Nursing home visits can be an awesome joy. A huge joy for me, a joy for my friends there. There is a treasure of wonderful sweethearts there. Look at this face....Our precious friend.
If you ever want to see an attitude of excellence? It's our friend here. This precious fella hears out of one ear, doesn't talk well because of it and has the use of only one arm. He is wheelchair bound. I can't tell you what it did to my heart when I stepped into his room and spied him making his bed with that one arm one day several years ago. ...And to think many complain about chores.
He shouts in the most precious voice imaginable...
Heeeyyyyy! How ARE ya'll doin'!
We were overjoyed to hear him say this complete sentence, his speech is so improving and that is such a hopeful blessing.
I do not know why our precious friend is in the nursing home, what happened to him. I do see evidence of a tracheotomy and a scar for some reason to his head. Our friend is a middle-aged man, not what we would consider elderly. The first time we met our friend he pulled out a worn white card with his name handwritten on it and we've all been best buds ever since.
His family has seen to it that he has a photo album of his life in his room for visitors to see. It appears his brother is a minister and comes to visit.
Here's a few chosen shots from a little photo shoot of sorts:

Do you see his bib for lunch? He loves to make sure his pals there around him also have a bib on and helps them with his one working arm. Yes, this is our precious friend. Best buddy ever. An angel.
Do you want to stand out? Then step down. Be a servant. If you puff yourself up, you'll get the wind knocked out of you. But if you're content to simply be yourself, your life will count for plenty. -Matthew 23:11
A Few of My Favorite Things:
A Book
A Book Suggestion: Try Giving Yourself Away by David Dunn
This is a most uplifting book. Timeless.
Soft Cotton Tops
Soft Fall Tops? White Stag cotton tops from are great and the price is right.
* I'm wearing one in 'teal' (top photo). They're great with skirts or whatever. I enjoy black so I can throw colored scarves on if desired. I purchase size 'L'. White Stag Womens Essential Crewneck Shirt.
* I live in these turtlenecks as the weather chills. My signature black turtlenecks. Once again, the price is right. Size 'L'. : White Stag Womens Turtleneck.
A Great Pair of Sunglasses
Sunglasses? Dollar Tree comes to the rescue and I love this style, and as always..Say it with me! The price is right!

I take care of my sunglasses if I like them no matter what the cost and they last for several years if in a case.
Taking joy in life is a woman's best cosmetic. -Rosalind Russell (one of my favorite actresses)
One must have their favorite sunglasses to travel to the city. Aha! I see the run-away skeletons are still at their antics! Yes, they are running through the huge lawn! So hilarious if you ask me! Oh my goodness! This is the craziest, most bizarre yearly display ever! It makes us literally crack up. : D

If you surrender completely to the moments as they pass, you live more richly those moments. -Anne Morrow Lindbergh
Prayer is the deliberate and persevering action of the soul. It is true and enduring, and full of grace. Prayer fastens the soul to God and makes it one with God's will. -Julian of Norwich
I hope and pray everyone is having a nice week so far, a week of hope. -Amelia in the Forest