children will see the real Christ-Life.   It's not going to be ridiculous comments on someone reading the King James-version-only of the Bible or if Ann Voskamp is a pantheist because she loves the beauty of God's creation. (ridiculous accusation by the way).  It sure will not be from those who hatefully call the Duggar family - names, those who despise goodness.   I'm sure you too could add to my sentiments of hurtful and most ignorant comments coming from those in their robes so to speak whether the robe be of silk embroidery or denim grunge.

Marianna and Lea were eating lunch with a homeschooled friend, now married with a beautiful baby girl.  They were discussing how some of the homeschooled adults now have turned from the Father.  The young women agreed it was because many of those who have turned, ...they saw compromise in the home. 

That's my heart for this morning. 

So thanking God for the article above.  God truly hears our hearts and does answer prayers.  There is truly a Remnant of Followers of Christ in the World.  

Good afternoon Loves,    amelia