
I hope everyone is doing well and lifting our great country up to God in prayer. I'm sickened hearing the stories of innocent people who love and respect our country innocently attending a country concert and facing such a demonic attack. I will touch more at the end of this entry.
A Bit of a Show 'n Tell
This is me above colored photo, wearing a top I have sewn from a genuine vintage pattern: Jiffy 4438. I had found a size 14, 34 bust on ebay a while back and it works fine. I normally would have needed a 16 but there is plenty of room on this pattern. I have adjusted the neckline to a square neck, making my own facing. I used navy cotton lawn cloth from amazon. I made a matching A-line skirt and a little tie belt too. And no, I didn't cut my hair but I do have it pulled back. : ) I tend to wear my hair back in one way or another, it just feels better that way and it's timeless and I like timeless. Let the hair fall where it may otherwise! *big smile*
The pattern is swell with a little tiny bit of a kimono sleeve, just a very slight kimono sleeve. You can see the way the hem turns up a little? It makes it a bit more flattering on the arm. Plus I was able to squeeze the top into 1 yard since I'm on the shorter side! Yabba dabba doo! (Did you watch the Flintstones when you were a child?) I remember when that program was an evening sticom!
Where the above colored photo was taken: Jem and I were at our one of our favorite Greek restaurants in downtown. I love their spinach and goat cheese feta pita sandwich, plus the french fries are very much like the ones my mom used to make, delicious. The proof is the remnants on the table! Ha!
- There's a lot going on in America right now. I'm disappointed on players protesting during our anthem. I disagree with it on a couple of accounts and I think it's wrong. ...How our veterans must feel. If it really is the main reason I am hearing....I would think many of these folks would do some research on Margaret Sanger and her evil agenda to exterminate certain races of people (there are many videos and transcripts of this woman). Her evil agenda is being carried out through her Planned Parenthood til this day. And trust me I am no proponent of any kind of prejudice at all, I despise it, and thus would stress to study up on Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood. It seems the wrong thing is being protested.
- And the commentators making cruel comments on people dying at the concert in Las Vegas because the attendees support President Trump and so that was okay that they died? Shameful. Shameful. So those commentators call themselves compassionate and tolerant?
A Final Thought
There are things that grieve my spirit and maybe you will agree: Just for some basics...People can smother their blogs with scriptures (nothing wrong with that if we walk the talk), churches can modernize to up the numbers. On the modern emergent church? God is God, and He never changes. We mustn't forget God's truths. Those who may understand God's truths, let's remember Love is not rude, it's polite, Love thinks of others and how they are made to feel. Love is Kind. Good manners is putting others first, to make guests comfortable and welcome even on our blogs and how we relate to others in reciprocation. Love is speaking from a sweet and a kind heart. If someone takes the time to encourage me, may I be the kind of person to encourage them too. It seems so fundamental doesn't it?
EDIT 10.5. How do we have a kind and sweet heart? I think it comes from spending time with God in a personal way and being keen to His Spirit. I wonder sometimes how many are hurt by those who claim to be Christians who aren't spending time with God and are not keen to his Spirit? It ought not be. I can say I know a very famous person and I may know who they are and much about them, but if I don't spend time with that famous person I do not know him.
I appreciate very much those who take the time to comment here from time to time. It's a Gift.
Hoping you all will enjoy this most beautiful and heartwarming song by Louis Armstrong:
When she speaks she has something worthwhile to say, and she always says it kindly.
Proverbs 31:26
May we lift our country and world up in prayer.
Have a sweet week dear ones, we have Joy and Peace to give, let's give a sincere, toothy smile from a sweet and kind heart. ~Amelia
All black and white photos by Robert Stock.
Hey Mama Mia! :D Great blog post! I too am so saddened to hear about the horrific shooting this past Sunday. How horrible and traumatizing for those there. Even those who survived are completely shaken and devastated. I can't imagine going through something so horrible. And I agree that those kneeling at the NFL is just so disrespectful and is causing so much division. So heartbreaking for our military and vets.
How cool to be able to use vintage patterns! It's great to have a hobby you enjoy so much!
I am also a new fan of the Pacifica lip gloss... wearing it now and loving how moisturizing it is!
And what a neat pic of the statue being moved in to DC.... there must be an interesting story along with that pic.
Lots of Love!! <3
And that Louis Armstrong song.... so classic and timeless!
Oh how sweet to comment yo mama. : ) No one can ever accuse you of being a fuddy-duddy. ; )
We do need to look into the story behind the black and white photo of the statue being moved into DC...Interesting.
Yes, all the division is unbelievable and bringing out quite a bit of hate for those who love God and our country. I'm shocked on how people have behaved on this, people who should know better. When the tea bag gets hot the inside comes out.
It's so sad the people who perished at the concert, a very sad time in our country...People have gone mad whether it's a crazed killer or the media politicizing this tragedy. A horrible, horrible tragedy.
I posted the famous Louis Armstrong video because that is a good example on how people should act one to another. It sure does my heart good. <3
Love you, Mom
Still reading here Amelia and appreciating more than EVER how honest and open you are about the state of our country. Sad, yes. I wonder how folks can be so heart broken over all this recent violence, yet ignore the fact of murder taking place by the hundreds with little babies every day in America? Sigh*
On another note. you look lovely:-) and I enjoyed the wedding pictures. congratulations!
Amanda, What a delight to see you here! Thank you Amanda. This was one of those times I just had to speak and then had to ask God what to say and what not to say...I also have a story of a new Methodist pastor's wife recently blocking me on a site for replying to her in a polite way on Margaret Sanger. It broke my heart, that was the church my parents and daughter, Michelle were married in and it was around the time my father passed away recently. The change in leadership has been so grieving to me. As you also know, the problem is not only in the country but the churches too. A heart problem. May we *be* the Church. (Sermonindex is a blessing) : )
Yes, I agree, the double standard is unbelievable, and the evidence is right there for all to see on all the little babies being murdered every day. I don't think they want to see it with eyes or heart. ...And that is frightening.
Thank you so much Amanda, so glad you enjoyed the wedding pictures. I'm so blessed with two great son in-laws now!
Once again, it is great reading your comment! I hope all is well with that great family of yours! : ) Blessings!
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