I didn't expect to write all of the above but I felt like it so out it came and I'll let it stay.
I listened to the videos I had posted (below link) and they hit me just as hard today as last year. I had just lost our precious dog, Charlie and was still and am still grieving my dad.
Many of you may not understand what all went on, the story with my dad and how he passed away. I'll make it short on this entry beginning the tragic story. He was taken advantage of by a pastor's wife from a St. * Missionary Baptist Church. She was working at my dad's bank to start with and he would help her out buying her little boy reading materials and curriculum when she would share his problems at school etc. My dad was also a merciful soul. He would make little toy wooden cribs for the little girls in that church for Christmas as the pastor there would mention the need visiting my dad at his home. Later the woman would work for a government office. Slowly but surely things were brewing in the background little did we know... I'll finish another time but it was the start of a perfect storm. So, please know I'm typing this up quickly and I realize I've always been vague, honestly, the entire situation has given me something akin to a well hidden feeling of PTSD and as you know I'm a sensitive soul to start with. I've been very careful on what and how things are shared. So I thought I would be a little more specific in my story but it will take time. The story is an interesting one and one I never thought I would live.
Back to Charlie (below link and pic). We love animals here very much, my husband calls me Amelia from Assisi. We have five dogs and five cats and they are like our little children. So when we lose one of our fur angels, it's a terrible, terrible thing as I'm sure you will agree.
So I bring to you Charlie and some heavy words in some most poignant videos on Brokeness by Spencer Tracy playing the part of beloved Father Flanagan from Boys Town.
Please take the time to listen and ponder:
A Re-Post on Charlie and Brokeness. It Hit Some Heartstrings Today.
"We are never more fulfilled than when our longing for God is met by His presence in our lives." ~Billy Graham
"Does your soul need to be rejuvenated? The greatest source for this comes from reaching out to meet others' needs. Show someone how much you really care by going for a walk together, taking, listening, or just holding their hand."
The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms.
~Deuteronomy 33:27
Yes, God is our refuge and oh the comfort He brings. I talk with Him, and I walk with Him and He tell me...I am His own......
Have a sweet day and weekend, thank you so much to all who have subbed in some way or another. Your new follow or sub is a God-wink to me! <3 br="">3>
~Amelia in the Forest
Oh, Amelia, I SO understand the pain of losing a beloved fur-baby. We lost our 15-year old beagle 7 years ago, and we STILL miss her. I cherish my remaining pups (2 for me, 1 for my son, which I am grandma (Gigi) to). I get sad at their birthdays, knowing that we don't get many years with them anyhow, and each birthday is a ticking away of the clock.
I hate that you lost your dad in such a tragic way.
As you know, I also hate cliques, and, sadly, they exist in the Christian community just as readily as they do in non-Christian circles. our church hasn't been meeting these past few months, so recently, we went to a local church that IS meeting. No one spoke to us! They all stayed in their comfortable little circles and never reached out to strangers.
I have steadfastly refused to return to Facebook, but I couldn't stay away from blogging. While I have to watch what I read and not visit blogs that incite hateful political comments, I am back to reading a few---and writing my own again. I've started a new blog, called Clothed with Joy. You can get there through my Blogger profile.
The speakers on my computer aren't working, so I can't listen to your video. (After one of those automatic Windows updates, my speakers no longer worked, and we've been unable to figure out how to fix them.)
Blessings and hugs,
Patti Gardner
Hi Patti, Oh it is soooo painful to lose a pet, I can understand what you described as the tick-ticking....yes. I remember when Rush Limbaugh lost his cat and recently Mark Levin lost his dog, it is very hard hitting to our hearts. Very, very hard hitting and yes, most painful.
Thank you for your sincere empathy Patti, it's hard for me at times and I will write details in the future too, I hope that it might help others.
Oh I can understand the facebook thing. I've always stayed away from it for the mostpart just reading informative articles on crafting or anti mask liberty etc. under a sock puppet account. To me, it looked like a den of nosiness and keeping up. My daughter tells me what some of these other moms are pushing academically with their babies and I'm horrified. I told her to stay away from those type of groups. Her baby is only a little over one and he should be playing and making little things getting dirty and being happy. :) As you know, people can also get really ugly on the forums about our President etc.
Oh dear, I'm so sorry your speakers aren't working. If you ever get a chance, both of those movies are keepers. Oh how it touches the heartstrings and speaks to the heart in different ways everytime we see them. Father Flanagan, wow, I'm reading one of his biographies and there is some truth to the story of the part Mickey Rooney played. That young man grew up to fight at the beaches during WWII and had many a medal on his chest.
