Lyrics on my mind lately...from
You've Got a Friend by James Taylor
People can be so cold. They'll hurt you and desert you. Well they'll take your soul if you let them.
I remember when I was a young gal, and James Taylor was "it". Those lyrics still resonate with me and I still like some of his music, his history of his growing up is very interesting as well, I suspect I may be a kindred spirit of his in some ways...
What an odd season of life I'm in these days. The Father seems to be closing doors on some things, what I thought were friendships were nothing of the sort. Usury. Pure usury. Deceipt and pride and every evil thing that goes with that. Sometimes it's in the name of church folks. Do you know that there are churches now teaching that Jesus did not die for all? Frightening. There is one common thread among them all.... Pride. As a friend of mine suggested.... Vain Philosophies.
Many have the appearance of good but deny the power thereof. Their trees have some awfully bitter fruit if you know what I mean....They just aren't very nice.
On the other hand? We have charismatic churches which tout the gifts but you feel as though you are entering into a nightclub in all of it's wordly glory. Virtue is shunned many times. Hmmm...
I think it's a sign of the times myself....But it doesn't make it easy to live amongst these various fringe groups.
Where is a church where they love the Lord and others, and hate sin? Where they read the entire full gospel for what it is and not pick it apart like it's a cafeteria smorgasboard?
We have adopted the convenient theory that the Bible is a book to be explained, whereas first and foremost it is a book to be believed (obeyed). ~Leonard Ravenhill
It's holding on to the Lord time for sure.
I've learned in life not to question these things too terribly much. It's like Jim Baker said in his book from years ago written when he came out of prison. God shows us who is real and who is not.
It's as if God is showing our family who is real and who is not. Painful as it may be to our hearts...He shows us.....
Who is real. Who is not.
Simple as that. If only I wasn't such a tender hearted artist heart but such is life and I am well aware that the enemy of our souls likes nothing better than to take our gifts and use them against us...
In His mercy the Father does show us these things as to who is real no matter how raw it is at times ....and I know the Father is Just and His ways are not ours.
A scripture verse from this morning reads with my honest excerpts and recollections:
Psalm 37:3-6
Trust in the Lord and do good. (My grandma used to say that, she would say, "Just do good and don't worry about the rest") Then you will live safely in the land and prosper. Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart's desires. Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him, and he will help you. He will make your innocence radiate like the dawn, and the justice of your cause will shine like the noonday sun. Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for him to act. Don't worry about evil (I say those prideful schmucks) people who prosper or fret about their wicked schemes.
His Word also says in 1 Peter 5:67 So humble yourselves under the mighty power of God, and at the right time he will lift you up in honor. Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.
We can bet our bottom dollar on that I guarantee.
Our little family is doing fine thank the Lord. Thank the LORD! : )
The house is keeping us busy and I'm going to snatch some pics as usual from one of my daughters. : )
dd25 & 27.... Contemplations of a new but old chapter of life...
dd27 & 20
dd27 pensively carving the date and her first name for future time travelers? Interesting thought indeed.
dd25 enjoying the quiet surroundings with our Muffie.
This is our VOH meeting in our home, our Dd25 teaching a Bible study with the book on her lap. These girls are so precious....Just so very precious. Does my heart good indeed.
Kitchen full of precious girls learning...Now for the homemaking skill!
How to make scrumptious soft pretzels as our Dd20 teaches them! So fun! How can I complain, the Lord is so good!
Dd25 on left being silly with some of our precious friends.
Here they are ready to get cookin'!
Dd20 & Dd25. I don't know where our Dd27 and 16 are! Those rascals, but I must say Dd16 is our resident photographer, so I suspect that little gal is behind the camera most of thetime. I love our girls. : ) I think I see half of Dd27 in the pink shirt and here is our resident photographer, Dd16 behind the scenes:

That's the wrap for now....
I'll close with these Sara Groves songs:
Better run! Dd25 just came in with some fresh basil, roses and verbena! Oh heavenly indeed!
I'm out the door with Dd20... She has her eyes on some beautiful moss-green curtains, in a most divine victorian style... for her new room of course. She is buying them with her own money. All is well.
In more ways than one All is Well.
God is Good.
How good to hear from you again! Prayers and blessings are sent your way. Yes, God is Just, we just need faith in Him!
How exciting to see the house coming along!
Aren't homemade soft pretzels delicious! Yum!!!
Hi Eva,
It's so wonderful to hear from you as well!
: )
Thanks so much for stopping by, and yes the pretzels are so good, these are boiled first, and then baked and oh so tender. Mouth watering!
The house is coming along, I don't know how hubs is doing it and coordinating it the way he has. It's so mind boggling for me. God has been good to us.
Thanks again for coming by!
Oh, your country house is coming along beautifully! Maybe you'll be in before Christmas! It sounds like you do have peace in your family and I believe that comes from everyone choosing to listen to the Lord's voice. I have a stubborn girl who wavers between doing her own thing and then choosing to listen to God; even tho' she's at a Christian college, she's still pulled by people who are NOT listening to God. But, things are getting better, actually and I'm so grateful to see her being more kind to me/us. It's fun to see the picture of your girls making pretzels; just yesterday I was reading a pretzel recipe in our professional baking book. (HAHA!) I am NOT a pro! The book is Hubby's and he aspires to be a pro! Anyway, how did those pretzels turn out? Also, how are you feeling? Health issues have changed for me and I've thought of you and your nutrition course...wondering how you've worked your knowledge into everyday life. Take care, dear girl!
I know what you mean about the false doctrine that is going around, Amelia. Preaching a different God, who sounds more like Allah, and a different Jesus -- one who did not die for the sins of all, making salvation available to all who will do their God-given part in their salvation and come to Him.
Beautiful post... <3 <3 <3 He is faithful indeed. I love those songs too... and it's exciting to think about the new adventures God has for us at our new lovely house and land!! It's going to be FUN! :D
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