Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Some Encouraging Thoughts

I love homemaking, I love my husband and family, I love Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior.

If you've followed my blog for any length of time you will know it's just my thoughts and my heart written here as I share life, whether it be an art project, an old black and white movie or a sermon.    It's a time of prayer.


(A shot from here in the forest above)


Be watchful, be in prayer....Be at Peace in the Lord.   There is a Peace that passes all understanding. 

We must keep our homes places of praise and peace as we keep our little governments so to speak a good place to live.  We homemakers can be that quiet force of grace, mercy and love in our homes.  I so thank God that my husband is also a force to be reckoned with when it comes to these things.  What a blessing that my husband shares sermons with our family, and our family sends sermons back and forth to each other.  My husband is not only a businessman but a minister in his own right, ordained when a pastor of ours recognized my husband's natural works, just living the Life.  He's shared on the streets of the city, drug rehabs, he's ministered in prisons sharing as well there, as our entire family visiting there in those places.

One of my fondest most precious memories was a Christmas party we were invited to in a prison.  Two of the inmates put my husband and I down as their family.  We brought our little girls and those prisoners  were like little children that day in the chapel.  They reminded me so much of what you see in the Boys Town movie with Mickey Rooney.  The prisoners were able to have their families with their children their too, what a privilege that was to be invited to that precious Christmas party.  I often wonder where they all are, and what the state of things is in their families at this time.  Just some thoughts...Just thankful memories and thankful for a husband who is a pastor in his own right.  So thankful our girls grew up seeing all of humanity and the beauty in it no matter what and where and what mistakes people had made, no matter what kind of money people had.  It's a beautiful thing.  Walking with God is a beautiful thing.   

We can walk with Him and talk with Him...We can all be ministers in our own right, whether it be at the store or wherever.  They will know us by our love.  There's nothing like flashing a big toothy grin at folks and just showing that love and peace to others in these trying times.

loading ...   

Photo by Robert Stock


Good night and may God be with you,   ~Amelia in the Forest


Christine said...

Oh... wow!!!!

I hope you don't mind but I copied the Pastor and put it on MeWe! This needs to be shouted from our roof tops, NOW!

Thank you so much for sharing this important information.
Keep up the great work of our God and Savior!

Thankful for Grace said...

What an awesome video! I have forwarded to several of my friends, who I know need to be encouraged. Thank you for posting it.


Amelia said...

Hi Christine! That is GREAT! Thank you for *your* encouragement!
Love, Amelia

Amelia said...

Hi Patti, I am so encouraged that you and Christine are re-posting and forwarding the message! When we heard the message yesterday evening I couldn't wait to post it!

Love, Amelia

Christine said...

Is there a way I can personally contact you?

Sandi said...

There is an old saying, "Be the change you want to see in the world."

Peace to you and yours. God bless you.

Amelia said...

Thank you Sandi, and same to you friend. God bless you.

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

Hello Amelia, wonderful to meet you! Thank you for sharing the wonderfully encouraging video. I followed the link here from my friend Christine. Many blessings to you!

Amelia said...

Hello Marilyn, Thank you so much for coming by! : ) Nice to meet you! I'm so glad the message was an encouragement to you, we felt the same way when we heard the message.

God bless you Marilyn! Please come by again!

Sherry said...

thanks to Christine i'm a new reader of your blog and am grateful. :) excellent video from pastor locke - will share with my husband this evening!
sherry at acoddiwomplelife.blogspot.com

Amelia said...

Hello Sherry! Thank you for coming by and your kind and uplifting encouragement! I appreciate it so very much! So glad you enjoyed the video and are encouraged by it, it's great you are sharing it with your husband, I hope he is encouraged as well!

Blessings! Thank you for leaving your blog site, I look forward to visiting your blog soon. : )

auntie said...

And so we come full circle and are back where we all began. These lonely days are made bearable through prayer and reading the encouragement of Godly friends. Blessings to you, my friend and to all of yours.

Amelia said...

Oh Ann, If you only knew how much you are in my heart and prayers. What a huge, huge loss you are experiencing...Oh Ann, the pain you must be feeling. I put something in the mail for you today dear one, I wrote it hurriedly to get it in the mail on time. Please come visit here when you are able and I'll be watching for any new blogs you have written. God bless you dear one, may the Lord be your husband as you go through this time and the future. God be with you and that great family of yours. (((supertight hugs)))