Come on Muff let's get this well fixed!
Hard work right Muff?
I think we got it Muff!
All in a day's work at the Forest Cathedral. Muff is quite contemplative on the day's events.
A beautiful eve at the Forest Cathedral. What's for supper?
Thought you all might enjoy seeing what it's like many evenings here at the Forest Cathedral. Muff is the smallest of our four little doglets, he weighs in at probably eleven pounds. : ) He loves his Po-Po. When Po-Po is home no one else exists. I think it's cute...
Where did we get Muffie? Mar.-Mar. found him four years ago on primary voting day. He was sitting in the intersection in the middle of the road, bless his heart, he was matted up, and his collar was rusted shut because of the elements. Mar. made a U-turn and rescued the little fella. His full name? Muffie Buttons Huckabee. Kinda cute don't you think? Actually we started calling him, Muffin because he looked like a little Muffin. : ) Thus: Muffie Thus: Muff
What have I been doing today?
Well...A lot, but it's the type of thing where it's not showing much. I've gone through some baskets of clothing, washing and drying putting up out of season clothing etc. I am so very behind since I had a huge bout of sickness since January. I will catch up. It's a cinch by the inch but hard by the yard so I'll go the "inch" way. Yes siree bobbie.
What am I thinking?
I'm thinking happy thoughts, so glad the way God reveals things. Sometimes He reveals sad disappointing things, sometimes people act weird. Plum weird I say. But it really isn't our problem, as one of the agents at the office says as she smiles ...If that's what they like... (The word "like" must be said as in two syllables almost as singing). ; ) Also prayers were answered in perfect timing. God is so very good.
I feel so filled with joy that we live here again, it is wonderful. It's great fun going to the little towns riding through beautiful countryside seeing God's creatures caring for their babes. Mommy deer and their little fawns, mommy cows and their babies able to live happily in green pastures. It is beautiful. I was a fool to ever move from here in the first place. I knew I was making a mistake ten years ago before I even signed the papers to move back to town. Thank GOD I have the opportunity to be BACK! Hallelujah!
What am I reading? I'm reading a new book actually that my friend Jane B. Gaddy wrote. (can't remember the name just now. I just started on the book last night, it has a Southern clapboard house on the front. I like to nibble at delightful books and I'm kind of thinking this one will be a delight. Only past the forward.
I get tickled sometimes: when people behave as if I know nothing. Last fall someone asked if I knew who Dr. Denton Cooley was...I wanted to say, "Honey, I knew who he was when me and your mama were little gals." Sometimes my pride wants to get the best of me. Being a stay at home mom and wife is not easy at times...Sometimes I want to tell people like that...Do you know my heritage? Etc.? My great, great grandpa was a doctor in Germany for a king's court, our name started with Von don't you know. And by the way several of my cousins are specialists too don't you know? One of my surgeon - cousins was on fox news and has a dog in her office too just like I would do. : P And the Italian side isn't too shabby either if people must know. It really is sad that in our present society women who give their all and are living life to the fullest in their homes are made to feel somehow as if we are less or not living to the fullest when our position should be the most esteemed and realized as the most fulfilling. Why, if you ask our pediatrician, and look at his first book he gave to his patients one thing he wrote was women actually save money and have a nice simple life by staying home with their children. Homes are much happier and healthier like that for many reasons. I make no apologies for being a stay at home mother and wife. If women would put their all into their families unabashedly the world would sure be a better place. God's accolades are fine with me. And if you are a homeschooled student or homeschool parent and feel pressured to make a mark for pride's sake? For an answer to some fool 10 second question as in "What do you do?" or (horrors) "Where do you go to college?"and you are too whimpy to get it out? Shame on you. Pony up and get a grip and tell them you are, or you aspire to be a happy homemaker. If you're a homeschool mom keep the good Lord FIRST. Please stop the immature, insecure popularity games. I've never seen so many insecure, immature women! God will bless a homeschool where HE is FIRST. The rest will come naturally, not by trusting chariots or horses! So I feel better now. *smile* I just read it to hubs and he thought it was good. He thought maybe there are certain people who should hear that.
Perhaps some of the world's pros should be saying..."I know a GREAT stay at home mom and wife!" She is WOW. Her kids are fantastic! She is a sweetheart indeed!
So that's the wrap and the current feelings these days...I guess I'm in a funny little mood these days but that's just the way it is.
Enjoy your families, enjoy your home, don't let society dictate to you how you should live.
You've got to admit, this is probably the most down to earth blog you've ever seen. Yes, I like to be a first rate version of myself. I do try.
Love to All! ~Amelia
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