Yesterday we decided it would be grocery store day in Smalltown and a sweet chance to celebrate our femininity. I decided to belt my knit top with my Autumn skirt I made; green background and beige leaves, cotton material, oh yay, I love the fall.
Now you must know the drive to Smalltown is a huge treat for me, it's like stepping into a moving painting, almost like the old movie,
So Dear To my Heart.
Now that movie is one of the sweetest movies ever for the entire family, made in 1948. This is so precious and nothing is made like it today. Zuzu and I hopped into hubs little car, and away we went...
I love the people in Smalltown, they talk like friendly people should! I receive more fellowship from the stores in Smalltown than anywhere else in life at present and that's okay with me...Yes, I'm thinking God has things for me there. Sometimes God dries things up and we don't understand and there is such sweetness from Him in such unexpected places. If we're not careful we'll overlook what is under our very noses.
It's a bit like the Roma tomatoes yesterday at the store, I was examining them and quickly put an older very ripe one to the side, I felt bad for the poor little tomato (Only me, only me would do that) and I bought it out of mercy. It turned out to be the best little tomato ever!
When Zuzu and I arrived home with our groceries the skies were clouding and we did receive some welcomed rain, not a lot but some relief thank the Lord!
A Very Good Deal!
Michelle and I stopped by Dollar General for a few things, and purchase this huge box of laundry detergent for $
3.50. This box contains 5lbs. 6oz. of glorious soap. But wait there's more! When Zuzu and I arrived at H.E.B. our little grocery store, they had the same size box for only$
2.79! Now that is a wowee in my book! I also enjoy using the Foca brand too. It sure beats making my own. I tried making my own once and almost lost my religion if you know what I mean. ; ) On most of these powdered soaps we can experiment and use a smaller amount then what is recommended.
My Bookshelf...
After loading groceries and marveling over the nice clean windows and clean floors (thank you Hubs and Joycie) I took myself a wee nap.
This is my private bookshelf on the side of my bed...My books are some of my friends. Hubs has his own bookshelf too.
I become a bit overloaded at times, not to mention framed prints and such that I'm waiting to hang...I just need that special place.
This is one of my favorite things on my bookshelf, this is hubs when he was a little guy...So cute.
Just got back in from our family vacation (a lovely sweet time for us all) remnants shown here, my favorite black flats and my book light...Oh to be so minimal. Never fear, I had more than several pair of shoes I brought...and I used them all.
Janie comes home from our office in Oldtown checking into our pita chips from Dollar General and Muffie lounges on our couch, this little guy is something else...A typical eve in our home.
In the Working Kitchen? Spinach and Artichoke Lasagna by Zuzu, yesterday's grocery store buddy.
Some shots yesterday evening on a typical autumn eve here.
Last weekend we heard a rap at the door...
it was the boy from the family with the cattle lease. He was complaining because his deer was scared away by one of us on
our property. Oh dear me. I could smell the fragrance of fabric softener wafting from his shirt as he stood there. We told him we did not want hunting on our property, we have daughters walking and running on our property (not to mention we do not believe in hunting for sport). And no it 's not a girly thing, Hubs feels the same way. Protection when a must, yes and so far we haven't needed that, and sport killing a definite
no. We also reminded ourselves that the boy's family has plenty of acreage of their own.
Hubs, Michelle and I went for a walk an hour or so later and there was the boy hiding, camoflauged on the back of our property with a bow and arrow ...He sheepishly looks up at us from his crouched position... I asked the boy in a most dignified but clearly aggravated way (think Christy to Mundy) "What are you doing here?". Hubs tried to be nice about it as the boy put his arrows away. *sigh* It was disturbing, it made me want to cry.
Thank God they moved all hunting gear and deer feeder away to their own property. I certainly don't want problems and I don't want people hurt or animals. It's a shame. Can you imagine? I'm not so afraid of panthers or snakes but I'm afraid of people at various times. Trust me, it was and is a matter of prayer.
Psalms 91.
Our family enjoyed
Operation Pacific (1951) the last two evenings. We checked this one out from the library, and we are so glad we did. Not only is it the battle between the Americans and Japanese it is a battle of a husband winning his wife back and being a true man. John Wayne and Patricia Neal star in this movie. I love one of the opening scenes with nuns and little orphan children taking refuge in the submarine.
Well take care everyone, the day's getting by me and I have a lot to do today. : )
I hope you all are doing well, prayers going forth for our country. So much going on. I think the best thing to do besides prayers and participation is making our very homes the peaceful place unto the Lord minding our own business, training our young men to be men and our young ladies to be young ladies in our homes, hopefully they will see examples of contentment within us, why mix things up with the world's way?
If everyone would do this just think what the country could be again.
EDIT:10.11.11 I now have some wowee recommendations on Vision for a Godly Home. Enjoy!
Let me know how you all are doing when you get a chance! ~Amelia
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