Wednesday, September 25, 2024

So...What's Going On? Hi There. A Big Show N' Tell. Three Pups! Two Kinds of Musics.

 Three New Puppies at Jem and Amelia's Farm!


2 Little Black Puppies!  Yes, Count Them!

I Present to you Dear Reader....Harper and Leelo!


This contains an image of: They are very difficult to capture on camera together!  And they are very difficult to capture in all of their cuteness being mostly black!

A brother and sister duo cruelly dumped on a busy country road on the day of a bad hurricane!   Zuzu picked them up, they were probably all of 6 weeks old.  What kind of a person dumps little puppies like this let alone the day of a hurricane arriving!?   Hurricanes are not fun.  I've noticed that when the south is on the receiving end of a hurricane that there is not much notice but when some other states in other areas of the country get a hangnail, oh my goodness, it's the end of the world for them and much ado is made.  


Oh and That Lilly Tiger.....Lil Tiger!

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This contains an image of: This adorable little lady also cruelly dumped, probably around 1 year old according to our vet just hopped in the car with our youngest daughter, Grace!    She was waiting in the middle of the road all by her lonesome and Grace almost hit her, she pulled over and it was like...."Oh, so you're my ride!  My new family"  She is a lovely cream and grey stripe.  She runs like the wind and is a sweetheart.   



I Love the Shadows and Light of the Fall

I walked into Grace's room to bring a lost item and I just had to stop and take the feel of it in.

This contains an image of:  Her walls are a lovely light opal blue.

This contains an image of:  She is not only a photographer but an artist also.  The white wooden desk was my dad's when he was very young.  The poor little drawers need a little work to get them to go in easily but they work! 

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The old green chest was my dad's and was already old when he was using it.   He attended school at Gulfport Military Academy in Biloxi Mississippi and became Captain there as a senior.  ...Oh the stories I have. 

Girls Just Want to Have Fun!

Following are pics of me, our daughters and grandchildren on a very fun day!


Little Rosebud, Me, Zuzu and Grace 


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Lil Rosebud, Joycie, Janie and Me


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This contains an image of:  Me and Zuzu


Swinging in front of the old School House, such a simple pleasure.


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Little Batman and Christopher Robin, two of our little grandsons, having a plumb wonderful day!

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More fun with our precious grandchildren being silly...  Christopher Robin, Little Batman and Little Rosebud.   

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At Home at School...

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Christopher Robin excited about school, all of our grandchildren are homeschooled and that is a blessing.   I still homeschool myself! 

This contains an image of: Oh the Imagination and mind of a child...Little Batman's World. 


My Girlfriend


My girlfriend, Liesl.  She is my sweet friend, she doesn't talk behind my back, is never jealous and loves me just the way I am!   We take walks together.  I loved the autumn light shining on her here at nap time.  She is faithful.  People could learn from Liesl.

My Husband

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This is Jem, my husband as most of you know...He's my bestfriend.  We really enjoy being together when we can when he's not working at our office or our farm.  

Now for some...

COMMON SENSE that is Kinda Funny But TRUE!  

...Actually pretty darn EXCELLENT.  Sometimes things happen and I feel like these two memes clarify very well:

...I've seen this movie before, unfortunately, people can be very insecure and just mean.  


This is when you walk away from that movie...Sometimes we must die to self and let them have the last word. 



Now For Some FUN!

I hope you enjoy this fun song!   I love the 40s as you probably already know Dear Reader, this is just so precious to me.  This a great sing-a-long to do things around the house...You could even whip up a dance routine as you carry your laundry basket or cook in the kitchen or exercise or whatever!   So fun. 

 The Nelson Brothers will come on at around 4:17 on this, they are something else!   



I've Got a Gal in Kalamazoo



Now For Something to Feed and Nurture Our Souls...

Janie, our eldest daughter sent this to all of our family this morning and I just thought this rang so true to my heart and just beautiful...When I heard this song...I knew...I must put this on my blog and so I thought...Why not today?   I try to listen to the Holy Spirit in my heart and I felt I needed to get this up today.   Many of us have things in the background, elderly parents, my son in law has a very sweet father with stage four cancer and life can be a real up and down.   If you are one of the few highly sensitive people as myself, you will know it is a Gift but also can be trying, we feel things far deeper than most and are keenly intuitive. 


I Get Overwhelmed by Abbie Gamboa.   Words are in link when you click on more in description.  I hope you will be blessed by this song.



