I am thinking... Oh wow. Do you really want to know? Thinking of a visit at my dad's yesterday. Thinking of my dad telling Lea just what he thought of JFK as Lea brought up the assassination. My dad still reels over the Bay of Pigs (understandably!). Don't mess with our boys when it comes to my dad. Dad went to a private military school in Biloxi Mississippi after his mother passed away when he was a little boy. Sad in some ways, such a little guy being sent away like that. But just don't mess with my dad on certain things. Let's just say when Mar heard Lea bring the JFK assassination up she looks at me and murmurs out of the side of her mouth...I need to go get my dessert now..she whispers...Lea's going to be sor-ry.... It was okay. Daddy was civil but real. Yes, we are very real people when it comes to what we think. He was nice about the assassination and he too believes there were other gunmen. Fascinating to learn about.
Here's a photo of my mom and dad when they were first married. They are both 82 now. Divorced unfortunately. Spent the day with both of them yesterday ...oh my. I'm an only child and it amazes me to see the same behaviors good and bad at times. Much to carry at times for me but God will help me, He always does. (written through watery eyes). They are both such, sweet, sweet people...So sweet. Life is hard to understand sometimes, it just is. It. Just. Is.
They were such a a handsome couple don't you think? I think this was probably taken around 1953 - 54? Classic time capsule.
I am thankful for... My husband and girls. A husband who doesn't curse or use off color language, who fears God. He doesn't watch garbage on t.v. and isn't going to allow anything worldly in this home. He is very particular on that and I am SO thankful! I also love his voice...(I know, it's random but true). Girls who walk uprightly; neat to see my youngest picking up on rebellion in others and telling me about it. God is faithful.
I am wearing... light stone colored capris, a cotton v-neck turquoise mini print modern paisley print shorter tunic... sleeveless. Very cool colors. I made it myself and this summer I chopped the sleeves off and hemmed it making it sleeveless but a teensy glimpse of a flattering perky cap sleeve. I used to do fashion illustrations and now in my middle age I am assembling stuff I like, easy stuff but stuff I like. I know who I am and what I like. My hair is growing longer (yay!) and I have it swept up in a messy bun with my new cat eye glasses on top of my head. It's so fun having longer hair and a newer style of eyeglasses.
In the learning room...Becs is starting on her photography assignment. I love the neat online course from the Institute of Photographic Study. Sounds fancy eh?
I am remembering...Sup, sup, supper time! The wash! I'm trying this cleaning schedule this week. We'll see if this or flylady works for me. You gotta love flylady...
I am going... Nowhere today.
I am currently reading... A neat new book, 'Main Street Vegan' by Victoria Moran. Outstanding book so far. And my Bible and devotional of course.
I am hoping... things will normalize?
On my mind... Hmmm... So much, just so much.
Noticing that...It's getting late.
Pondering these words...You can always recognize who has been through the fires of sorrow and received himself, and you know that you can go to him in your moment of trouble and find that he has plenty of time for you. But if a person has not been through the fires of sorrow, he is apt to be contemptuous, having no respect or time for you, only turning you away... ~Oswald Chambers.
I call it The Companionship of Brokeness!
Sometimes I would like to tell some of these women who don't seem to have that Companionship... Honey your looks are alright but somebody needs to put a bag over your personality...you're as cold as ice dearie!
From the kitchen... Hmmm. I have some ideas for supper...maybe just a simple pasta? Don't know. Becs will be making a pie crust in the next few minutes though...
From the working room...I would like to sew today but realistically, I'm not quite sure if I'll get to it, I have some awesome black crinkled taffeta that will make a gorgeous longer tea length crinkly skirt for the fall and winter, even now for dress-up...Love those crinkly skirts that crinkle when ya walk. Black hose and shoes. Beautiful. I also wouldn't mind making some more cloth dinner napkins. I'm noticing how many paper towels we've been going through. I make my napkins easy and a bit smaller than the norm. Just very usable, nothing fancy at all. But you have to have enough to make it cost effective.
Around the house...Dishwasher going, wash going, dryer going, Becs cracking eggs in the kitchen.
One of my favorite things...Peace of the Lord. Surprises He sends. Connecting with my girls on things...Love it.
A photo I would like to share..

My buddy at the nursing home, he is deaf, slightly mute. He is precious. He tries to talk so hard bless his heart. He can only use one of his arms it seems, he is all there I assure you. He's a saint I tell you. I say .."Hey!" He says... "Heayyyy"...I say "You doing okay?" He says: "Yeeeeaaaaahhhh!" The sweetest thing you ever did see. He is also partially blind, and has the best attitude ever. God bless and be with him and all of our nursing home friends. They are the best, what a forgotten treasure.
Take care All, love in Christ. Til the next time.... ~Amelia