Last night hubby and I went on a datenight and I got so tickled with him. After we had gone out to eat and picked up a few things at Whole Foods we drove through Starbucks, I needed my half-caff "night cap" coffee after the heavy meal. ; ) I don't drink alcohol, but I do like my coffee (not that there is a comparison) . Coffee is a comfort drink-food for me, it goes way, way back. You must know I grew up on coffee, coffee with milk and cheerios, coffee and milk with corn flakes, you get the picture, coffee wasn't an adult drink for me. I'm thinking it must come from the Italian side of the family.
As we pulled through Starbucks and my Dear Hubs hands me my delicious half caff with one cream and one sugar respectively I reach in my purse for my. favorite Christian tract, "Have a Good Day" by Rod and Staff Publishers. They are sweet little tracts.
Hubs hands the tract to the young lady at the window and says with a smile:
"Read this when you get a chance."
Young lady takes tract through window and says: Thanks!
Me to hubs as we're pulling out: I always say, Here ya go, you have a nice day now! : ) I don't say, Read this.
Hubs looks at me with a sparkle in his eye that he only has and tells me:
I'll witness the way I want to (pointing to his chest) and you witness the way you want to smiling and pointing to me.
Then Hubs proceeds to tell me (with a smile mind you): Who are you the Great Kahuna Witnesser?!
Oh wow. That just cracked us both up. We both threw our heads back and laughed and laughed!
Guess you would have had to have been there but it was funny, I like it when Hubs is humorous, it's better than furrowed eyebrows any day. Speaking of...Marianna told me to unfurl my eyebrows the other day. I think I was stressed, eye twitch and all.
Yesterday my mom came to visit and told me I was getting more freckles. I tell her with a smile I like my freckles. She tells me: I knew you would argue with me.
The theatre of my mind as I tried to look calm cool and collective: Noooooooooo *eye twitches*
I must remember that my mom was born in 1930 and if it were up to her, the entire female population would wear make-up akin to the wax museum when they would dare to wear it (is it any wonder my poor mom thinks it's a lot of trouble to wear makeup?) ...and the entire American home would be decorated in perfect balance...One candlestick on one side...One on the other. My mom is an artist and the neatest artist you have ever seen, she puts me to shame.
Maybe I should go to therapy with my therapist cousin Michael? ; ) Ha! He used to be a catholic priest and married a nun. ( Don't worry he left the priesthood honorably). I do know Michael would so get me on things I'm certain...He knows the topography well of our background. ; )
We ate at a Mediterranean store counter last Sunday and the man waiting on us reminded me of Michael's dad, my Uncle Johnny. Uncle Johnny was a darling, married to Aunt Margaret, my Grandpas sister. Uncle Johnny was a comedian in his own right. Aunt Margaret was a darling, just a real sweetheart. Uncle Johnny owned a grocery store in the museum district, now it's a yuppy deli called PicNic.
My mom recalls the story of Aunt Margaret calling my grandma one day.
My grandma answers her old phone with her New Orleans, Southern but Italian accent. (You would have to hear it)
Grandma says: Whats the matt-a Margaret?!
Aunt Margaret: My heart is a-black, my heart is a-black...Michael is leaving the priesthood.
It was something from the old movie, Marty (1955) I'm sure. Poor Aunt Margaret.
It is a funny story though especially when my mom tells it. : )
Well there you have it dear readers. By the way, if you are a tofu eater like myself, Pei Wei has a wonderful dish, the Japanese Terriyaki bowl that is wonderful with tofu.
And ya know? The Whole Foods vitamin cards are wonderful. I received a large bottle of an expensive supplement for free last night. Hubs had prayed we'd get a break. Isn't God wonderful?
I've been noticing the word, Hope several times lately and today, the word, Dream. God is the author of both.
Yes indeed.
Signing off, supper is near and I need to walk those doglets. Hubs just came in and is getting a head start. Me thinks Lea is saving supper by the sounds of things from here. (I guess they didn't want my frozen concoction I had planned to thaw and re-create) That's okay, I never complain when the girls cook for me these days. Great blessing!
Here is a favorite picture of Hubs and his Gumbadi friend, Tim at their class reunion several years ago. This is sooooo Tim and Hubs.
Hubby at his best with yours truly...
xxooo Be good, hope you enjoyed this uncooked blog. Love, ~Amelia
EDIT: 12.9.11 If you would like to see how I am planning on Transforming a 90s Turtleneck please see my thats-italian blogspot. (And please ignore my poochy pants in the pic you will see) ; )
Last time we were on a date I called my parents to tell them we were on our way home to pick up the boys. Mom picked up the phone and says, "Hello, Linda speaking." Something I've never heard her say before and I was so thrown off by it, before I could think I said, "Hello, this is Mom." No, wait, I thought, that wasn't right! She's my Mom! I laughed!!! She said back, "Oh, hello Mom! Back from heaven to say hello?" We both laughed so hard!
Your stories bring a smile to my face! I am glad you enjoyed your time out with your Hubby!
Hi Amelia!
What a fun and pleasant read! Cheered me up. Your family has a lot of fun I can see. Wish we could get together and have some laughs together. We're the same way.
Thanks for stopping over to say hi today. I'm doing fine. I just have sort of gotten away from blogging for a while. Maybe part of the problem is I have five of them to keep up with. So keeping up with them isn't the easiest and a lot depends on my mood. I keep up the devotional ones better than the personal one for some reason.
Well you take care and many blessings, dear sis.
Another small glimpse into the inner workings of the most wonderful family on Earth. Date night, oh, how special. You two know how to keep it fresh, even acting like kids in the drive-through. Thank you for sharing your special moments with the rest of the world.
Hello, my sweet friend. Another lovely post to make me smile and miss you more. :)
I hope you and the fam are enjoying this wonderful Christmas season, both individually and together as family.
Much love to all!
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