Monday, November 23, 2020

Cheerful Christmas Music! Praline Yam Recipe, Some of Our Fur Angels, News Sources. a Hymn

Such a nice time of year for most, but a sobering and sad time for many.  We're puttering around getting things ready...Taking notices of the beautiful autumn light that filters through...

I can't tell you how many mornings or afternoons I see the most beautiful glow and am tempted to retrieve my phone but no.    I would have to leave the feel of things and it's not worth it to me...The electronic age can steal life from us if we let it.  

I'm making Thanksgiving dishes in the kitchen, our youngest, Grace is cleaning out the pantry for wandering pilgrims who end up in there hunting for something.

 Here's what we are listening to (so fun)  just cute Christmas music that reminds me of when I was a little girl:

Kmart Store Intercom Christmas Music


Kmart Christmas In Store Music

A Good Hour of Classic Christmas Songs

So whatcha cookin' for Thanksgiving?   I already baked my sweet potato casseroles.  

Don't you wanna know what kind I bake?   I have a special one that my Italian grandma always-always made!  Now you must know my Grandma was from Naples, Italy.  Her family landed in Boston and came down to New Orleans to the south.  I have New Orleans in my blood.

loading ...  Here is my traditional recipe, it's the old one from the can of sweet potatoes.  (I forgot the brand)  But never fear...Alas!  I saved the recipe and I make this dish every Thanksgiving!   (Black & White Photos by Robert Stock)


You will need to triple recipe for a 13 x 9 pan.  

29 oz. can cut yams

1/3 cup coconut

1/3 cups pecans chopped (I used walnuts)

1/3 cups brown sugar

3 T. Flour

3 T Butter or margarine

Heat oven to 350 degrees.  Place drained yams in ungreased 1 1/2 quart casserole or baking dish.  (Save juice).  Combine remaining ingredients put on yams.  Add a little juice to keep from drying.  Bake at 350 for 35-40 minutes until bubbly.

I made 2 pans, one traditional and one healthier; wheat free, very low sugar.  I doubled each and put them in foil pans for easy cleanup.  They are resting in my deep freeze, going night-night until the morning of Thanksgiving.  


I used unsweetened organic coconut.    I use almond or  brown rice flour.  Instead of brown sugar I use a tablespoon of maple extract and I used Whole Earth raw sugar and stevia baking blend.   with a little water. You could also use plain stevia.  I use 1/2 tsp. of the blend x 12.  (something like that).  I try to keep things under 3 grams of sugar per serving for myself .  Instead of using the juice I use water to moisten.

 So.  The pilgrims who want the sugary stuff will have theirs and those of us who want to limit sugar will have the other pan.  Voila.  Done.  Tried and true.  

I know it's not fresh yams, I know, I know but I don't care.  It's a busy time of year and when you have pilgrims and a couple of little indians showing up we homemakers gotta do what we gotta do.  K.I.S.S.  Keep it simple sweetie.  I always have tried to keep it simple on much of this so I don't drive myself crazy.  

Grace picked up a tofurky brand vegan stuffed turkey roll for a few of us.   Jem will handle the "other". (frown)   That is no longer in my job description. 

Did you know Fred Rogers was also a veggie guy?  He was a Christian, a Republican and a minister as well.  So I will add Mr. Rogers to my Tender Conscience  Hall of Fame. 


Here's some of my fur children pics for you.

Today:  Peanut the dauchsy


 He is such a little trip! His expressions are hilarious. Rescued from the road last Thanksgiving by my son in love.

Muffie, our sweet lil Schitzu, taken last week.  He's getting older and can't see very well.  The little guy gave us a scare the other week when we got home and he was nowhere to be found.  We found him on the back of our property laying in the grass just a-wagging his tail!  We've since built a little boarded yard area for him out the doggy door like we had for our little Guiseppe.  Way back when Huckabee was running for President my daughter, Joycie found the matted little guy in the middle of the street, his collar rusted shut. Doesn't he have such a sweet little face?


He follows me around the house here, he's a little heartbeat at my feet. ...So sweet.



One of our kitties...This little guy is a real cuddle bunny, his name is Howdy, he's very shy.  His mommy was a rescue kitty we rescued under a freeway overpass one dark night.


 He loves to come and sit on the arm  of my chair in the early morning when I'm praying and I pet his sweet little head..He loves it.  ...Howdy, my cuddle bunny.



Here, One Recent Morning...



I hope you all are doing well.  Many have cruel losses this year, I personally have a dear friend in middle age whose husband just died after falling from a ladder, being in a coma for weeks and months of rehab. 

