Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Songs from Sunday, Heartfelt Sightings and Sharings

Live your life while you have it.  Life is a splendid gift -- there is nothing small about it. 
-Florence Nightingale

Half the joy of life is in little things taken on the run.  Let us run if we must --even the sands do that--but let us keep our hearts young and our eyes open that nothing worth our while shall escape us.  And everything is worth its while if we only grasp it and its significance.  -Victor Cherbuliez

As we go on to know Him better we shall find it a source of unspeakable joy that God is just what He is.  -A.W. Tozer

Yesterday:  It's Monday, I'm sitting on the screened porch typing here...I think this will be my writing room today.

What a lovely Sunday Jem and I had.  I will share sights below.  We took a drive into town, listening to a Zac Poonen short sermon and then pretty musics.  Even when I was very young we would listen to 'pretty musics' together.  Jem got that and I appreciated it.

Beware, some of these photos are taken in a moving car by a sentimental brunette named Amelia.  And yes, I say music - musics.  

God uses musics in my life.   He created it of course. You can listen to this song with us as we travel along, love this song, gives a good rush I think.  Jem is also a musican by the way.

The lyrics are very appropriate for my life in many ways these days...

Sunday had started in a foggy kind of way, Jem takes a prayer walk with the fur angels.

Things clear up..the weather changes like the wind.

Who has seen the wind?  Neither I nor you....  -Christina Rossetti

We then got ourselves dressed up and went on that trek to Midtown to eat at a fun Greek restaurant...It's a nice treat with the outdoor seating.

Jem was amused...At this...

Very merry firemen, making a stop to eat some good Greek foods!

After lunch Jem takes a drive down Main, he said he hadn't been down there in a while...and what greatness do we come across...

This old church built in 1917-20.  It's the Episcopal church my Uncle Wesley was married in.  As you may know if you keep up with this blog I've been on an emotional adventure of sorts.   

Jem thought at first it was the old Catholic church he would visit when a little boy, but then I saw it was Episcopal.  Wait, I think that is the church Uncle Wesley was married in!  I felt it in my heart.  After checking that 1940 society page?   It was indeed.   My heart melted.

Minutes away, the  Rice University entrance where Uncle Wesley attended.  A beautiful, untouched campus.

The Museum of Fine Arts...My sweet mother attended art school in the area as a single young lady.  She and another student, Delores, another conservative young lady met and became lifelong friends.  Delores was married to a farmer and became an art teacher, teaching until she had children.  She, her husband and children would come to visit us and us children would watercolor at the kitchen table.  I'll always remember that...so fun.  They were such sweet people, I like sweet people don't you?

Our youngest daughter also attended the art school in the area.  I thought it was wonderful that she was able to do that.

I've always loved this area of town, just look at the beautiful tree canopies...This older classic area is a comfort for both Jem and me.  It's interesting, many of the trees in the city are much like the shape of the many trees here in the Forest.  The city is a great place to visit every once in a while.

Here is another song we listened to that I think is just beautiful.  This was played at my Italian grandma's funeral right around the time of this video.  I'll never forget that day in the old stone chapel on the lovely grounds, it felt so European.  My Grandma was born in Naples, Italy.  Her family arrived in Boston and moved to New Orleans where she grew up into her teens then  moved here.  When I cook, I think of my grandma.  She always said, We'll have good eats and lots of laughs...  In her simple home that is the way it was on holidays, and I wouldn't have wanted it any other way.  There was always eggplant with pasta gravy and lots of pasta of course.  Do you know that many Italians call pasta gravy, gravy not sauce?  I can identify another true Italian when I hear...the words pasta-gravy.  Our pasta gravy is savory, and I love that about it.  Now back to that beautiful music...

Andrea Bocelli is a favorite of mine, a fellow prolife advocate.  

I hope you all are having a nice week so far and that Valentines day is a sweet, pleasant, uncomplicated holiday for you. : )   I have a neat sewing project in the works, a maxi skirt with a great art print.   I'll be putting together a bracelet for a nursing home resident as well.

Every day is a journal page what will we compose?  

Signing off, until the next time! 

We'll have good eats and lots of laughs....


Happy Valentines Sweet Friends!
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Photo by Robert Stock


Linda said...

Such a lovely post, Amelia! Happy Valentine's Day to you! Your photos are lovely! I have always loved Green food! Jem does look amused! Your posts are always so uplifting and enjoyable! Thank you so much for sharing, and I hope your week is going well. :)

Amelia said...

Well thank you Linda! I'm so glad that you enjoy the posts! : ) I hope this is the kind of place you can come on over for a cuppa! : ) Please know your blog is an uplifting place as well, have a great rest of the week Linda, until the next time...