In closing, I hope you all have been doing well.  It seems  by the time I take my walk and do a load of laundry and compose a nice dinner I can barely squeeze my designing and sewing in...and throw in THREE new puppies!    

I made a delicious veggie soup this week, a sprinkling of lentils, organic spinach, some frozen asparagus, garlic and onion simmered in olive oil all in an Italian based tomato and basil broth.  Oh so good!   I served this with brown rice spaghetti on the side, everyone can place their amount of pasta in the bowl before ladling the soup over it.   Jem likes to sprinkle Italian cheese on his, I sprinkle Italian sheep's milk cheese on mine.  Bella!

🌟 Get 60% off your order when you buy 5 items at this shop. Discount shown at checkout. 🌟 THE FINAL TOUCH TO YOUR DECORATION Vintage Posters & Print. Poster are printed on High Quality glossy paper. Take a look at my other prints here: If you have any questions feel free to ask 🌤 Thank you, ZocineArtDesign. 

I hope you are having a sweet and contemplative week in a happy kind of way, may we lift our country up in prayer.   As a well respected person by our family once said...

All great change in America begins at the dinner table.

Ronald Reagan quote: All great change in America begins at the dinner ... 

Signing off from The Forest Cathedral.  

Blessings!      ~Amelia  

Let me know what you all have been up to! 

Wednesday, August 7, 2024



One day Jem came walking in as I exercised and he heard this song, one of our favorites.

You need to put that on your blog...


The Change by Steven Curtis Chapman 

I've been exercising to a channel on youtube called Improved Health.  This nice lady has a wonderful variety of exercise-walk type of exercise for various needs.  I exercise to my own music (above from the Speechless cd) on my cd player to usually this exercise routine.  I play one song after another on the 'Speechless' cd where that song is from, instead of the station's music unless it's something I like.  I sometimes add a ten minute walking routine of hers too.  These exercise routines come in handy on a rainy day and all of the Speechless music cd music flows beautifully with the routines and my spirit soars and I am encouraged.   

The Lyrics to the above song are excellent:

 "The Change"

Well I got myself a T-shirt that says what I believe
I got letters on my bracelet to serve as my ID
I got the necklace and the key chain
And almost everything a good Christian needs, yeah

I got the little Bible magnets on my refrigerator door
And a welcome mat to bless you before you walk across my floor
I got a Jesus bumper sticker
And the outline of a fish stuck on my car
And even though this stuff's all well and good, yeah
I cannot help but ask myself--

What about the change
What about the difference
What about the grace
What about forgiveness
What about a life that's showing
I'm undergoing the change, yeah
I'm undergoing the change

Well I've got this way of thinking that comes so naturally
Where I believe the whole world is revolving around me
And I got this way of living that I have to die to every single day
'Cause if God's Spirit lives inside of me, yeah
I'm gonna live life differently

I'm gonna have the change
I'm gonna have the difference
I'm gonna have the grace
I'm gonna have forgiveness
I'm gonna live a life that's showing
I'm undergoing the change

What about the change
What about the difference
What about the grace
What about forgiveness
I want to live a life that's showing
I'm undergoing the change  

I think these words are very good food for thought.  What are we allowing in our homes?   Can Jesus watch television with us?  I hope so.   How are we treating people from behind our keyboards?  I hope with the love of Jesus, not like mean school girls piling on, that kind of thing breaks hearts and makes people cry into their pillow...just like gossip would do.  It should be fundamental.  


How about the checker at the store?  Do we make her think...Oh what very kind people, now they must be true Christians!   Or...Oh my gosh, what hypocrites!   


One year, one of our daughters worked at the county library.  A lady who was a professing Christian, who we knew, was the rudest person our daughter had ever spoken with over the phone. The woman did not know she was speaking to our daughter over the phone.  The woman was known as a church-goer.  (I purposely say, church-goer, not Christian.  Not everyone who attends church or is in ministry has the true fruits of being a Christian, not everyone standing in our garage has the fruits of being a true automobile.)

How about our children or our elderly parents or just well meaning middle-aged parents, or a friend?   Are we giving grace, love and appreciation to them or picking them apart?  Are we seeing our children's hearts no matter what the age?   Are we seeing our parents hearts no matter what the age?  Friends hearts?   Are we seeing what they do right?   Always, always...Look.   At.   The.   Heart.  Look at the heart!  

