Joy is the heart's harmonious response to the Lord's song of love.
-A.W. Tozer

Beyond the gate...The Forest... One breezy afternoon here at the Forest Cathedral. Oh the stories the trees could tell...

"My" pet horse Clifford. Many of you have met Clifford. I see Clifford usually once a week or so. He lives in the beautiful pasture and homestead behind the drive thru where I seize a thirst quenching iced tea. Lea and I park the car facing the farm setting, and gaze as we chat, Clifford is my pretend-pet horse. I thought this was a beautiful photo of Clifford.
I love this most hauntingly beautiful and uplifting song...
Our oldest daughter, Janie will play this many late afternoons in the evening as we're getting dinner prepared...At this time in the early evening the sun reflects on the trees here in the forest...
I *love* this sweet video...I love God's Creatures.
So beautiful I think. So very, very sweet. Here in the country, it brings delight to my heart to see the mommy cows with their babies as the babies suckle to them...God's Creatures. I hope and pray we see them through the loving lens of God. I saved this video to share, I think it's a must-see!

I love God's Creatures. I have the privilege of caring for many here.

Guiseppe, our little blind dog.
I love relating to real people:
Around 21:17 or so I can so relate to what Kristene DiMarco is saying here...It is true.
I saw these quotes by Elisabeth Elliot:
“One reason we are so harried and hurried is that we make yesterday and tomorrow our business, when all that legitimately concerns us is today. If we really have too much to do, there are some items on the agenda which God did not put there.
“Let us submit the list to Him and ask Him to indicate which items we
must delete. There is always time to do the will of God. If we are too
busy to do that, we are too busy.”
-Elisabeth Elliot
"Refuse self pity. Refuse it absolutely. It is a deadly thing with power to destroy you."
-Elisabeth Elliot
I love Elisabeth Elliot, she crossed over to the other side not long ago.
I remember Elisabeth Elliot sent me a few postcards to encourage me when I was carrying our littlest, youngest...Rebecca. I was on bedrest and there were some concerns.
Once Elisabeth Elliot read my letter over the radio. She had been deeply touched, (her description) of my words to her. I was shocked, encouraged and touched all at the same time! Tears rolled down this young mommy's face. My good friend, Sandy called me...
Amelia! Did you hear! Elisabeth Elliot read your letter and said your name on air!
You see, I had encouraged Elisabeth in my letter to her describing how I would run to the radio to hear her messages...And how I would often tape them, quickly pushing record! She was one of the only older women I knew of who really spoke the truth in encouraging younger women. It's still like that as far as older women who truly have their ducks in a row so to speak, but my eyes remain on God and perhaps....Just perhaps maybe I will may be able to help and encourage others some way.
A great Harper Lee quote:

I love Harper Lee and her writing...I adore To Kill a Mockingbird. Harper Lee also went on to the other side recently. From what I understand she lived a simple life. Gregory Peck's daughter, named her baby girl, Harper. As I'm sure most of you know, Gregory Peck played Atticus in the movie great, To Kill a Mockingbird from the Pulitzer prize winning novel.
In closing, I wonder how we can apply some of the above quotes?
How do we relate to real people? Are we so busy with church work or talking about our Bible studies that we don't relate to real people? Have you ever been on the receiving end of that?
I'm incognito much of the time and it's very interesting observing church people who will talk with each other and then look as if they have been sucking lemons the very second they pivot to leave their comfort zone, not even making eye contact with others. Not good peeps. Not good.
Question: What can we do to help others wherever we may be out on any day. Smalltown? Downtown? Anywhere where those are who are hurting? People talk about evangelizing the streets (nothing wrong with that), but how about being kind and saying a sincere God bless you to those right around us? Many times eyes brighten and a conversation will morph.
One thing I have been doing that I get a huge kick out of is when we are at a stop light in downtown, there may be a homeless person with a sign. I've learned to have store-bought cellophane wrapped packages of cheese or peanut butter sandwich crackers with bottled waters in my tote bag. We can quickly give them two packs of sandwich crackers and a water bottle before the light turns green. They will have the sweetest responses...One day a young man smiled at us so sweet and meekly said, God bless you. Many of his teeth were missing and it broke. my. heart. Jem and I both discerned his sweet attitude and Jem gave him several dollars as well. I just love doing this stuff. It's Life. Life giving to others. Life giving to me.
Joy is the echo of God's life within us.
-Joseph Marmion
It may just be standing around a bit with an elderly person at the grocery and spending just a few more minutes. Many of these gems have great war stories and stories of their children.

