Don't ever let yourself get so busy that you miss those little but important extras in life--the beauty of a day...the smile of a friend...the serenity of a quiet moment alone. For it is often life's smallest pleasures and gentlest joys that make the biggest and most lasting difference.

Me with Coffee, holding Muffie. Two of our five dogs.
The Forest holds so much beauty here as the seasons change... We've had a surprise visitor lately. He's a rather large visitor! He's an escapee and decided to settle in here at the peaceful Forest Cathedral sanctuary.
He was here in our area roaming, and landed on our property. A phone call was placed to the farmer man we know, and he happened to know the bull's owner. One day I see a blue suv type truck, someone inside it is honking loudly with a lady in front of it, walking down the road clapping her hands trying to get the bull to go down the street. (It was funny). I call this lady Alpha Woman. She calls herself that...She lives down the road.
Well...the bull, I call him, Buford came back. My daughter asked if he was here and I said I hadn't seen him. Well I strolled past my bedroom window and there was Buford!

Look at the cute spots on his face...He is very docile but he must not have wanted to be fenced in or tied up wherever he was! Do you see the rope around his horns? It is not attached to anything, a length of rope is severed... It tells the tale!

This particular photo of Buford was his first visit without the rope...

Buford and Gracie. Gracie is our 75 pound hound and looks very tiny next to Buford.
So what happened to Buford? Well, he made the mistake of leaving our sanctuary and went on down the road just peacefully munching his grass...Alpha Woman was sitting in her parked blue suv on the road facing Buford, on her phone, so I'm thinking Buford's original owner came to get him. Aww... Buford. Hope you're okay big guy...
Animals are sensitive creatures...Large or small.
Speaking of gentle giants....
This is a photo of our Buddy. The videos below I share reminds me of Buddy...
...Our precious pittie who we lost. Miss you so much our precious Buddy.
You can read about Buddy HERE by the way.
I hope you enjoy the videos below the drawing. Animals are a thing with me, I loved them back when a child...I remember my Uncle Bennie taking me to the stock show at the rodeo when I was a little girl, he had been an aspiring vet and unfortunately because of life happening, after college didn't get to vet school. I remember seeing the cows and making eye contact...There was something so sad about their eyes... Now as an adult I can do my best to help on some of that the best way I can. I have animals everywhere...God's Creatures.

This is a pencil sketch I had done years ago of me when I was a little girl sitting on the steps of our door with my first puppy, Cutie. The angle is a bit odd, a very slight distortion but I had to take it this way because of the glare.
Please enjoy these videos, I thought they were so sweet!
Is this one not precious?
...And this one?
Oh my goodness... This is really something...
Good Books
Also wanting to share some of the sweetest books ever for homemakers. When I read these wonderful books I felt like I was having coffee with a friend! I bought these for my two married daughters and I also have them in our library here at home for me and our two unmarried daughters as well.
The author is Mrs. White, author also of The Legacy of Home blog. What a delightful blog she has!

I hope everyone is doing fine. I'll include this one last video in honor of Buford and myself. This song is so catchy, I will wake up in the middle of the night with this song on my mind! Don't fence me in! You have to love both Roy Rogers and Trigger. Soooo sweet.
Don't Fence Me In
This is from the old movie, Hollywood Canteen (1944). Wow, what a movie. Love those old USO shows from the WWII era. The movie stars were patriots, they honored our country and our soldiers. The young actor in the beginning that resembles Jimmy Stewart? Hollywood would use him for any Jimmy Stewart type of part because Jimmy Stewart was at war. The young actor's name is Robert Hutton and there is a very interesting mini biography HERE.

Our flag here at the forest.

The sky from our front porch last Friday. I thought it looked like Heaven.
It is the simple things of life that make living worthwhile, the sweet fundamental things such as love and duty, work and rest, and living close to nature.
-Laura Ingalls Wilder
Noon and evening shots here in the forest...