How about fellow bloggers or commenters who we don't think we need to impress?   You know what they say...True character is how you treat others who you think can't do anything for you.  (See the first paragraph on piling on.)

The waitress or waiter at the restaurant?   I'm sure we've all seen the "churchie" that is harassing the waitress unmercifully after church on a Sunday.  That goes for anywhere, not just how we treat waitresses...We can see the true character of a person on how they treat 'the least of these'.



Just some food for thought....


What about the Change?


Have a sweet rest of the week,  until the next time...

 Blessings!   (As a famous prolife advocate used to say to us in correspondence!)  


'Cause if God's Spirit lives inside of me, yeah
I'm gonna live life differently

~Amelia at My Forest Cathedral

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Father, Teach Us to Make the Days Count, a Mimi and Popo Day...

Chris Rice, Life Means So Much


This song never ceases to bless my heart...


It wasn't that long ago I packed our four daughters into our van and took them to see Chris Rice at a free day time lunch concert at Chik-Fil-A at the mall. 


Now, over twenty-something years later our daughters are all adults, last month our second born dear daughter, Joycie had surgery.  An all day surgery lasting 8 long hours...The kind of thing where you have your phone right there, waiting on updates from our son in law, making sure our loved one gets out of anesthesia alright and then we hear...They are trying to help her with the pain etc....It seems like forever before Joycie is in her room.  Our loving family is sticking together taking care of their little boy, our precious grandson during this brief time.   I will call him once again....Little Batman.

Here's some clips of a most countable day with Little Batman.


This could also be called....A Day in the Life of a Mimi and a Popo


I loved these shots...

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Little Batman so blessed my heart as he asks...Would you like for me to carry that for you? 


My favorite fabric store in downtown is sadly closing down...Oh my heart.   This place is older, almost 50 years in business, there is a separate huge room attached to this one with all kinds of cottons and decorating fabric...The fixtures, oh my the fixtures!   There are wood fixtures painted that beautiful ballet pink...Very vintage. 

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Waiting patiently for the cashier to check us out...

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It's okay, Mimi...I've got it.


What shall we do now?   Popo suggests as I twisted his arm ; )   How about some ice cream? 

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Life means so much...


Little Batman says like a little man...Are ya'll ready for some ice cream? 



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Oh how the camera in my mind and heart were clicking shots and recording here...Making the day count. 


I am beginning to learn that it is the sweet, simple things of life which are the real ones after all.   ~Laura Ingalls Wilder


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I could paint these shots, it's so typical of little children, the dance they do in Life.  May we learn from them?  


While Little Batman was here, one of our other grown daughters, Zuzu who lives close by invited Little Batman over to play with our other two little grandsons, Christopher Robin and Little Jay Jay.

What's there not to love about three little cousins playing in a sprinkler?   Maybe some of us should go out and play in the sprinkler?    That would be so fun!  I think we would laugh and laugh!  We could march around and not care.


So sweet and carefree.   How about we be like that too? 


I hope you enjoy the Chris Rice song and our little adventure with Little Batman and that praise to the Lord that all is well.   



Phillippians 2:3-5   Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.  Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. 



I hope you all are doing well.    God has shown me to just live slowly, not spend too much time online and live in His Peace.  ...Making the day count. 


To be glad of life because it gives you the chance to love and to work and to play and to look up at the  stars...and to spend as much time as you can, with body and with spirit, in God's out-of-doors---these are little guideposts on the footpath to peace.    ~Henry Van Dyke


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Our Sweet Liesl, who teaches us true and unconditional love many a day.


Signing off from My Forest Cathedral       ~Amelia

Thursday, June 6, 2024

80th Anniversary of D-Day and a Few Thoughts and Memories

 48 of My Comrades are Buried There


Oh my heart!  God of Our Fathers with Lyrics and Graphics


 Oh let's appreciate our vets!  Please appreciate them!   

One of the sweetest memories of meeting a vet was of having the privilege of meeting 'Sy' (short for a Polish name) at the nursing home I volunteered at...Oh what a handsome thing he was even in later years within months of his death, blue eyes, tall  like Jimmy Stewart sitting there in his wheelchair and a sweet, sweet humble spirit.  He was missing part of one of his legs.   He tells so preciously tells of the liberation of Normandy, oh what a love.   He told of sleeping in one of the great cathedrals in Normandy with his fellow comrades...When he  got home to our old town, his family did not have a phone.  He got to the front door with his duffle bag over his shoulder...and knocked.  Can you imagine?  Our old office converted from an old convent of all things is probably right near his old home...Oh the prayers that must have gone up in that old town.   