I know *exactly* what you are talking about in visiting churches. Some people are such sweethearts but many are just in it for a social club and it's hurtful because it's supposed to be the Body of Christ. My husband and I, if we consecutively feel worse then when we arrive, then we know that particular church is not for us. A few weeks ago we attended one, it's a nice church the pastor wears no mask and the majority of people don't. But we went into a different entrance and the "greeters" there slipped on a mask before they would shake our hands and one of them looked over the mask like a mad bird staring us down. A bit shocking and took us aback. Even my husband was disturbed by it. We wonder where is the training? I sure can understand Patti how you feel, I hear your heart. It ought not be. Can't a gal like us have some nice acquaintances? Good grief. Can't Jesus people act like Jesus? ..But maybe they aren't Jesus people, maybe they are just churchies?
I'll have to come check your new blog out dear one!
Blessings to you as well, thank you so much for stopping by, it's great to hear from you Patti! Blogging can truly be a peaceful place, for me, it's a place of honesty, hopefully a place to encourage, be encouraged and help and even spur brothers and sisters on as we ourselves receive the same...Like the Body of Christ should do. :) Welcome back! (((hugs))))
Praying for you and your loved ones right now Amelia. Courage. Trust in God.
Do not worry about cliques. People only join cliques because they do not have enough brain cells to share amongst themselves. Do like me - join a clique of 1. Just me in my own clique. Create your own clique with just you in it. I was on FB in my own clique of 1. Once I did not like something I'd said there so I un-friended myself. I could no longer log into my own account. Can you imagine? I only and me as a friend and now I had no friend at all on FB.
I closed the account. Instead I started a "live" social media thing. I walked the streets and every so often I said something out loud; just like you do on FB. I said things like, "Had croissants for breakfast today!" "Bought new shoes yesterday". And other inane things like people say on FB. I soon had two followers. They were wearing white coats and carried large butterfly nets.
God bless.
Aw..this is bittersweet. Thanks for the post. I try to think of all the good memories I have had with Mojo who was to some an ugly dog, but I loved her. She was a great companion.
wishing you a fabulous holiday with friends and family!
Victory, Thank you so much for your prayers and care, it is so appreciated.
You made me laugh, that is hilarious Victor! Oh. My. Goodness. You remind me of Mark Stein who subs for Rush Limbaugh on the radio, I can just see your cartoon character running down the street shouting out those things! lol A clique of one, unfriending yourself...Oh that too great! LOL
"Do not worry about cliques. People only join cliques because they do not have enough brain cells to share amongst themselves." Bravissimo!
Blessings to you Victor!
Well Hello There Ellie, What a sweetheart you are to come and stop by and take the time to comment here. Awww... Mojo, I'm sure Mojo was a beautiful companion. I know you must miss her but it's very good that you also remember those good memories, do you have any other fur angels now?
I hope you too have a nice holiday as well! Your sweet face and comment are a gift to me today!
Blessings to you Ellie! Please come back by! : )
Sweet Charlie! I was just thinking of out little fur babies who have passed over the rainbow recently. Sweet souls. I will have to go and re-read the blog post. Love the quotes. And I love the above comment about being a clique of one -- so true and so funny! I want to be a clique of one living for an Audience of One, lol!
It is a sad thing that happened with Grandpa. But, God knows all and sees all; He took care of certain things in that situation which I'm really thankful for. He will continue to be the God of justice whether in this life or the next. But I know the memories are painful. <3
Marianna, Yes, Sweet Charlie! Such a happy little dog...We have had our share our fur angels crossing over the rainbow, I remember how Esther was just sitting from afar staring at me the day before she passed away...Or Buddy giving me that glance before he ran to the pond... Fur Angels are so wonderful, I wish more humans understood just how wonderful they are . God's Gifts.
That is very true Marianna, God watches from afar ...and upclose too, He really saw fit to take care of certain things. Yes, there's not a day that goes by that my mind and heart don't go back to the days of old or even just that last Thanksgiving Dad was here before things escalated and went very wrong. I remember washing turnip greens that Mr. Black gave us, probably back in '12 and talking to my dad over the phone getting my Grandma Amelia's recipe for Bechamel sauce for the turnips...For years I had such fun and enjoyed talking to my dad on the phone...For years...It's sad and I do miss those times before things went into a tailspin down. I heard Michael Berry this evening talk about there being people who are missing their loved ones and tears came to my eyes. I do think of my dad probably saying to the effect now, "If I were you I would go make myself some hot chocolate and just enjoy things..." He told me that during an ice storm one year.
