HI EVERYONE! Do you like this red dress? I won it on a sweet giveaway from Eva over at Opulent Poppy. This cute dress is such a blessing. It fits great and is so cheerful. I'm enjoying wearing it as you can see. I'm holding Esther, Marianna's toy poodle here. No, I didn't cut my hair, I just have it back in a clip. : )
Here is also a darling photo of our baby birds on my baby daughter (she's 17 now!) Rebecca's blog:
Baby Birds on Poetic Capture Blog.
Enjoy! May we remember that God takes care of us just as He takes care of the little birds of the air...I love birds... They are one of the sweetest things I know on earth.
I've been fighting a bad, bad case of flu. Last night I took a break from the couch and walked out to the pond...it was evening and the moon had come out. I think it's a pity to live in the beautiful country and not enjoy outside in God's creation carefully looking at His handiwork. When I walk outdoors my soul immediately rests.
I walked out to the pond and I see a huge school of tiny black fish, they were conglomerated together swirling around in a strange pattern, very interesting. I called back in the house and told the fam, my oldest daughter Lea (28) came out and she too enjoyed the moon and the surroundings...We talked about how neat it was to see a car every now and then, and it seems so quiet here but yet we know there are others down the roads in various directions, there is the policeman close by with his huge dogs, a couple of homeschool families, the two young doctors out here in the middle of nowhere; a husband and wife, the older couple, Mr. and Mrs. Jones and on it goes...Lea tells me this property is her favorite of all our properties we've lived at. The yellow house was nice, it was cleared around the house, we could walk to the back creek. The white tree house was in the trees very wooded and we couldn't hardly see the sky. Here we can see the trees and the sky and we have the pond right here.
Lea thought it was neat that when we had moved into town she could see the sky. Now we see both. She likes it here now that we're back in the country. We've moved a bit, my hubby is a real estate broker.
I went inside after a little while of musing and watching the moon and the pond and the little swarming school of fish. I could tell Lea was thinking about life.
I know this...Under the same moon, the little sliver of the light golden moon, are others wondering the same things...
It was a charming evening.
Praying I will get well soon from the flu with it's mean dizziness that makes me feel so very helpless. Maybe God likes it like that. Total dependence on Him.
Listening to: Theme from Anne of Green Gables
Reading: "Lo, Michael!" by Grace Livingston Hill (I have an old 1913 copyright book) I'm wondering if this might make a good read-aloud book but I need to complete it first to see.
This morning I heard the old song by Judy Collins, PBS is doing one of their specials and they had a folk music special...The song?
"Both Sides Now"
I've looked at life from both sides now....
I remember several Christmas's ago a homeschool mom and long time friend had come to our home during one of our 'Vessels of Honor' meetings taught my my dd25 Marianna, she brought me a precious little metal sled filled with peppermints. She had discovered our wonderful dime store in our last town, and she was thrilled, she had 3 little sleds, blue, red and green, she let me pick which little sled I liked best. It was one of the sweetest things ever...That very morning I had talked with the Lord about feeling so used on some things... It just goes to show. Never underestimate what a little gift from the dime store that is thought out can do for someone. Even a little card.
Enough rambles here...
I need to go lay down and rest...this flu is a bear to me. God is bigger. I'll enjoy the quiet and the sweet musical chitter chatter of our four girls...How can I complain?
This is the left tip of our pond in the late afternoon-evening...see the reflection? I'm learning how to post photos on my blog and I think I had better stop while I'm ahead. Have a nice afternoon everyone. Please pray I get better soon. In Christ, ~Amelia
The baby birds are so precious! Your daughter does beautiful photography!
I'm so glad you like the dress! It looks fabulous on you : )
Hope and pray you feel better soon!
That's a great picture! Love the reflection...looks like a good place for reflection!
The baby bird picture is great!
I like the dress. You look beautiful in everything though. How nice to be able to wear red! (envy!)
Rebecca's picture is amazing. Her photography eye has really grown!
Sigh. I miss peaking in on the girls VOH get-togethers. Maybe someone will post snippets for me since I don't have a FB anymore?!
Thanks for the book recommendations you left on my blog...found some Grace Livingston free kindle downloads - reading them now...also the magazine is great! Hope you feel better quickly!
(btw, I don't know why the first comment you left didn't appear either...but I'm very glad you caught it! - we're enjoying them!)
Such a beautiful picture of you (and Esther too- she's sensitive, you know, about who's getting attention ;]), really lovely. I like the red dress too- wish I could whip up a cute dress out of a castoff like that!
It's so nice indeed out here in the country... I'm real glad we can all enjoy it together. And you're so right... the little things really are the big things.
Love you! keep blogging for Jesus! <3
That dress is so cute! And fits really well to. I love dresses like that. :) And the pic of you and Esther is so beautiful and precious.
Yes, that was a lovely summer evening the other night. I am so glad we stopped "life" to take time to soak it in. Those simple, special moments are irreplaceable... and once lost cannot be re-lived... as you well know. I am trying to prioritize things like that in my life. There seems to be a poignant theme running through your blog (which I had the pleasure of looking over this afternoon) reminding me of this very thing.
Hope you get well SOON!!! Love & Hugs, Lea :)
How fun to find you and your girls again. Yes, I do pray you are feeling better soon...or sooner! Love, Q.'
Thank you for sharing this with us dear friend, and I will lift you up to the Father for healing. It IS very beautiful out there, my heart is there with you.
I do hope you will be well soon, Amelia. I know with the help of the Lord and that darling red dress you will be better in no time! Thanks for coming to my blog. I left you a message there last night. You bless me so! Trusting the Lord will take care of the "little foxes" that spoil the vine. You know? He does that well. You have such great comfort and consolation in your darling daughters. Oh, and I love your hair pulled up. You get the best of both worlds. Long and short! Jane BG
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