Healing in Jesus name for Uncle Bennie, both inside and out. Thank you so much.
Please let me hear from you.
UPDATE. 6:57PM We received a call from his daughter and the precious Italian doctor who took care of not only Uncle Bennie and my Italian grandparents has ordered dialysis for him. There are 5-6 doctors looking after Uncle Bennie. His daughter has signed papers for dialysis to start. It will give him a fighting chance. Uncle Bennie is in pain and this is tough but he is a toughie. The Italian doctor (I have yet to find out his name) loves Uncle Bennie and has repeatedly made the remark that Bennie is fighting....he is so fighting for his life. *deep breath* All I can say is this morning they were asking Jem to be a pallbearer and now we have an entirely new outlook. Will you pray with our family? Thank you.
<3 p="">
3> <3 p="">UPDATE 10.30 5:54PM He received the dialysis treatment this morning and did well. So we are praying he will rally through and the proper actions will be taken for the future. He also has horrible, horrible sores on him because of some negligence in the beginning. Those need to get well, he must be miserable with those. I know God hears our hearts and is moved by our Faith. Thank you so much for continued prayers, brothers and sisters! Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart.3>
<3 p="">
3> <3 p="">UPDATE 11.1.18 9:46pm Uncle Bennie's daughter writes: "Daddy is a little more alert since he's been on dialysis. He now has urinary tract infection and another blood infection...he's hanging in there." ...She will speak with the doctor tomorrow for another update. She adds: "Please thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers we truly appreciate it. I'm walking by faith and not by sight. Please keep us in your prayers..."

The Christian radio station is playing such lovely music today, just for me.

It is God to whom and with
whom we travel, and while He is the
End of our journey, He is also at
every stopping place.
~Elisabeth Elliot

Our little animals seem to know there is something troubling me...
Our hound, Gracie came to me as I was standing on the front porch and nuzzles her long nose, burying her face into my robe like a child, so sweet. Coffee follows me back into the house, and inside with a worried look.
I felt it would be nice to add a couple of songs that minister to me. I did not hear these particular ones on the radio, I was looking for those on youtube and could not find, but did indeed find these. I hope they minister to your heart too.

The photos chosen are lights and darks, much like my mood, much like our lives.
God is with us.
Thank you all. Signing off from the Forest Cathedral... ~Amelia
Praying for your Uncle Bernie. May he be at peace and receive the best of care.
Thank you Barbara so much. There has been an update this evening up above. His old doctor has ordered dialysis. Just this morning they were asking my husband to be a pallbearer.
Please continue prayers, I appreciate them so very much. <3
Dear Amelia,
My thoughts and prayers continue for your Uncle Bennie, yourself and your family.
Times like these are trying even though we know we have a Great God who looks after each and every detail of our lives.
May you find comfort and peace in knowing that others are holding you up in prayer and remembering you as you go through these difficult days.
I remember when we were in the same boat as you when my dad had his open heart surgery, and for me, there was great peace in knowing that there were people all around the world praying, meaning that, as I went to sleep in the evening others on the other side of the globe were beginning their day and would be praying.
So, be encouraged knowing that others are praying and sharing your burdens with you, especially here in our blogging community that reaches around the world. ♡
Sending you much love and BIG warm {{HUGS}}
Continuing to pray things go easily for your Uncle Bennie, however the Lord directs it. I pray he can be made comfortable.
Thank you Debbie, I do feel the prayers, and you are so correct it is so very, very encouraging.
Thank you so much Debbie, I know you get this in more ways than one. I'll post an edit soon.
I appreciate you! Love, ((((hugs)))) ~Amelia
Thank you so much Barbara! I appreciate you! ((((hugs))))
And I will be posting an update edit soon. ~Amelia
I am praying for him!
Thank you so much, Mrs. White! <3 (((hugs)))
Sending prayers🙏🙏
Thank you so much Sharon. True Body of Christ in action. <3
Awe, I pray wonderful things for your dear Uncle. I loved everything about this post lady. Enjoyed it so very much and I am very appreciative you took the time to come and visit me. Made my day. God bless you. Hugs and blessings, Cindy
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