Hi De Ho Everyone, Here's a good ol' Show n' Tell post.
You will see and read:
A few casual shots around here including two of our precious rescue dogs. Just picked up a simple little camera on clearance, just tryin' it out.
A sermon plus a great site suggestion for those of you who may also be experiencing a drought in churchdom. Let's just say, there are some who think that cultural relevance; the equivalent of marking a mustache on the Mona Lisa and in one case which actually brings tears to my eyes...A spiritual spattering across stained glass windows of Jesus holding His little Lambs...The spattering in the spiritual realm is graffiti of sorts... It says in ugly brash scrawl: Cultural Relevance.
Pretty cracked if I may say so. If we open our mouths we are considered phariseeical. Perhaps it is those who are so very bent on their mod-squad and litany of television programs that sadden God who are truly the Pharisees. It seems they must think everyone must be lukewarm like them or are rigid. Is this willful deception? It may be the 21st century but there are certain things that don't change with God. Aren't we supposed to be heart broken over the things that break God's Heart? Aren't we supposed to expose Light to darkness, not allow darkness in?
Interesting that women like me who have the freedom in our homes and honor that freedom, taking it seriously as a divine office and place, we and our families are many times labeled, rigid and have some imagined need to be freed. I can educate myself in any way I choose as long as my home is taken care of. Honestly? Our daughters are adults now and if I am spending time with God, being quiet enough to *hear* from God, EDIT 5.26.16: MAKING MY HOME A PEACEFUL PLACE, creating art, designing and creating clothing, using my own patterns, creating Little Dresses for Africa, enjoying cooking I don't have time to study anything else of a structured nature. I have a Level I as a Family Herbalist and I said... Never. Again. I study and retain best on my own. I have to put one thing down to do the other. Let's get real. The same as my husband, he can do that same thing as long as things are taken care of. First things first. Our daughters know that too and always have. And trust me, we have a home full of laughter and perhaps a few dirty dishes as well. Those who would like to and are in the habit of saying we need to be freed or are rigid in some strange way in their culturally trained, deceived imaginations, fail to see the real bondage of submitting to some boss, leaving children behind to strangers to raise. This is not referring to single mothers, God be with them.
We have a precious younger friend who is a medical specialist, a surgeon, a friend of our family...He tells us he sees quite often his fellow female medical students etc. weeping, (his actual wording was bawling) after dropping off their infant baby as soon as 4 weeks old.
The young doc also agreed as I shared...There is nothing wrong with education if that is what you prayerfully discern at that time, but someone has to rock the cradle! We cannot get around that! Dropping our babies off does not sound freeing to me! What bondage! What heartache! How un-natural can it get?! I could go on... That does not sound like freedom to me.
One of our daughters was courting a Christian math professor from California. His mother had been a feminist speaker, he shared: No. Women can't do it all. None of us can.
If that causes a loss in numbers of people wanting to follow my blog and I'm sure it has? So be it. Italian styling with German engineering, that's me. (My mother is Italian, my father, German) It's also that tiny twinge of prophet there in the midst of much mercy but it is something that needs to be said of late. Our churches are full, absolutely full of this twisted deception! Grandparents even in the churches sit and say nothing, I suppose many are first and second generation feminists and may not even realize that is what their warped thinking pattern is. Feminism. The Emperor's New Clothes! It's heartbreaking to me. I'm grieved on what I so often see, hear and read. Unfortunately? As an old acquaintance once said... Amelia, you are very honest.
People may not like it but they will remember what was said and I think as older Italians said...
And I think that's-a pretty good.
Back to Show n' Tell....
Below you will also see:
A recipe below for one of my groovy pasta dishes. : )
An old movie good for the entire family.
Okay. Let's go, let's try out the little camera:
Our screen porch Jem is working on, check out the Lilac bush? Smells glorious.