This is our daughter, Joycie several years ago talking to a Pearl Harbor survivor, this is probably one of the most memorable things ever. Complete story here on my blog.
Maybe a young man at a coffee shop diner is all by himself in deep contemplation.... We may go to him when the Holy Spirit whispers and say....
I just feel I need to tell you... Jesus loves you.
I had this happen and I obeyed, and the young man looked up with the most huge smile with beautiful blue eyes and it was as if his unforgettable expression said.... I was praying for that.
The happiness of life is made up of minute fractions--the little, soon-forgotten charities of a kiss or a smile, a kind look or heartfelt compliment.
-Samuel Taylor Coleridge
I've also missed it. Once when at the store when I was young, I felt strongly I needed to go tell an elderly woman shopping with her grown son that Jesus loved her.... I didn't do it. Til this day I regret that.
Have we been dissed - disregarded in any way? Let's learn from it and help others. Let's be a sweet version of Jesus with skin on right around us.
There will be fulfillment in that.
Have a Holy Spirit filled week, loves, ...Let's allow Him to speak to and fill our hearts.
When I Hear the Praises Start. Done in 1982 before Keith Green left this green earth. I was five months pregnant with Lea when I heard the news of the plane crash. We had just seen him in concert. He charged nothing for his concerts, he was a firm believer in receiving and giving freely.
-Elisabeth Elliot
"Refuse self pity. Refuse it absolutely. It is a deadly thing with power to destroy you."
-Elisabeth Elliot
I love Elisabeth Elliot, she crossed over to the other side not long ago.
I remember Elisabeth Elliot sent me a few postcards to encourage me when I was carrying our littlest, youngest...Rebecca. I was on bedrest and there were some concerns.
Once Elisabeth Elliot read my letter over the radio. She had been deeply touched, (her description) of my words to her. I was shocked, encouraged and touched all at the same time! Tears rolled down this young mommy's face. My good friend, Sandy called me...
Amelia! Did you hear! Elisabeth Elliot read your letter and said your name on air!
You see, I had encouraged Elisabeth in my letter to her describing how I would run to the radio to hear her messages...And how I would often tape them, quickly pushing record! She was one of the only older women I knew of who really spoke the truth in encouraging younger women. It's still like that as far as older women who truly have their ducks in a row so to speak, but my eyes remain on God and perhaps....Just perhaps maybe I will may be able to help and encourage others some way.
A great Harper Lee quote:

