Here's my little Amelia tree:
It's complete with true-vintage Christmas cards from the 30s and 40s and little doggy and kitty ornaments not to mention a little elephant...My husband says it's just like me...old fashioned in a good way. : )
A balanced woman of God sees herself as valuable, gifted, responsible for her own growth and maturity--not overly dependent on anyone to get her through life or to make her secure.
~Charles Swindoll
A couple of years ago I started using a four foot tree and I'm so very glad I did. I can keep it in my coat closet and pull it out myself. I just put it on my childhood coffee table and it's wonderful.
What did I use to decorate my tree?
As I wrote in the last entry, I used a tube of pale pink dollar tree ornaments and little silver metal bell-type ones with old fashioned icicles too! These are unbreakable ornaments, no one wants to visit a museum with little children, they want to visit a loving home where it's okay for little hands to touch things. Of course everyone minds their manners. ; ) ....and hugs are many.
These two little ornaments remind me of Elbee one of our kitties and Liesl one of our doggies. Our oldest daughter, Janie just bought me the little kitty ornament recently. Blue eyes just like Elbee.
This one opens up to this:
These beautifully old and loved cards are so telling of a very thoughtful culture back in the 30s, 40s and 50s. People treasured these darling cards, decorating with them throughout their homes and then carefully and lovingly securing them in scrapbooks to keep safe for years, many times until they passed from this green earth.
Back then a Christmas card really meant something. So very, very sweet.
Photo by Robert Stock
Looking for nice old fashioned Christmas movies? Here's a partial list from a few years ago including some pics from when I was a little gal:
It's peaceful here this time of year in the forest, in December there is a special kind of Peace...
EDIT 12.13.22 I love it when our neighbor's cows come to visit...I love to watch them, such wonderful and interesting creatures. I talk with them and they seem to understand! Once one was afraid and ran away, I quietly said: "Don't be scared, I won't hurt you...." That cow turned around and looked at me and came closer standing there eye to eye with me. I think these precious creatures know in their hearts that this is a sanctuary for them. It's been said that the cows kneel on Christmas eve at midnight for Baby Jesus. If you see the precious old movie, 'Tenth Avenue Angel' with Margaret O'Brien you will see what I'm speaking of.
Our Two Eldest Grandsons Having Fun...
Mimi's fun. Mimi buy us Captain America outfits! ; ) Mimi found these on clearance. Perfect. What a fun play day.
And here's our youngest little grandson saying: Ya'll have a Merry Christmas! This sweet little angel's eating one of those little apples I was writing about. We have Mimi (hibiscus-peach) tea, Mimi apples, Mimi little cherub oranges and even Mimi frozen banana slices.
For frozen banana slices: Just get a peeled banana or two or three and slice width ways in circles, not too terribly thick. Place the circles on wax paper on a plate in freezer and when frozen place them in a large zip lock to reach into. It's a very nice snack for the older littles.
I found this playlist and thought you all might enjoy this too, it shows some touching Christmas shots of our WWII soldiers at Christmas along with the original radio clips:
Tradition gives us a sense of solidarity and roots, a knowing there are some things one can count on.
~Gloria Gaither
The following is what I listen to in my kitchen, enjoy and be touched as I am every time I hear this...The entire playlist is on the site there. I think of my life as a little girl as I listen to the music here:
How could I forget about this darling Christmas book by Roy Rogers?:
...Simply adorable yet so poignant and so very truthful. From 1960. I highly recommend.
You may enjoy this past post from 2019 on the book above and the movie, Meet John Doe, Remember...Don't be a Heelot!:
care all, let's be alert to those around us who need a cheering up.
Maybe we need cheering up and can receive through giving? I'll be the first to admit this season can sure stir up thoughts of missing our loved ones...