* I do have a recent prayer request update that perhaps I can update here via edits as I receive them. I do have an edit on the entry below. The latest though is this: Uncle Bennie was moved to another building. They had removed drainage tubes, and then the infection moved into blood up to left lung. Blood pressure effected. Please pray, he's becoming weary. Please join me in prayers, thank you so very much ahead of time.
EDIT: 10.20.18 Thank you so much for your prayers! Uncle Bennie had been put back on the respirator after the incident and there was a concern on that. Thank God he has been able to breathe for longer and longer short periods of time every day on his own. ...Just little by little. The bacteria is being held at bay and thank God no adverse reactions. His doctor in the new building was also my grandma's doctor. He too expressed concern about the visiting doctor who made the horrible comment on letting Uncle Bennie just die, he made the comment in front of Uncle Bennie. This doctor also said that Bennie is a fighter. Yes. And God is with us. Please continue prayers for healing and that Uncle Bennie can go home in a timely manner. The doctor said it is just day to day. I hope to keep you all updated, please keep praying Friends. Thank you so much. A sincere hug. ~Amelia
EDIT: 10.21.18 I just received word that Uncle Bennie is breathing on his own during the day. Thanking God! Please keep praying. Thank you ahead of time. A grateful hug. ~Amelia
I saw this sweet, sweet little video this morning and wanted to simply share it, I have a heart for animals and I thought this was sooooo precious.
Speaking of sweet things, I wanted to share an old movie with you that touches my heart and is uplifting to me. It also has some surprising, poignant elements in the end. It teaches of a mother's love for her family and also the importance of getting to know people and where they are at, what they are doing privately perhaps, their gifts etc. There are some wonderful quotes in the movie as well. One part, the mother played by Irene Dunne, one of my favorite actresses says to her daughter in this adorable Norwegian accent, something to this effect...The day I would want to be rich is the day I would want to be ten foot tall...
Irene Dunne seemed to be such a wholesome actress. It is written in the Wikipedia article that she said her favorite time in life was with her father on the riverboats going down the Mississippi River. Her father was a riverboat inspector back then. I can imagine how she felt about that, I grew up on the bay and I too remember the bay air as I played on my grandma and grandpa's pier in front of their home business as I played with my dolls and such, the boats in the distance, the clanging of the shipyard nearby... My Uncle Bennie recently said that he has dreams about it then. A special place, a special time.
The Trailer....
I Remember Mama (1948)

A shot of one of those riverboats still going down the mighty Mississipi in New Orleans...One of my favorite places to be with Jem. New Orleans is a beautiful city if you concentrate on the riverside...So fresh, so serene...I have history there. My Italian Grandma was raised there.

A couple of shots of our little Elbee and Gracie. Both of these precious fur angels were rescued from the roads out here... Gracie the hound thinks Elbee is her baby, it's always been like that. Elbee was a tiny little kitten that apparently had been picked up by a hawk and dropped, he had huge claw marks on his back. Marianna was alert to a tiny little white fuzzy ball dizzily walking down a busy road. Gracie was hairless, and literally, bones when Marianna found her, it was as if she was waiting on Marianna to pick her up. We gave them that life, and oh how rewarding that is...

I hope everyone will have a restful and uplifting Sunday. I read this quote this morning in my Streams in the Desert devotional this morning:
...And it is the clinging hand of His child that makes a desperate situation a delight to God.
Closing on this sweet Sunday with this old favorite song that has been going through my mind lately...
One Evening...

Signing off from the Forest Cathedral... Have a wonderful Sunday Friends, love, ~Amelia
Hello Amelia~I trust you are enjoying a beautiful day ♡
My prayers will continue for your dear Uncle Bennie, that he will hold strong and not become so weary in his healing process. Praying he will feel the prayers of those who are holding him up, and that he will sense the presence of God.
The video of that precious dog being rescued was heart warming, in deed. ♡
My heart is always blessed when I hear and see that there are others out there who care enough to help where there is a need, and there are MANY needs for sure.
Such love...
Praying for you, dear lady~
Praying for peace for your Uncle Bennie and good caregivers in this season of his life.
I have prayed for Uncle Bennie, thank you for the update.
We love I Remember Mama. Anytime we go through a hard situation and come through in the Lord's strength my husband and I jokingly say to one another..."We didn't have to go to the bank" just as Mama kept saying in the movie.
Such cutie pie little pets...you are a kind heart dear Amelia.
Have the loveliest of days💕
I just found my way to your blog. Please know you and your uncle are in my prayers.
Thank you Sharon! Please come by again, I appreciate you being willing to pray and write it in a comment too.
Dear Shirley, Thank you so much!
It's funny, I too quote that same line many times! I just quoted it the other day with our girls! Also, Uncle Chris: "DOWRY! You want a DOWRY!" Or Mr. Torkelton: "Not a very nice man?...." *big smile*
Have a great week. Blessing!
Thank you so very much Barbara!
Have a blessed week!
Thank you so much Debbie, I appreciate your prayers, thoughts and encouragements. It's so true, the needs are many. Many.
I hope you, your family and that Donatella girl are keeping warm!
I love "I Remember Mama" and watch it regularly. Irene Dunne is the perfect portrayal of Mama in that movie. I also have the book and love it too.
I am happy to see an update about your dear Uncle. He continues to be in my thoughts and prayers.
Your pictures are lovely.
Hello Mrs. White,
It's always such a blessing to hear from you. I was just thinking I need to purchase another copy of Old Fashioned Motherhood for my other daughter who just announced a little coming this spring!
Thank you so very much for your prayers for Uncle Bennie. He has been through so much. I hope to put a little edit update at the end of this blog this evening soon.
I love the story of your sweet fur-babies! Our (currently) three cats were also rescued from the streets. Thank you for visiting my blog today!!
Thank you for stopping by Terri! I'm so glad you too love fur-babies, aren't they a blessing? : )
Have a great week! Blessings!
To All who are reading comments and joining in prayers for my Uncle Bennie: I have typed up a couple of updates (EDITS) above. Thank you ahead of time for your prayers! : ) I appreciate you all so very much.
Thank you dear Regine. Sweet sleep and blessings!
I love the little pics of Elbee & Gracie... so cute! And the sunset pics are so pretty! I will have to play the video of the little stray dog... it looks like a heart tugger! <3
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