I love Harper Lee and her writing...I adore To Kill a Mockingbird. Harper Lee also went on to the other side recently. From what I understand she lived a simple life. Gregory Peck's daughter, named her baby girl, Harper. As I'm sure most of you know, Gregory Peck played Atticus in the movie great, To Kill a Mockingbird from the Pulitzer prize winning novel.
In closing, I wonder how we can apply some of the above quotes?
How do we relate to real people? Are we so busy with church work or talking about our Bible studies that we don't relate to real people? Have you ever been on the receiving end of that?
I'm incognito much of the time and it's very interesting observing church people who will talk with each other and then look as if they have been sucking lemons the very second they pivot to leave their comfort zone, not even making eye contact with others. Not good peeps. Not good.
Question: What can we do to help others wherever we may be out on any day. Smalltown? Downtown? Anywhere where those are who are hurting? People talk about evangelizing the streets (nothing wrong with that), but how about being kind and saying a sincere God bless you to those right around us? Many times eyes brighten and a conversation will morph.
One thing I have been doing that I get a huge kick out of is when we are at a stop light in downtown, there may be a homeless person with a sign. I've learned to have store-bought cellophane wrapped packages of cheese or peanut butter sandwich crackers with bottled waters in my tote bag. We can quickly give them two packs of sandwich crackers and a water bottle before the light turns green. They will have the sweetest responses...One day a young man smiled at us so sweet and meekly said, God bless you. Many of his teeth were missing and it broke. my. heart. Jem and I both discerned his sweet attitude and Jem gave him several dollars as well. I just love doing this stuff. It's Life. Life giving to others. Life giving to me.
Joy is the echo of God's life within us.
-Joseph Marmion
It may just be standing around a bit with an elderly person at the grocery and spending just a few more minutes. Many of these gems have great war stories and stories of their children.
This is our daughter, Joycie several years ago talking to a Pearl Harbor survivor, this is probably one of the most memorable things ever. Complete story here on my blog.
Maybe a young man at a coffee shop diner is all by himself in deep contemplation.... We may go to him when the Holy Spirit whispers and say....
I just feel I need to tell you... Jesus loves you.
I had this happen and I obeyed, and the young man looked up with the most huge smile with beautiful blue eyes and it was as if his unforgettable expression said.... I was praying for that.
The happiness of life is made up of minute fractions--the little, soon-forgotten charities of a kiss or a smile, a kind look or heartfelt compliment.
-Samuel Taylor Coleridge
I've also missed it. Once when at the store when I was young, I felt strongly I needed to go tell an elderly woman shopping with her grown son that Jesus loved her.... I didn't do it. Til this day I regret that.
Have we been dissed - disregarded in any way? Let's learn from it and help others. Let's be a sweet version of Jesus with skin on right around us.
There will be fulfillment in that.
Have a Holy Spirit filled week, loves, ...Let's allow Him to speak to and fill our hearts.
When I Hear the Praises Start. Done in 1982 before Keith Green left this green earth. I was five months pregnant with Lea when I heard the news of the plane crash. We had just seen him in concert. He charged nothing for his concerts, he was a firm believer in receiving and giving freely.
Dearest Amelia ~ Such a heart warming post filled so much encouragement and inspiration. I absolutely enjoyed every bit of this!
That cow video made me cry...I love seeing when people care and do something about the need, oh my...just precious.
Your choice of music videos were awesome to listen to as I read through your postings.
Yes, Elizabeth Eliot has left quite a mark from her writings and love for God.
How very special that she spoke of you and made mention of your letter, so personal.
She will be missed, but God will continue to use her through her many writings and life.
Your pretend horse sounds like a dream 😉 living in a beautiful pasture.
I love visiting with you, so very thankful I found you ♡
Enjoy your day in all its glory ~
Debbie, your comment and thoughts are a delight to my heart! Thank you so much for your encouragements Debbie, it means so much. In this world we are in, it's such a blessing to meet a sweet hearted person as yourself! : )
I'm so glad you enjoyed that cow video as much as I did! I had the same reaction, is it not the sweetest thing ever? I had saved it and posted it in a draft almost a month ago, as the sweet video quietly awaited my next blog...Thus the wonderful cow video. : )
Thank you again sweet friend, you are a dear, a true Gem! <3
Blessings to you dear Debbie! xo -Amelia
Lovely post! I have the cow video playing now, and it is truly precious and heart-warming! So sweet. <3 I am enjoying the song too, and I will try to watch the other longer video later.
I remember E. Elliot reading your letter on air which was so special, and I will always be grateful the you raised us on a steady diet of Elisabeth Elliot radio programs! She is missed, but I'm thankful for the books and legacy she left behind.
I had forgotten about the WWII vet at HEB that day! That was very special. I miss Little Town out there, but look forward to being able to visit again this summer sometimes.
