Saturday, October 31, 2020

Onward Christian Soldiers

This clip from one of my favorite movies, Mrs. Miniver came to mind yesterday, and I think it is very appropriate for this time.  It's a spiritual battle and I believe this clip portrays how many of us feel.  

It's a time to stick together and pray fervently and vote, there are so many important issues that are at stake here, Israel, the Right to Life, our freedom and liberties just so many things...  Here in America it's very simple.  Good versus evil.  Throughout history we have had famous Generals who led us to Victory in war, we valued and thanked God for their leadership warts and all.  We thank God for President Trump.  

There are evil people who think nothing of lying and are very, very deceptive. They will stop at nothing.  Anyone who thinks nothing of killing an unborn baby cannot be trusted or believed.  There are some heavy things going on in the background.  Please vote, get your friends and family to vote.  Vote for Life.  Vote for Liberty.  Vote for Israel. ...And for God's sake don't believe the liberal media.


 Mrs.Miniver Clip


Ephesians 6:12...

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.


Let's vote like our lives depend on it...It does.  Faith without works is dead.




HERE is a GREAT sermon in print from the Presidential Election Season 2016 by a pastor from a very large suburban church.  He nails it perfectly.  



I hope you all are doing well and living the Life.  I hope we are keeping our homes that Peaceful place, serving God the Father.  So goes the homes so goes the country.  I think so much starts right at our dinner tables.   Let's teach our children what is at stake here in age appropriate ways without getting our little children into fear or anxiety.   Let's teach our youth to be those Christian soldiers in word and deed.  It's no time for passivity.  All the while let's keep a sweet spirit in our homes, there is so much darkness out there...We certainly don't want to bring that darkness in.  Be careful not to get gradually swayed by the currents.   Let us keep that plumb line straight up.


With much love in Christ the Father and many, many prayers.      ~Amelia


Marianna said...

Wow, I love that clip so much. It has been a long time since I’ve seen it; I forgot how poignant it is.

You are so right. We must vote for the values we hold dear and for righteous causes. I’m glad you mentioned Israel because that is also a very important issue in this election. Of course, number one for me will always be the lives of the unborn babies; but there are so, so many other thing too including economic impacts and personal freedom — especially in the midst of this pandemic. I’ve been praying my head off for this election and will continue. Onward Christian soldiers, indeed!

Amelia said...

Thank you Marianna, yes, as you wrote, I too have been praying my head off as well. Oh have I. God have mercy on our nation.

You are so correct, the lives of the unborn babies are a litmus test of hearts once truth is known. I think the quote by John McArthur is so right on. I reiterate, "If you are a Christian, you cannot vote for a person or party that slays babies in the womb."

Thank you for taking the time to come by and commenting, Blessings! Onward Christian soldiers!

Christine said...

AMEN!! I’m standing side by side with you!
And singing 🎵, Onward Christian Soldiers 🎵

Amelia said...

Yes! Onward Christian Soldiers! ((HUGS))

God bless you Christine! Thanking God for sisters in Christ like you here in blogland.

Michelle said...

For some reason the clip isn't showing on my end, but I totally agree! Every election is important but this one we will decide whether it will be America as we know it, or a socialist nation. How important as Christians we vote for life and liberty. So many precious babies being slaughtered daily...there are no words to accurately describe how evil and anti-Christ the democratic party is. May we all continue to fight the good fight and keep marching on!

Barbara said...

Good post, Amelia. I enjoyed the clip from the Mrs. Minerva movie.

Amelia said...

Hi Michelle, I posted the link to the clip too, so maybe that will work.

Yes, you are so correct. A popular Christian doctor just posted today that this is not Republicans versus Democrats, this is America versus Socialism! I don't understand people's reasoning skills on this. It's so blatant but then maybe some think socialism is a good idea? (Horrors) If we talk to people from Cuba or Venezuela they will tell you this pattern we are seeing is the same thing that happened in their countries.

We have a modern day holocaust, the legalization of murder of the Unborn, yes slaughtering an unborn baby and now even moments after birth. What in the name of God is wrong with people?! Do they not understand that they will be next when the same spirit calls upon euthanasia at best? Little innocent babies with separate DNA. Where is the little innocent baby's choice? They did nothing to deserve this without even so much a day in court. How horrible. I certainly cannot vote for any party who is behind this slaughter calling it choice. A demonic deception.

We must fight the fight, faith without works is dead. On our knees and to the voting booth...Onward Christian Soldiers!

Amelia said...

Hi Barbara, You are so kind to comment even when you are not well! Thank you so much for your encouragement Barbara, what a gem you are. Mrs. Miniver is one of our favorites...That clip really touches some heartstrings, oh and the end when the planes fly in the V for Victory formation after the hymn...Wow.

Terra said...

I agree with what you write in this post. I am upset that so many fraudulent ballots were counted, that is a destruction of our democracy. I hope the President's lawsuits for examination of the ballots in question will have a quick success.

Amelia said...

Hello Terra, Thank you so much for taking the time to come by and comment. Yes, it's very upsetting. If this is not nipped in the bud then I'm not sure what America will come to, our elections must be with utmost integrity. I just posted a blog with a video explaining some things.

God bless and thanks again for coming by!