A book I'm starting, Letters of the Scattered Brotherhood by Mary Strong
Here is a quote from the book:
For one soul that exclaims, "Speak Lord, for Thy servant heareth," there are ten that say, "Hear Lord! for Thy servant speaketh," and there is no rest for these. -Pamela Grey
Here is our precious and most recent dog rescued by Marianna. This precious creature was literally bones, much like the photos we see. She was grey, no hair, shaking with fever, her skin was so frail and sick that it would bleed if it were barely touched. Marianna spotted her on a country road and threw a fancy red tablecloth she had from Christmas over her...(so funny I think.) ...For as you Readers would agree, this Creature that God entrusted us with is far more valuable than any tablecloth. When Mar and I gave her a medicated bath, the front of my top was bloody. She is beautiful now and brings such a smile to us as she is so very expressive. She says, Thank you. Thank you for my Life. I tell her she is beautiful...This is our Gracie.
Buddy Heart Cupid Valentino. Great and Mighty Wonder of the W-ORLD! He is a Love indeed, has a white heart design on the top of his head and I kiss him on the cheek calling him....Big Baby. Someone dumped him out here and we thought he belonged to someone else until he cried out so very pitifully one day...He was starving and it didn't show because of his muscle mass... A gentle giant. Very sensitive creature.
Stormy skies recently. It is like our lives, blue with clouds, we appreciate the blue shining through.
Saute quite a bit of squash or zucchini or both of your choice, any kind of squash along with a chopped onion in olive oil. Sprinkle liberally with parsley, basil and a teensy bit of oregano. My Grandma always said, just a little bit of oregano! It makes it bitter if you use too much! After your squash and onion is a bit browned, add a half of a large box of 32 oz. tomato sauce, and an entire large 26 oz. box of chopped tomatoes. I also add a sprinkle of crushed red pepper.
Make your pasta.
You may also add garlic powder to the gravy to keep it easy on this most groovy and satisfying dish.
Serve over pasta. One bowl dinner. Enjoy!
Angels in the Outfield (1951) A most delightful movie for the entire family! A really sweet and swell movie. We all just loved it...The main character, the little girl from an orphanage is a darling.
Jem and I listened to this on the way to uso town last Sunday. The message is in African, translated to English so be ready for that. SermonIndex.net is a fantastic resource for a treasury of great sermons. Many from years gone by. Our oldest daughter Lea, reminds... There is a SermonIndex Apple app too!
Well Loves, I must go. It's evening time. Remember the same moon shining over me is shining over you too. Let's pray one for another. ~Amelia at the Forest Cathedral
Old photos (Lady w/baby, cook, scales of Justice) by Robert Stock.
Dear Amelia in your Forest Cathedral, it is always good to have a virtual visit with you via your blog. I have comments (all supportive) regarding things you have said:
Animals just seem to find you. They must sense you are a safe place for them. They are right! You are a safe place for human, as well.
Cultural relevance -- there is a fine line between what is good/helpful/edifying/effective in the church and what is not. But all too often, today's church leans into (and even behaves) with poor judgement. I so wish our church leaders would learn to address issues in a winsome yet effective way instead of turning their heads away.
I love, love, love your statements in the paragraph beginning with INTERESTING, in particular, MAKING MY HOME A PEACEFUL PLACE. If home isn't a peaceful place, where will we find it?
Yes for the statement, "Someone has to rock the cradle." It needs to be the mommy with her own children as much as humanly possible (understanding, as you noted, the plight of single mothers). The LORD will take care of the other matters.
Your screened-in porch will be a delight. Thanks for the wonderful blog post.
Thank you so much for your kind comment Barbara!
It's so true isn't it...So many do seem to turn their heads instead of gently addressing things, things that could be such an epiphany to people that perhaps are feeling uneasy about things and don't quite know what to do. I am hard pressed to see a preacher say anything to encourage stay at home moms or wives.
As Ronald Reagan said, "Change starts at the dinner table." : )
It's so true isn't it? If every mom would enjoy their homes in a contented joyful way, making their home a place of joy and making that place where the Peace of God reigns...Think what a fine country we would have again. I even know of many homeschool moms who are so into busyness that they don't even have family dinners.
Thank you for the sweet and thoughtful comment Barbara! Your comment was a blessing to me!
I appreciate for your standing up for women enjoying and embracing their role as a keeper of the home. We are so blessed to have that role.
The movie suggestion looks fun. I appreciate it when you share about good old movies that you have watched. When we want to have a movie night your blog is often my go to place for a suggestion. We can't always find them but have found and enjoyed several.
I just had to comment again to say that they short video on the crumbling of the church was so on target. Very good!
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