And some of us are perhaps remembering losses from last year and years before that too.  I have many loved ones on my mind trust me.  Oh how I miss them...Only God knows how I miss them.  This time of year reminds me of when I would talk to my daddy on the phone...He telling me how his mother made bechamel sauce for turnips...Yes, Daddy, I'm getting a green thumb like you.  I have turnip greens growing in my garden, you would be so proud, Daddy. 


loading ...  The state of the country is in need of prayer, God is moved by our faith and we can use spiritual warfare, don't give up.   Please allow me to share two youtube sources that help us keep up with things from a Christian perspective, both post often, usually daily:


loading ...The Eric Metaxas Radio Show  

loading ...Ron Paul Liberty Report




Closing with a hymn...   Heralds of Christ   

I just heard this sung at an old, old, old historical church I once attended that is televised. I thought I had finally found a church that suited me, my parents were married there, my daughter Zuzu and son in love, Tommy were too. An old Wesleyan Cathedral whose walls shout Christ and His Holy Spirit....But it was taken over by liberal thinking, the Holy Ghost led pastor and most of the staff left almost like a coup.  (horrible)   It happened around four years ago.  It's a loss in my life.  But oh listening to this song....Oh did it hit some heartstrings...  


Have a wonderful evening, though many of us have things in our lives that have caused such pain, we can still march on with the Lord.  He's there for us all during these times.      We can be that quiet force in our families.  The painful times build wisdom and help us help others.

Be kind.   Be merciful.

God bless and be with you,    ~Amelia


Barbara said...

This is a delightful post you have given to us, Amelia. Thank you for the music, the recipes, and pictures of your fur babies and everything else. I will listen to the Christmas music today and am going to the hymn right now.

Have a blessed Thanksgiving. Thank you for your friendship and prayers.

auntie said...

What a peaceful and gentle visit when I come to your little corner of the internet. I think that is something that the rest of the world is truly in need of, peace and gentleness. Yes this year will be particularly difficult without my love. He was always full of thanks, for the good and the bad and the lessons he learned from then. I will take you and yours to mass with me on Thanksgiving day and count you among those I am thankful for.

Marianna said...

The praline yams are a real treat! they’re my favorite way to prepare thanksgiving sweet potatoes. So delicious! I love all the pics — so sweet and delightful! It is indeed a sobering time, but also a joyful one like you said. I’m so thankful Jesus has overcome the world.
I’m going to put the music on today while I paint, it’s so cheerful and makes me feel like I am back in time in the best possible way!

Thankful for Grace said...

Just wanted you to know that I have once again disengaged from blogging. My time off-line at my parents was SO good. While I think the internet has some good qualities, by and large, I think it is a time stealer. When I am offline, I realize how much of my time is squandered online. So, I feel led (again) to stop blogging. But, although I won't be writing, I WILL stop by to visit you on occasion. Also, please feel free to email me. I want to keep up our friendship!

Love and hugs,

Amelia said...

Hi Barbara, I thought of you today when I was listening to the Christmas music! I hope you enjoy!

Thank you for your sweet comment dear friend, I appreciate you!

Amelia said...

Ann, Oh dear one, you are in my thoughts and prayers...I'm honored to call you friend, please feel free to come and share about your love, I've always remembered you sharing about his kindness that he shared so freely, his giving ways, taking you to the sewing and fabric shop and treating you to all kinds of goodies there. Him always saying...What can I do to help. I'm honored to be with you in spirit this Thanksgiving.

What a beautiful legacy, in the meantime I know this is very, very painful for you, there are no words at all that are adequate, even the word, 'painful' seems anemic to describe. I'm praying for you, you've got a friend in me.

Amelia said...

Hi Marianna, Yes! Doesn't that music make you feel better, a bit more like everything is right in the world? A bit of normalcy, back to a time when things were sweeter. We can keep that sweet spirit in our homes. Yes, Jesus has overcome the world...Amen. In the morning I walk with my coffee in the darkness and breaking of the dawn singing..."Holy, holy, holy...Lord God Almighty..."

Glad you liked the Praline Yams! Nothing like them!

Amelia said...

Hi Patti, Oh I'm so glad you stopped by, I was just thinking of you today, wondering if I had missed any of your blogs. I know what you're saying...I so understand.

I would be honored if you would come by sometimes, I'll put your email address in my files so we can 'chat' sometimes! I would love that. *big smile*

Love to you dear friend, Amelia

Victor S E Moubarak said...

I enjoyed the music you posted here, Amelia. Thank you so much.

We don't celebrate Thanksgiving in the UK. What a pity.

I hope and pray you and your family are all OK and preparing for Christmas. Now is the time to look forwards to 2021 with hope in our hearts and trust in the Lord.

God bless.

Amelia said...

So glad you enjoyed the music Victor, it's happy music isn't it? I love the intercom announcements too on the Kmart playlists, it's so funny to me. : )

Thank you for your prayers and well wishes, yes, it's that time to prepare for Christmas and say good bye to 2020. Thank God we have that hope in Him. It's nice to know my brothers and sisters in Christ are doing the same, we are sprinkled all over the world, the UK, India...Everywhere.

Blessings to you Victor.

Sandi said...

Merry Christmas! 🎄

Amelia said...

Merry Christmas to you dear one!