Friday, December 21, 2012

Our Sweet Girls & Fur Angels

This is Rebecca and one of our little kittens, Mo-Mo in a quiet contemplative mood...We remember animals were in the stable that Holy Night when our Savior was born...

Esther, quietly watching the Christmas happenings....Esther is such a sweet girl, sometimes she grunts like a little piggy and we affectionately call her "Esther the pig" : ) Our daughter, Delle had seven kidney stones and was in the ER, when Delle came home Esther never left her side for over a week.

Mo-Mo....Aha! She discovers "light"!

Below we have big sister, Li-Li, our oldest, with babynsister, Becs, our youngest, using her artistic photography skills to capture this sweet moment...Mo-Mo fell asleep on the lights for an hour or so...She loved the warmth.
This is sweet little Giuseppe, he is an older gentleman and a sweetheart. We found him quite lost one day....Perhaps he found us? We love him. He is a blessing and his sweet little face will convict us if we get into a funk of sorts... : )

Evening time here...Time to wind down now...

We have more sweet pets too, but this will do for now?  They are our fur angels and I guess there are certain days you could call me, Doctor Doolittle or perhaps St. Francis of the countryside?  Whether you see me as either it doesn't quite matter...I know what a joy these fur babies bring as I'm sure you would probably agree. : )  They are gifts to our little family from God.

Sleepy time....  Howdy & Mo-Mo the two kitten babies. Isn't this sweet the way Howdy takes care of his sister, Mo-Mo?  Howdy is our shy little kitten guy... unless he is with Mo-Mo of course. : )  What a sweet little bond.

I love quiet time in these quiet days before Christmas....He is the Prince of Peace. I want to be still and relish that Peace.  Jesus, our Savior.

Love, Amelia

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

A Very Old Gate, A Testimony of The Lord's Faithfulness The Holidays Begin!

Isn't this an amazing old gate?  This is the then working gate I would drive by over fifteen years ago when we last lived in this area...This is from the old historical ranch. Mr. B's ranch.  Actually, Mr. B's father's ranch... Our property backs up to another historical ranch.  That ranch was ran by a woman named Kitty years and years ago.  She was known to go up and down what we call the skinny road in her pink Cadillac.  Mr. B spent much time in Smalltown in a plantation home, I have beautiful pics to come of that.  An amazing area, some of our state's founders walked the streets there.  River boats would frequent the river, old surrey houses, old oaks that soldiers would stand under to sign up for war....Amazing.

This gate means so much to me. It's a testimony of the Lord's faithfulness. When I would pass by this property on Tuesday afternoons from Smalltown from our girl's piano lessons, a van laden with groceries and sweet buys from the dime-store, my precious little girls and baby...I would pass by this working gate and the evening sun would be shining down on beautiful cattle sunning themselves.  I thought it was soooo pretty. I never knew I would actually live here one day.  It was only through the Lord.  If you go back to the beginning of this blog you will see how it all began.

This is our gate now...Mar makes sure to put a seasonal wreath or decoration up, and you can see the red berries ripening for Christmas cheer. 

Our home through the romantic old berries and leaves...Great to read books under.


In the evening?  Our two kittens enjoy the woodburning stove....this is close to where I am sitting now.

I'm drinking a large tumbler of hot Candy Cane Lane tea. We are watching a documentary of Christmas at Yellowstone and this afternoon we watched (listened to) Since You Went Away (1944).   The overture and opening statement in writing is so poignant and so telling of how our great country... once. was. 

Thinking of Christmas, our Savior and what we can give Him by giving to others. It was a nursing home visitation day today....So precious.

Love, Amelia

Friday, December 7, 2012

Our Junior Kitten Ellie & The New Babies ; )

(above) This is Ellie, our daughters rescued her from a country road. She is so sweet and has grown into a big girl now since this picture was taken the beginning of fall. 

And these two are our newest additions. Aren't they darling?  Meet Howdy and Mo-Mo. : )  They are affectionately called the 'bad little babies' because the little animated brother and sister are into everything!  They are bigger now but still very much kittens. We were just saying that the Chipmunk Christmas song could be them singing, quite a cute brother and sister duo.

 Marilla our rescued once-kitten is the proud mama.  Marilla is a good mommy to the kittens too.  Soooo sweet.