Good reminder to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit promptings to share the Lord's love with others!
I'm probably forgetting to comment on something because I've read this in parts over the past few days, but great post! <3
Aww... Marianna! Yes, I remember that day at H.E.B. like it was yesterday. I always hope to see that WWII vet again, maybe one day I will.
Yes, the little town is a very special place, just today Dad and I were able to be there for their parade and then we meandered into the old cemetery to see the old gravestones under the oaks, some from the 1700s. Amazing reading the stones, the little children and the war stories. Oh how different things were...
May we all be sensitive to the Holy Spirit and know His voice. So many times opportunities are right around us as you know.
So glad you enjoyed the post! I thought you would enjoy that little cow...Is that not the sweetest ever?
Yes, those Elisabeth Elliot days were very special...such nice memories.
So glad you took the time to chime in on the post and join in conversation here in blogland. It's a fun place, especially when readers participate. And it's even more special when a dear daughter participates, you were there! *big smile*
xo ~mom
Hello Amelia! I just had to stop in for another sweet visit and listen to your encouraging and up lifting music, oh so beautiful and God honoring.
I've been extremely busy trying to get all my ducks in a row before we leave for Canada that my blog posting has been quiet, even my visiting.
With my knee surgery following our trip I really need to have things in order.
Your place here is so lovely that I could visit often and find inspiration, peace, joy and love.
Thank you for sharing your beauty with us.
Much Love~~
Awww Debbie... You are such a Blessing. Capital 'B' as in Gift! : )
Your comment here is an answer to prayer, so please be encouraged. I'm so glad that you have enjoyed your visits here! I think visiting blogs is so important and I appreciate you taking the time to comment and just being you Debbie. We can be encouragers in Christ right here in blogging, in your case I think He is so living in you in such a strong way, you minister to others without even trying through your kindness and thoughtfulness. Kindness...It seems very hard to come by these days doesn't it? But we will *be* that kindness. : )
Be assured you will be in my prayers as you travel and have knee surgery. Please come by anytime, friend. Your visits are a blessing!
A big hug, love, ~Amelia
P.S. I look forward to hearing a good report as you return and are healing!
Mom, I'm so glad you're enjoying Kristene DiMarco's music... I sure do! It has so ministered to me and I just love that song, It is Well... one of the first songs of hers that I heard. I also really have enjoyed that video of her testimony. So glad you posted that and the song!
And so many good quotes here...! And how very special that Elisabeth Elliot read your letter over the air and sent the notes back. I remember that well.
What a beautiful pic by the gate. And "our" horse, Clifford, too. :) Such good times sitting there with you watching him together.
That is such a good Keith Green song also... I love that y'all raised us on Keith Green music. Even when I was much younger, I loved hearing his music being played.
Thanks for sharing your heart and this challenge to share Christ wherever we are... such a good reminder!
With Love!
P.S. I still need to go back to watch the little calf video too...
Lea, Thank you for introducing me to Kristene DiMarco! The first time I heard the song I posted here...I just stopped in my tracks and thought who is that? What is that? That is soooo beautiful! Rebecca was stopped in her tracks as well...Her music is a good beautiful that glorifies God and I like that. It is just so artistic and different and in very good taste. Words don't describe it as shown and heard here.
I think I still have the little cassette of Elizabeth Elliott on the radio that day! I would hurriedly punch 'record' many times when Elizabeth Elliott was on daily. God is so good to send us surprises like that!
Keith Green was a special guy. I remember running into a friend of mine, one of the astronaut's son at a Keith Green concert. He had became a burden on my heart after being married a few years. I had once ridden to work with him and I knew he was into drugs and it showed in his driving. I stopped riding with him but still was acquainted with him through school...He had a Montgomery Clift look with soulful eyes. Dad and I had been praying for the young man. Well, lo and behold there was that young man at the concert, I think I was around 3 months along with you. the young man was with a group of other boys who arrived on a bus. He couldn't talk well, the drugs had done their damage on my friend, that part was heartbreaking as this guy was very smart. I still think of night, I hope he is restored.
God is good to send us all of these surprises. I have prayed just this week for special Gifts from God and I have received more then several!
May we be Jesus with skin on to people. People want to see or feel it from us out of a sincere heart of friendship with no motives, that speaks a sermon far louder. Being a Christian myself I feel that way. I want people to show me they care not just preach. :/
You are a blessing Lea, I bet you enjoyed that Keith Green concert too back then!
Love, Mom
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