As Roy Rogers said...
Come on Trigger, Let's be on our way!
Good Evening, Loves, Amelia at the Forest Cathedral
I own HOllywood Canteen---such a fun film. I love those oldie goldie movies!
I have a hound named Gracie too. She is a 20 pound beagle and one of the loves of my life!
Wow, 5 dogs. I can't imagine that. I have 2, and I sometimes watch my son's puppy. When I have all 3 dogs, it is chaos! Five would probably cause me to pull my hair out. But on the flip side, that is an awful lot of love coming your way!
Wishing you a beautiful day.
When grandson #4 was born, his family had 2 pitbulls. One stayed inside the house at night. The first night they brought grandson #4 home from the hospital (this was 10 years ago), they were bottle-feeding him with pumped breast milk. I told them I would take care of the nighttime feedings so they could sleep -- enjoy it while I was there, I told them. It wouldn't be for long!!
Anyway, we all went to bed. When Grandson #4 woke up around midnight to be fed, the inside pitbull nosed his way into my room and let me know the baby was crying. I thought that was so sweet. I was in the process of getting out of bed, but the dog wanted to be sure the baby's needs were getting met.
Lovely blog post. The story about the bull, Buford, was especially interesting.
Hi There Patti! I bet your beagle, Gracie is a cutie! : )
That is sweet that you sit for your son, we too sit for our married daughter, and oh yes. It can get pretty chaotic! Haha!
One of our little schitzus is elderly and blind so he requires quite a bit of care, he is so sweet though so it's a joy. You are so right, it is a lot of love coming my way! : )
Don't you just love Hollywood Canteen? I love Joan Leslie in this movie, so precious...I love so much about her real life and how she and her doctor husband built a home for unwed mothers. I heard that when the real Sergeant York was advising for the movie, Sergeant York, he stated he did not want any actress that smoked, drank or cursed playing his wife, Gracie. ...Thus Joan Leslie! Her mini bio is also very interesting on the imdb site.
Apparantly, Gracie is a very good name! : )
So great hearing from you Patti! Love, Amelia
Hi Barbara! Wow. Thank you so much for sharing about the family pitbull when grandbaby #4 was born. That is the sweetest thing ever! When our married daughter brought her tiny kitten over, Buddy came and sat in front of me and the kitten guarding us, in perfect nanny-dog fashion.
I'll keep everyone posted on Buford, it wouldn't surprise me if he returns. He is a very special bull. : )
Thanks for coming by Barbara! *hugs!* Amelia
Hello sister Amella. I am a Pastor from Mumbai, India. I am glad to stop by your profile on the blogger and the blog post once again. four years back exactly on 7th January 2014 I had visited your blog post and commented on the same through your email id. I am truly blessed once again to go through your Forest Cathedral and also Vision For a Godly home. I was blessed to see your daughter's ( Lea, Rebeca, Marainna and their friends Sarah and Hannah) pictures with friends. I love get connected with the people of God around the globe to be encouraged, strengthened and praying for one another. I have been in the Pastoral ministry for last 40 yrs in this great city of Mumbai a city with a great contrast where richest of rich and the poorest of poor live. We reach out to the poorest of poor with the love of Christ to bring healing to the brokenhearted. We also encourage young and the adults from the west to come to Mumbai to work with us during their vacation time. We would love to have you or your grown up daughters to come to Mumbai to work with us during their vacation time. I am sure they will have a life changing experience. Looking forward to hear from you very soon. God's richest blessings on you,your family and friends also wishing you a blessed and a Christ centred reset of the year 2018. My email id is: dhwankhede(at)gmail(dot)com and my name is Diwakar Wankhede.
Diwakar, It is so kind, encouraging and considerate of you to stop by my blog once again! : ) It's interesting reading from your comment about Mumbai, the work you are doing for the Lord with the poor and poor in spirit there sounds amazing and blessed. You must truly be the hands and feet of God there, and as you know He is there with you, and how it must bless our Father's heart, your faithfulness to the least of these.
It is very kind of you not only to stop by but to invite the family to minister there, I will certainly pass your invitation on.
God bless and be with you Diwakar, your comment here is a blessing and privilege. I assure you, you will be in our prayers. Sister Amelia
Dearest Amelia~
Once again, you leave me in tears with those videos. It saddens my heart to see what humans will do to abuse an animal, or another human beings for that matter. Some people are so very cruel.
Isn't it a blessing to know that there are others out there who will love and care for animals, who will rescue even those that may need extra care and financial help?
We rescued Donatella, our Beagle, running down a four lane highway just two years ago on the 18th of this month.
Yesterday, we celebrated with joy and a grateful heart over the goodness of God. We were not looking for another dog at the time, but God was ready to give us one and she has been the joy of my life.
Today marks three years when my dad was called home to glory and we were in a town where dad loved to visit. He would sit by the river on his scooter and watch the water activity taking place for hours enjoying the laughter of those in the water. We were there for a time of remembrance in dad's honor for his one year passing and it was there where we found Donatella. My dad's name was Don, and so, Donatella's name has dad's name in it. Come to find out, Donatella means, sent from God. I truly believe she was sent from God.
Donatella took me for a good run as I tried to catch her! After contacting the authorities we found out that she escaped her home a number of times, why?? She's in a safe place now.
After chasing her for quite awhile, in my flip flops no less :} she stopped at a puddle of water, rolled into her back and looked into my eyes as if to say "I'm yours". There was a bond between the two of us, and still is. While she is both my husband's and my dog, she is closest to me and didn't like to be away from me. I love her so much!!
I hope Buferd is happy? What a handsome fella. :}
Your books sound absolutely wonderful!
The photo of you and your precious furr baby is darling!
You have the sweetest most gentle look about you, dear Amelia.
I see Christ in you and my visits with you are precious.
Thank you for this lovely place where one can come and find inspiration, peace and joy.
God bless you~
Dear Debbie,
My heart was deeply touched reading this about Donatella, and your dear dad. I can just picture your dad on his scooter watching the activities, and I can also picture you running to rescue Donatella! : ) Isn't it something the way these little (and big) dogs will roll over like that and let you know they are yours? Our little Muffie was like that with Marianna our daughter when she rescued him from the street.
It brings tears to my eyes how Donatella was named and also the anniversary of your daddy going home to Heaven today. It will be one year on June 17th, when my dad passed on. My situation with my dad was a tragic one and I miss the good days with my dad now.
Your heart is so sweet Debbie, you have a very kind, considerate and intuitive way in you that allows you to reach out to others in a special way.
Thank you Debbie for the compliment of the photo, that is me in my element caring for our fur angels here...For you to see Christ in me touches my heart. I also hope Buford is okay, like you mentioned...Sometimes these creatures really do escape for a reason. Our Charlie was rescued from the pound by our youngest daughter, and he would wince when I would reach my hand out to him to pet his head, it would break my heart. Now there is no wincing with Charlie, he's my coffee buddy in the morning! : )
It brings joy to know that you find the blog here a place of peace, joy and inspiration. That's what I really want it to be here. : )
I hope you are doing well Debbie, you are in my prayers.
Love, Amelia
What a lovely post with a variety of interesting topics. Thank you for taking the time to prepare it all. Must have taken you ages.
God bless.
Dear Victor, Thank you so very much for taking the time to visit! I appreciate the encouraging comment. Thank you!
So glad you enjoyed your visit here. : )
Blessings! ~Amelia
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