I thought I'd share our newest little additions. God's little creatures.... We love them. 

Have a sweet day in Jesus to All!  I hope you are enjoying lots of Christmas music.    ~amelia

Thursday, December 6, 2012

So Pretty Here in the Autumn. Touching Bases this Wonderful Christmas Season

The long shadows of Autumn....Hubs and I love to take a late afternoon evening walk.  The doglet?  That is little Muffie, he is a darling and he thinks he is ten feet tall when it comes to protecting our family. : )   Now really Ms. Amelia? Tennis shoes with your skirt?  Oh dahlin, anything goes here.  And I think it's neat. Why not?  You have to do what you have to do-s.

Have a sweet December day everyone.  I'm listening to instrumental Christmas music, the tree is outside ready to be put up. Mar-Mar had to ride home with it IN her car!!!  HA!  I think that is SO funny!  She said she just made the most of it and turned up the Christmas music!  The grocery store now has a policy of not putting trees on top of cars.  Oh well.

It's been so very hectic lately, Becs had her beautful homeschool graduation party, twinkle lights hanging from trees, homemade Italian food and the works.  It was soooo sweet. So Rebecca.  We decided to wait until autumn to provide that fanciful atmosphere. : )

Michelle was in the ER and that has thrown a huge nervousness in our home. She had 7. Yes 7 kidney stones, one blocking so if any of you are familiar with kidney stones you know the ordeal.  Oh my, I sat in that ER with fever myself watching our daughter suffer.  Horrible and I pray this never happens again.  The one blocking has passed and we are treating her for the rest so prayerfull they will dissolve.  Thanks be to God.

Love to All,  Whoever may come across this page.  Jesus is our Savior and Lord. May we worship Him and remember His humble, so sweet. amelia

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Sometimes We All Go Out to Eat...

Sometimes our entire family enjoys going out to eat!  This evening was a beauty!  To make things even better, Hubs had a gift card from a very sweet client for one of our favorite restaurants!  Hurray!

Our beautiful country roads...

Hubby trying to drive with all the ruckus with our four daughters and me ; )  ...Thoughts dancing in his head I'm sure, he's a busy guy and so much responsibility with four daughters.  Normally he's smiling up a storm but he's concentrating on something here. ; )

Uh Oh...Mom is getting creative...It's turning into a barrel of monkeys!

Everyone is getting into the act!  

Mar-Mar says...Aw shoot!  I'll just sit pretty and read!  Lea is over to the right sight unseen! Becs is taking it all in...

A beautiful sunset to behold, definitely worthy of photos! Almost there...


We're H-E-R-E!!!!   Mar, Becs and there's....Li -Li!!  Just look at those gorgeous clouds!!!!

We were waiting outside for our table, Delle, Hubs and I are on the camera side.

We had a fun family evening.  Do you go out to eat as a family occasionally?  If so, where do you like to go? 

Happy Sunday!

Monday, September 17, 2012

The Liebster Award! How Very Nice Indeed! Come on Over! : )

The Musings of Marianna blog, my daughter, Marianna! (Mar Mar) has bequeathed me with an award. The Liebster Award. How very nice indeed. I am quite quite honored. No one seems to know exactly what the award means, or why it is awarded, but we are all deeply honored to receive it, nonetheless.

This is, however, an award with responsibilities, ones which I do not take lightly. They go something like this:
-List 7 or 11 random things about yourself
-Answer the 7 or 11 random questions asked by the awarder (yes, I do like to make up words).
-Pass the award on to 7 or 11 people who have under 200 followers, and
- make up your own 7 or 11 random questions for them to answer.

Okie Dokie, here goes folks.

1. I have discovered lately that I just love smiling, when I wake up and go outside to pray, I smile whether I feel like it or not. I look up to the Lord and smile big. It makes my feelings line up with the smile I have found. I smile and thank the Lord for being fearlessly and wonderfully made. So dear family, if you see me smile for no good reason, now you know why.

2. I love old fashioned everything, I love the 1940s, in fact I adore the 1940s...I've felt this way since I was old enough to perceive different times and moods...probably back in elementary school. I never liked mini skirts or any of that. I love old 40s black and white movies and have quite a collection. Most 40s movies are safe and sound to watch for our family.

