Monday, February 21, 2011

Since You Went Away. 1943.

A new entry on the wonderful old movie, "Since You Went Away" (1943)

at thats-italian, my recipe and story blog.

Enjoy and God Bless.


Jane B. Gaddy said...

Amelia... precious one! I'm so glad I came here tonight. I would guess by now you have moved into the house. Hope so. I can't imagine having something that lovely and not just camping out there if nothing else. It sounds wonderful. You have described much of it and it suits me fine! Cherish every moment, for God has blessed you immensely. When you talk about your girls, I see God's love and grace bestowed in spades! And your sweet hubby must love you with an everlasting love. You have something very special. I can hear it in your voice. And now, goodnight and God bless you as you walk with Him.
Jane BG

Amelia said...

Thank you Jane, you would not believe how timely your comment is. What a blessing!

We're in the process of packing and gradually moving sure enough. Oh the hidden emotions lurking among us girls...I'm sure you can imagine. : )

Bless you Jane, I so appreciate your comment. <3 ~Amelia