"If you are attracted to one, you will reject the other." -Zac Poonen
Two Sunday Sermon audio shorts for today:
The Love of Money... and Pride by Zac Poonen from Sermonindex.net
Photos by Robert Stock
Allow me to say, you can have a love of money without being rich. And you can be rich, without pride, being a responsible behind-the-scene steward for the Lord's Work with humility.
And last but not least...
Why Voting for Trump is a Good Moral Choice by Wayne Grudem
The author leaves no stone unturned. ...And I agree. Yes, at this point, I am voting my conscience. I personally cannot stand to leave our Supreme Court at risk for generations, not to once again mention the Unborn. To me, it's the Jesus thing to do.
Here are two more articles for good measure:
To the Never-Trumper - A Biblical Case for Trump
Megachurch Pastor David Jeremiah Reveals How His Vote Will be Decided
Goodnight, loves.