3. Atmosphere is very important to me. I like to dress even daily as part of the atmosphere, to be pleasant to the eye even for myself when I look in the mirror... for me, that means make-up, my hair done in a simple romantic style, usually messy but romantic. I'll tie a pony tail in a simple ribbon. Long cotton skirts usually, although I do capris sometimes in summer and sweats too in the winter. : )

Memo: Today I look like Marmee gone bad. I'm wearing white socklets (Vicks on the bottoms of my feet) with green flip flops and a long skirt jumper, my hair? (never mind!) If the elegant Marmee would see me today, she would pity me I'm sure would probably offer to bring me warm pop-overs.

*eh hem*...back to my answer...I even like to put a necklace on to complete my atmosphere.... Music is a big thing to me as well...I've enjoyed Michael Card once again lately, his music is full of class and is undoubtedly Christian and it ministers greatly. I like Pride and Prejudice (the soundtrack), I love 40s music very much. I love the theme to 'To Kill a Mockingbird'.

4. I really, really desire simplicity in my life but have a little (a lot) of trouble with it. My parents and grandparents were Depression era and I'm married to a Real Estate broker, we own our own business. That means we never know when a paycheck will come if ever no matter how much work is done. So...I tend to hold on to things. I'm learning though on certain things and doing better. It still bothers me to be wasteful though so that is one area of clutter, that will have to just be.

5. I love skirts, skirts that are ankle length...I love to belt tops over them. That is my favorite thing to wear to the grocery store, a skirt and top with mary janes, a cotton cardigan draped over my shoulders, tied in front. I feel good like that, and ya know? I think it inspires others to share in their femininity too, as they see I have fun celebrating my femininity. I love making skirts out of cute cotton prints, lately I'm working on black velvet and finished a black taffeta too. My fave pattern is Simplicity #4881.

6. The little girl, Scout in the movie, 'To Kill a Mockingbird' playing with her crayons humming at the beginning of the movie portrays my quiet little life as a little girl in a very similar old, old neighborhood. I am an only child brought up very practically, so the little world of drawing and water coloring, playing with my dolls and dog was my little world. And of course playing nurse, caring for the sick. All of these things have significance in my life now down to the Southern voice in the movie. (mine) I can make a vowel howl. ; )

7. I like to see how far I can make a dollar stretch. I've learned so much in frugality since being married to "George Bailey". I cut my own hair, re-purpose clothing and buy my simple shoes from ebay and Walmart but even then have put a freeze on things, the best way to declutter. Have you ever heard of flylady's rubber chicken? I do rubber beans. Yes, I need to put that one up. I'm a vegetarian and ethical vegan too.

8. I'm a prolife advocate and our family votes prolife. It bothers me when church goers will go with dumb economic promises. How in the world can they trust someone who is okay with killing an unborn baby? How is that working for their conscience? Oh if wombs had windows!

9. I don't quite fit in with any particular group. I fit in with my Father, and He created me to be individual and He loves me like I am. At the age of 51 I've discovered, I'm very happy just being me. I've always admired those who are happy being themselves.

10. I like to keep things in a very sweet spirit in my home. I do not like most commercials entering in, I do not like most modern shows or movies entering in. It blows my mind what people who call themselves Christians and some who are even in the ministry will watch and think it's funny etc. What a disgrace.

11. I'm a creative messy, a merciful slob at times. I like clean, but I become cluttered, dust bunnies like it here. My mom 82 is a cleanie but she tries to help me a little and doesn't criticize (hardly ever) ; ) she knows I'm like my daddy. ; ) I do flylady to help me. So...if you ever want to come over please give me three hours notice! Ha! (Its the truth!)

12. I'm going to throw one more in for the road. I feel guilty sometimes when I blog. I feel like my rear is turning into lead! *chuckle* Anyone else feel like that?

Okay, now Marianna asks these questions:

1) What aspect of life do you view as hardest? Oh dear me, things that make me nervous. I was called for jury duty, I was so jittery, I accidently dropped both my hardcover book and jury summons in the commode at the courthouse I was so nervous. Anyone even mentioning me going to the doctor just freaks me out. I used to think the doctor's was a social time for me, then I had bad experiences. Real bad. Also controlling people just make me want to run to the hills, although I will definitely go toe to toe with them when necessary. I respect myself more than they when it comes down to it. Sometimes it just has to be done. : )

2) What instrument would you like most to play?
I would play the piano like our sweet piano teacher and confidant' friend; Mrs. Blount, she was so beautiful the way she played...God was there.

