I knew it was useless, Muff and Charles were on a great pup adventure. Those little toots. So what's a girl like me to do? I get hubs of course. Ha! Lea was in no better shape than I. Hubs knew the two beloved doglets were in danger of getting snatched or hit so i see hubs go down the drive in his Dick Tracey car and abruptly stop... and I see a flash of golden reflection through the pond...ears-flyin' like a little rabbit, Muffie was flying back home! Charlie was not far behind.
Two big deer had chased them back into our property back down the driveway! The two deer stood in front of Hub's car looking at Hubs eye to eye almost as if they had their hands on their hips to say..."Okay, job done."
Then the two deer galloped into the forest. Wow.
The animal kingdom is so amazing, we are thinking it was two doe? Perhaps protecting their young? We've seen so many wee fawn lately. Oh so darling.
Two Other Things I Wanted to Write About to keep Record of:
A month or so ago we were at the nursing home. One lady is so precious, such a sweet spirit. She is paralyzed in half of her face, in a wheelchair and she politely stopped me. I squat down by her because that is what I like to do. I like to squat down with them so they will know I'm not rushing them. I want them to know I'm there to hang out with them so to speak.
That week had been a "bear" emotionally for me, I was feeling so badly on some things, very misunderstood. Sometimes there are things in life that feel like a bad recording button that gets pushed from time to time. Not often, but enough. I think most people have little thorn like that too of some sort.
The sweet lady in the wheelchair started to encourage me, saying God sees what I do. She was so precious to tell me I was an upstanding Christian woman in every way, she slowly reiterated and she was so precious, it was clearly a labor for her to even speak. She proceeded to prophesy to my heart in such a lovely way. I was in awe. I smiled and looked at her through watery eyes. God has spoken through these residents before like that and it never ceases to amaze me.
God is so Great. This was definitely worthy of an entry here for future remembrance God's Heart for His Children and His Faithfulness.
"He cannot hear or speak" She proceeded to share how blessed we are since we can hear and speak.
Remember, this lady is also bound in a wheelchair, half of her face is paralyzed, it's a labor for her to speak. She has no one to help her with her makeup. Her sons rarely visit her and she tells me how blessed she is.
How blessed she is...How blessed we are...
What a precious, precious attitude. Awed. (an understatement) Words just cannot describe the Lord and His Saints. May we be so obedient to encourage others.
(No, I didn't cut my hair, it's pulled back in this pic) : )
The last nursing home visit we saw Howard, he is a dear and I'm concerned for him. Half of the time he is not there and in the hospital these days. The last time he was there I spied hospice business cards on his night stand.
Michelle went back to see him the next week since she was off from work and he was back in the hospital. She has given him a Bible but we don't know what to think on where he stands with the Lord. He is a sweetheart and he may be closer to the Lord than anybody. Who knows. Some people are very private about things and that is okay. : )
Please pray for Howard because I know he is not doing well physically, poor little guy. And just in case please pray the Lord will show Himself to Howard clearly if Howard has not seen the full picture of the Heavenly Father. Howard has plenty of smarts, he's traveled the world over as an archeologist. He never married and I have no idea why, it doesn't matter really, it's none of my business. : ) He has darling blue German eyes like my dad's. He smiles like a little boy with a sparkle and a little boy grin.
Please Pray for Howard.
Here is a photo of Muffie and Charlie a week or so ago playing with our junior kitten, Marilla. We have two other doglets too, Guisseppe and Esther. But Muffie and Charlie are the whirlwind escape artists. .... Toots. They are sweet toots though. ; )
Right now we have (had) (I need to turn it back on)...The soundtrack to the theme of "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Elmer Bernstein. Beautiful, beautiful....
The girls are cooking I think zuchini and squash making Greek pitas? I hear talk of a fruit pie as well.
Today I worked on a wrap skirt, I did this one in pink gingham, hoping it will look cute when finished. I felt like something cheerful. I washed clothing too, had a great time with Beccs today in some great conversation. Hubs is off today and on the tractor, I told him this morning how I love sewing and designing clothing. I used to illustrate fashions in highschool and they usually were hung in the showcase in our school as well as me and my friend posing once in the showcase once still like a statue to see if anyone would notice. : P I try to sew in small increments along with general household needs too otherwise the house will crumble to pieces. Let's just say, housekeeping isn't easy for a creative messy like myself. : ) ...So don't drop by without giving me three hours notice okay? Unless of course you too are a creative mess! : D
In the mornings and eves I like to meditatively clip the rose bushes and listen to the beautiful sound of small airplanes flying overhead and it reminds me of my daddy flying when I was a little girl. Beautiful memories. I'll forever remember memories of my dad flying overhead, visits to the base to swim with handsome G.I. Joe friends and their families like something from an old 50s magazine.
I plan on going to the pond to read a bit, a book written by my sweet friend: House Made by Hands. by Jane Bennet Gaddy.
1 comment:
I enjoy hearing about your friends from the home. It always touches my heart. Thank You for sharing. I am so glad that the little lady told you that "God is seeing what you are doing." It is true. And, God sees what you are doing here on your blog too. God bless you, Mrs. Amelia
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