I'll give you a brief update...
In the past month hubs and I were at the property one bright and shiny afternoon and I was strolling along our pathway to the rear of the property just taking the peace & quiet in when I glanced down on the domed pathway and see a curly-q of a scaled tail, dark charcoal grey mixed with white and I knew exactly what this little end was. A snake! A big one! This guy was at least 6 feet long just quietly strewn out across the domed wide path. It's somewhat of a driving path so it is quite wide and this guy was all the way over it with no room to spare hanging off the path at both sides.
I made a left-face so fast and comical it would have made both Gomer Pyle and Jerry Lewis envious. I'm a-telling you! Wowza! I quickly took a look over to the other end of this creature and see he is not poisonous. Okay now what to do but hop around a bit motioning to hubs on the riding mower that "Behold! There is a snaketh!" All the while pointing to it but mouthing and shaking my head, no to hubs "It's not poisonous!"
Hubs rolls on up very close to the creature on his mower and stops. Just stops and looks at the creature and that creature actually turned his little beadie head and looked back at hubs and opened his mouth as if to say, "Stop! Don't kill me!" He slowly slithered over towards the next jungle like property and once he got away from the mower off he went full speed ahead!
I have named this creature Humphrey. He just looked like a Humphrey to me, and since he wasn't a bad snake I know he probably hunts rats and such. I think he was what we call a "rat snake". Humphrey is probably a dinosaur of sorts in that area from looking at his size. Well Humphrey, live and let live....and please Humphrey, let your animal friends know we are nice people that just don't hack away at everything. : ) Just be nice Humphrey and please tell your animal friends to be nice too. : )
The house? The roof is on! We chose a silver metal roof that will reflect the sun, and I think it will be divine. One of the dormer windows will be left to shine to the downstairs so we can see up into the clouds, just like a......cathedral. : )
JT our friend had a friend who did the roof at a very reasonable price, who had finished an apprenticeship of sorts and so far so good. Yay God!
The other night our entire family were riding in our car on the way home from the country to the burbs....Now there is just something to be said for a good ol' hotdog over fire and then riding home in the evening...twilight setting in...very pretty and peaceful....No music playing just conversation with our four girls. Our girls are ages 27 to 16 so there is always something to talk about. Courtships go in and many times and most times they go out...My oldest daughter was talking about how she feels the need to fight a teensy bit of bitterness from the last courtship. (I did not like that fella, he gave me an uneasy, vexed feeling at times) But to make a long story short, she sees now firsthand just why I had the icky feelings for various reasons as she sees his true character now that he no longer is courting her and has no personal interest....We all talked and interjected, and a hymn would come up from someone's lips and we would all bellow out a hymn that had to do with the situation. And then my 25 year old daughter was sharing some disappointments as of late with her modesty boutique etc. and just life in general, we all know the bewilderments right? Another hymn would come up and we'd all sing away! Priceless. Priceless.
I wish I had pics to post of our house but as I've shared before it's like herding cats to retrieve pics from my family....especially when they are on hub's camera. He's a busy guy. Yes indeedie.
Thanks so much to all for the great words of encouragement. You are all so correct! Those windows are no big deal. No not at all. It's amazing how things like that just lull out after a bit if we let them.
Right now I'm reading organizational books by the Young Sisters, gleaning from flylady and the Duggar's book as well so I am trying to let those folks be of encouragement to me. I just love those Duggars! It's nice because we have friends who have stayed in their home, and it was just as I suspected....They are just as they are. Sweet people, just sweet people who love Jesus. If you haven't gotten the Duggar's book I would recommend it. It is wonderful. "The Duggars: 20 and Counting!"
I like the Duggar family because they simply love the Lord. They are not out to tout a doctrine, they are out to tout the Lord and share their lives to encourage others. Praise God for them, they are a huge encouragement to me. I would love to have some families like them close by....I'll read bits and pieces of the book to hubs and he laughs and says..."They are so much like us!" Yes, the Duggars are very entrepreneurial and have learned to trust in the Lord for sure. That entrepreneurial spirit, trust, and faith comes from the Lord. God will give us good ideas if we ask, and many times it's when we are in financial tights or any kind of trial in life for that matter when the Lord gives us those ideas, miracles, even good deals, making our sandals last in the dessert, all the while we are learning to trust in Him, it's God's Academy of Learning. Divine Learning for Life! We have such a loving Father. : )
Love and appreciate you all very much, your comments are delightful and a blessing to me! xxxooo ~Amelia
Before I close I thought I'd add a P.S.
.... Our Four Girls...
And Me!
Taken by our youngest daughter (16) our resident photography artist....I was reading there at the table on the land...she caught the reflection in my sunglasses on the table. Neat? I think so!
We saw a rat snake at the Boston Museum of Science today - dark brown/black and 5 ft. long - he looked friendly though : )
I think it's great you're all spending time together like that - relaxed and real talking, laughing, loving...something that you can't make up. It comes from being together enough ; )
Yeppers, that sounds like a rat snake alright! : ) They are actually pretty timid little guys...from what I have seen. Years ago when we lived in the country, there would sometimes be one twined underneath my husband's tractor seat! Yikes!
It is fun being together as a family, ya just can't beat it! : )
Hi, Amelia! It's been a while since I checked your various blogs. This one is great (all of yours are, but I just read this one, so I'm telling you what I think of it!) It's nice to "meet" a woman who isn't afraid of a snake, and brave enough to determine if it's a "bad" snake or a "good" snake. Around our place, if it's not copper colored it's okay (there are no rattlers or cottonmouths in our county -- don't know why as they are in other counties in VA, but not in ours). I'll look forward to seeing pix of your house and property when you get opportunity to load them onto your blog(s)!!
In Him --
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