3) What retro sitcom character do you most identify with? (i.e. Lucy? Ethel? Laura Petry? Rob Petry? Mr. Muenster? etc.? :)
Oh goodness, maybe a Laura Petry.

4) There was a dish in China called "The Most Delicious Dish", which turned the conversation to what each cook considered their "most delicious dish"... what dish are you famous for among your family and friends? That would be my Italian Grandma's stuffed artichokes.

5) Do you like to solve problems at night or in the morning?

Probably in the morning when I'm praying.

6) What is your favorite way to start your mornings?
In prayer definitely, then reading my Bible and devotions.

7) If you could visit any country, which would it be?
I guess that would have to be Italy but I'm quite content here in my own backyard, the country because I think it's lovely right here. Yes Indeedie.

Now I shall pass this sweet little award on to seven other sweet bloggers, now keep in mind, I normally don't pass on these awards but I feel more at home on my little Forest Cathedral blog here so I'll give it a whirl!

On the Little Acre

Writings of Elizabeth Prentiss Maxine

The Opulent Poppy Eva

The Saxophone Players Wife Carolyn

The Gatepost Cassandra

Eight Acres of Eden Ann, A new blogging friend

Knights and Maidens Gathering
Cinnamon, A new blogging friend

Okay! Now all of you get to pass this award on to 7 blogging acquaintences or friends who have less than 200 followers. They get to answer your questions and read your 7 - 11 answers! : )

Here are my 7 - 11 questions for you all:

1. What is your favorite devotional book?

2. What is your favorite dish to cook for supper?

3. What time period would you choose to live in?

4. Do you like to sew or hobby? Garden? Farm?

5. Have you had any physical challenges that you would like all of us to pray about? Any challenges or requests for prayers? EDIT: Praise reports too! : )

6. Do you have special frugal tricks?

7. Do you have any sewing patterns that are favorites that you would like to share with us?

8. One to grow on... Do you feel guilty when blogging? How do you handle that? An allotted time? Shunning perfection? : )

I hope everyone's having a sweet day! If you weren't tagged here and you would like to participate that's great, I would enjoy reading all about you. Some of you were already tagged on Marianna'a blog. (Carmen and Jane) : )

In His Great Love, ~Amelia

Sunday, September 2, 2012

September...In Preparation for Autumn, a Typical Eve Here

Family Nights are Best. We love the fall, and a week or so ago Grace and Joycie decided to be ever-ready after dinner. We have Joycie putting a beautiful fall wreath together and Grace making some fall scarves from materials bought that day from Hobby Lobby on a sisterly outing. What's on... What's on? The old movie, 'Witness for the Prosecution', a great classic movie. We love the old classic 40s black and whites. A good time in the country when a healthy fear of God was present in the country. Most new ones don't have the same sweetness. Even in the 50s, they just don't have the same innocence. You can tell, morals are coming down even in the 50s as the country was becoming sure of itself once again. It is noticeable. We like to keep it sweet, never streetwise. In the kitchen? Guiseppe And a wonderful autumn candle from Hobby Lobby. I've been busy re-purposing some old clothes during the day hours. This is an old dress from Mar, I'm taking the scissors to it and have made myself a beautiful tea-length skirt, details to come most likely on my thats-italian blog. My reading spot lately, I've been reading a new book hot off the press, and it is excellent for youth and all ages. It's a nice little Christian book on living with less entitled, 'Living With Unexpected Key to Happiness' by Joshua Becker. In this day of more, more, more...I highly recommend. : ) What are you reading? Listening: I've been really enjoying listening to: 'The Fabulous Frank Sinatra & Tommy Dorsey' and the theme to 'Pride and Prejudice' by Dario Marianelli along with an old cd with 'Michael Card Favorites'...My daughter, Zuzu is 22 and remembers Michael Card's wonderful, deeply contemplative and sometimes cheerful Christian songs...I listened to Michael Card when I carried her. Amazing. So that's the view from here. Do you all have any special things you like to do to prepare for autumn? Any good books? Sweet, pretty music? Happy Lord's Day Everyone! Love in Christ, ~Amelia EDIT 9.4.12: I have a guest post going at my sweet friend, Amanda's blog, The Little Acre: Peace Adds, Busyness Takes Away Part I Peace Adds, Busyness Takes Away Part II Part III

Thursday, August 30, 2012

A Rhapsody in Blue (sky) Morning! Dogs and Patch Realness

Every day is a journal page, what will we compose?