In our family we *love* our vets.  When we see those hats we grab onto those loves!   




Here are a few blogs on how we love our vets.   The first is a "normal" day in smalltown with our secondborn daughter, Joycie when we used to go to the store together when she was single.  (so fun).   We spied our vet that day...You can read here and see the pics...

  So Great, A Hero at Our Grocery Store on this "Ordinary Day" 



Some of you have probably already seen the following two, these are of Janie, our firstborn visiting Pearl Harbor on the anniversary there.  She volunteered with the Greatest Generation.  One of the volunteers, "Uncle Bob"....we loved talking on the phone with him, we'd sing Happy Birthday and he would sing to us "Frank Sinatra style" songs...And he was pretty good too! 


The Greatest Generation 

More of the Greatest Generation 



Signing off from My Forest Cathedral...

Thank you and God bless to all of our Veterans!   Our family appreciates you so much!!!


Wednesday, May 22, 2024

This is Most Wonderful for Memorial Day or Any Day!

Oh my.  Just saw this.  It SO reminds me of my Daddy.  He loved to fly, and had a simulator like this on his computer.    I miss you Daddy so much.  

In honor of those who serve and served our country with valor, many sacrificing their very lives for us.   God bless America and may we bless God.

"The Aviators"


  ...Sure do miss my daddy

 All the great blessings of my life are present in my thoughts today.   ~Phoebe Cary 

A very good movie that I love to watch this time of year is 'The Best Years of Our Lives' (1946) 

It has been said that this movie is the closest hitting movie to how our vets felt and what they went through after WWII.  Just the music score is beautiful. 


May we remember those who gave their all for us.  Please stay close to the Lord and may we lift our country up in prayer.


Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Stop, Ponder and Remember Always... Gifts

The other sunny afternoon out on our front porch, our son in law was telling me how Christopher Robin, one of our little grandsons, our first grandchild was sitting on the steps of their front porch with his little wooden box with special things in it...You know how it is...The things little boys are made of...Special little rocks and gems and things from outside and special trinkets that are very special, held by precious little hands.  Christopher Robin was humming as he sat on their front porch on the steps there looking through his wooden box...My son in law who is the same personality type as I am said it was just like the opening to the theme of:   To Kill a Mockingbird.   To Kill a Mockingbird is one of my most favorite movies.   He said he just stopped to listen and it was uncanny and beautiful, the kind of thing where you stop everything and listen...You had those sweet little hands holding the opened little wooden box, hauntingly but beautifully Christopher was also humming just like the opening of the old movie above.  The scene could not have been more perfect my son in law shares...

When our firstborn was around 18 months old, she was walking down my mother in law's hallway wearing my high heels.  It was so cute, she was wearing a pinafore dress and her sweet little chubby legs were barely walking in my white pumps.  My mother in law and I were walking slowly behind her, smiling knowingly, and my mother in law tells me...Remember this, hold this picture in your mind and always remember this scene.  ....And I did.

In life there are things like that, we must be still and take notice though.   We have to be still and take notice.  Notice things.  There is a lack of deep thinking these days.  People get in a hurry and don't notice things and jump in on things they should not many times and all the while they are missing beauty of the heart, not listening to hearts and possibly missing out on discernment on things, perhaps even missing out on mercy to others, appreciating friends and family members, reaching out maybe to someone we don't even know.   ...Missing out on snapshots of the heart.  Gifts.


Do we miss out on sharing a word, a Gift of comfort to people who are grieving the loss of a loved one, a friend, a pet, maybe they are  feeling picked on as the under dog?  It just takes a minute many times to be a huge blessing to others.  

These snapshots are so precious that were caught...This is Christopher Robin and his little cousin, Little Rosebud, two of our precious grandchildren.  Christopher Robin is our grandchild who was humming with his little wooden box and Little Rosebud is our oldest daughter's little girl, yes, her mommy was the little toddler walking down the hallway...


The theme to the song by Elmer Bernstein: To Kill a Mockingbird is below and it represents my heart as I saw these snapshots of the heart.

Christopher Robin takes very good care of his cousin, Little Rosebud, he is very protective over Little Rosebud.  It's so sweet...You can see the love these two little cousins have for each other here.  Snapshots of the heart.