Isn't that comment above a hoot!? A clique of one! Yes! I've always said...For an Audience of One. Amen.
Thanks Marianna for taking your precious time to comment here, you are quite a busy gal. It's so nice to read your comment. <3
The thing is, Amelia, and Marianna, being in a clique of one is easy because you can make your own rules. No need for a proposer, seconder, and a vote for the motion to be carried. I decide and that's it. Although it did get me in trouble once when I could not decide between chocolate ice cream or strawberries. Eventually, I decided to have both and got sick. So be aware if you ever set up a clique of one. Alternatively, visit my blog and join a clique of nice people.
God bless.
God Bless.
Hi Victor! Very good points! lol I think you are correct! I guess that is why sometimes it's a blessing to be an only child, I can even play boardgames by myself! Have you ever tried chocolate ice cream with orange juice poured over it? My dad and I used to do that when we would watch tv together at night, it was good!
I enjoy your blog, always a joy to read!
God bless you Victor!
Hi R, I hope you are enjoying the hints of fall in the air? Have a great day and God bless! I've enjoyed your gift of verse on your blog, may we all keep looking to Jesus as I know you are.
Amelia, I am late responding but I just reread you post on Charlie and fell in love all over again. He was a darling dog and his spirit really shone through! I am so sorry about your dad too -- and all the grief you are experiencing as you process both. Your dad sounded like a really wonderful man since he raised you and you have to remember the good times you had with him -- the enemy will want to take that from you. Your blog always refreshes me. Thank you for taking the time to write to us. We are living in perilous times. (I'm from MI and you have probably heard the tyranny we are under) I refuse to wear a mask in stores and am usually the only one. It is a very strange feeling for a person with a mercy bent (but I have been married to my prophet husband for 27 years and he is probably rubbing off on me! ha ha) Thankfully church is a safe place (no masks and anointed teaching) but we are all feeling the stress, aren't we? I try not to let it bother me, but I do feel when I have been out just so drained when I get home. I tell my children we have to learn to be different because we don't know what is coming down the pike next. I hate confrontation more than anything but God is developing a spine of steel in me -- because I have been confronted in a store by another customer. So shocking!! Thank you again for speaking the truth -- and please model your new t-shirt. I may need to get myself one!! God bless, Dana
Hi Dana, Oh so good to hear from you! Your sweet note is so precious to me this evening. It's so true, my dad was such a special person and I agree, I need to focus on the good, it's so hard because I know the story needs to be shared to warn others of what can happen. Oh well, in God's timing but in the meantime I will remember those sweet times with my dad as you write.
Yes, we are in perilous times. Oh Michigan, yes, I've heard some of the things. Horrible. Believe it or not but here we have a governor who was supposed to be a conservative but is behaving nothing like a conservative. People are frustrated and angry and fearful of the tyranny. We do not wear masks and you are so correct,it's the customers who are the worst many times. Have we stooped so low as a nation that it's become like Nazi Germany, these oppressed people reporting people as they breath in their own excrement under those dirty masks? I've had a few incidents too, it's very oppressing when that happens because many of them do not understand minding their own business but I keep on going as you do receiving strength from the Lord.
None of it makes sense, and if we look at many of the mask wearers they are lifeless, and the masks are not safe or effective. I see people touching them, pulling them out of billfolds laying them on the restaurant booth seat etc. Going to the bathroom wearing them. My husband and I have always carried a tiny bottle of alcohol that we wipe our hands with, out to eat, shopping etc. What really cracks us up is gloves, do people think the gloves not carry germs as they touch everything? lol
I'm a big mercy person but also prophet so I never know what may pop up or out! lol I've learned to be quiet, smile a lot and be more of a listener in person, let people wonder, it would be a comedy show if they could read the bubble above my head. My husband laughs, shucks and jives with people, but he is more prophet but also has some mercy so I guess we're both quite a case at times.; )
But in all seriousness Dana, I so hear your heart and I'm right there with you sister. I'm just leaning into God these days and praying specifically for the upcoming election and that God will chip away at some of this spirit of the world. I do find myself feeling strange and I usually just go outside and pray, pray, pray. Even my tough husband was feeling a little oppressed last month and he's from the city raised in a grocery store where they literally carried guns and there were shootouts the neighborhood was so rough.
Blessings to you Dana, what a sweet note, I appreciate you!
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