The music, Rhapsody in Blue by Gershwin was actually playing from the brewed as I stood there quite amused with the entire scenario; The music sounds just like cows trotting along!..Mr. Lundy's cows coming to pay a visit with their sweet eat breakfast of course. Rhapsody in Blue? Yes! Isn't that a hoot! The girls had checked the cd out from the library and we were having fun listening to it. Love the library for music! When we are tight on a budget? The library! When we aren't tight on money? The library! At least we can see if we like an album before we purchase it. Another thing to save money? Bar soaps! I use the above $1.99 inexpensive peppermint glycerine soap in the kitchen laying on a sponge, it lasts forever too.

Hi Mommy Cow...

"No matter how little money and how few possessions you own, having a dog makes you rich."
~Louis Sabin

Muffie is amused as well and wants to say Hey to the Mommy cow...

Muffie was rescued from a busy intersection by Mar over four years ago on primary day as she went to vote. This little guy's collar was rusted shut he had been out in the elements for so long. He is a darling.

Charlie. Becs rescued Charlie from the pound with her birthday money after our Minnie Pearl passed away. He is very sensitive, his eyes tell it all. They all are sensitive actually...

Esther. Little Esther was bought by Mar with graduation money. She is so cute, she talks.

Giusseppe. Giusseppe was rescued from the street in our neighborhood, he was found wondering around by his lonesome, cataracts in eyes. We treat his eyes with homeopathic drops. What a sweetie pie angel.

My pets are a gift from God. When I was a little girl, an only child... I always wanted dogs and cats in our house with me, but my mom was not a dog or cat person, she said they had to be outside pets. I believe God moves in mysterious and wonderful ways in our lives at later times. As a little girl I would have literal dreams of having little dogs and kittens like this for my very own in my house. Today when I look at my sweet pet angels, I know they are from GOD.

"A house is not a home until it has a dog."
~Gerald Durrell

The mornings, our ritual....Our doglets and I go outside to pray, talking to the good Lord.

We see:

I thought it was so interesting that the spider web shown so nicely in the morning sun, it's like us. If we are in the sun (Son) we shine too and reflect His Light.

The view from the porch...Giuseppe is trotting right along.

One of the mommy cows decided to meander around and take a refreshment from our giant blue punch bowl. Hubs found some neat natural blue coloring for our pond so it would be "pretty".


Evening Time

That evening, Hubs is into his comfy clothes.

Everyone say hello to Hubs, his patched pants? We decided it would be worth a try for me to hand patch them the old fashioned way so Hubs can finish them out good and proper before buying new ones. I had an old unflattering denim split skirt handed down from a neighbor...and I took the scissors to it. As Eva on the Opulent Poppy blog says:

"Nothing says love like hand-sewn patches!"
(The Opulent Poppy)

Let me hear from anyone who reads here. How do you save money in your home? What are your simple pleasures, do have special things that God has brought forth in your life? Little things that only you and God know????

This post has been linked to Frugal Friday at LifeasMom.

Let me know. I don't want this blog to be a bragblog but just a "this is my house" blog. This is the way we live. A come have coffee with me kind of blog...

My simple pleasure for today is sitting next to Becs and helping her with some Consumer Math.

She says she's going to throw her math out the window and be math illiterate! Ha! I tell her most artists aren't exactly math people... ; )

True Confession: My post below, the bookcase shelf. The one with Minnie Pearl's collar. I put the collar shot up with the least dust showing. The shelves need dusting ....bad. : )

Life is not intended to be simply a round of work, no matter how interesting and important that work may be. A moment's pause to watch the glory of a sunrise or a sunset is soul satisfying, while a bird's song will set the steps to music all day long. ~Laura Ingalls Wilder

Love to All, ~Amelia