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I hope you too will ponder beautiful things as you listen below:







For me?  When Jem and I go to the zoo...I so love it there.  It brings back snapshots of me, my mom and my dad there at the zoo back in the 60s...Some things have not changed there, the reflection pond, the very large brick round snack building with windows all around that is now a modern restaurant, the sculptures of the monkeys at the entrance to that particular area with the monkeys, now a much more natural looking area, it's a beautiful zoo with many trees, near the medical center, Lifeflight can many times be heard above and seen too as the hellicopters land atop the many hospitals, this is one of the things I stop and ponder as well.  Someone is in trouble, they need prayer and I stop and pray, I tell Jem...Let's pray.   

Sometimes, when I hear an airplane above?  I think of my daddy, he flew, he loved to fly.  I think of him buzzing low over our house yelling below...Hellloooooo to me and my mommy when I was very little, she was pushing me in a toddler swing in our large yard by the front door of our little home built in the 30s.  My mother was wearing a lovely white sundress, with a gathered skirt, cinched waist with the zipper in the back with green vines and red, yellow and different colored flowers on it...She was wearing white wedged heel, backless sandals then. She looked lovely, like a young woman from a Better Homes and Gardens magazine...  She was taking care of herself and life was good.  It was good.





Life is full of these moments.  Stop and take it in...


Listen to your life.  See it for the fathomless mystery that it is.  In the boredom and pain of it no less than in the excitement and gladness:  touch, taste, smell your way to the holy and hidden heart of it because in the last analysis all moments are key moments and life itself is grace.    ~Frederick Buechner


Every day we live is a priceless gift of God, loaded with possibilities to learn something new, to gain fresh insights.    ~Dale Evans Rogers


It is the simple things of life that make living worthwhile, the sweet fundamental things such as love and duty, work and rest, and living close to nature.     ~Laura Ingalls Wilder

Don't ever let yourself get so busy that you miss those little but important extras in life---the beauty of a day...the smile of a friend...the serenity of a  quiet moment alone.   For it is often life's smallest pleasures and gentlest joys that make the biggest and most lasting difference.     ~unknown

Tuck this thought into your heart today.  treasure it.  Your Father God cares about your daily everythings that concern you.    ~Kay Arthur






I appreciate comments very much, they are a Gift to me.  Please feel free to share some of your snapshots in life too.



"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view...until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it."   

~To Kill a Mockingbird  


God be with you, take care, until the next time...Amelia 

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

A Day in the Life...

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A Day in the Life...

Howdy, Sweet Friends, this will be somewhat of a newsletter since it's been a while.  Last month, surgery for Jem, he's doing great now thanking the Lord.  Yesterday one of our daughters had a minor surgery and will have follow up surgery soon.   

Yes, my mom has dementia and it is many times on the back burner and a matter of constant prayer but I must prayerfully go on in this delicate dance of Life unto the Lord, living with no regret (EDIT:4.21.24 as far as giving my mom attention and so forth)...Making sure I'm doing what I should be doing, leaving no stone unturned in the theatre of my conscience and heart.  

I hope you will enjoy this newsletter of sorts...


Little Dresses for Africa

I make  Little Dresses for Africa here and there, I try hard to make a Little Dress for Africa for every item I sew for myself.  

I made 4 of these lately, all the same.   I buy the cotton tshirts at Hobby Lobby, these little tshirt dresses are so comfy for little girls!  I added a pop of bright yellow ric-rac to the  bottom to cheer them up a bit and give a pop!  I already had the lovely bird print cotton fabric on hand.

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Hail Storms Oh my!

A Dreamy, Mysterious Evening After a Hail Storm. 

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 Let's just say, this was different. 



Maxis are Much of my Style

My style is a fusion of classics, black turtlenecks and scarves, pleated midi skirts, 40s-50s vintage and  boho, many times I wear wide legged light-cotton ankle capris or loose fitting yoga pants in the winter with tunics....But maxis are fun to wear with a cinched in waist and a gently fitted top.  I've recently found cotton sleeveless tops for the summer and cap sleeves as well at J.C. Penney from the St. Johns Bay brand.  We live in a very warm climate and in the summer we need cool clothing.

My most recent maxi makes:

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These lovely blue and white cotton fabrics are from Hobby Lobby.  These photos just don't do the pretty colors justice...

Time for Supper, One of my Favorite Times

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Time for a cozy supper and a quick peak out the window in the kitchen...Hauntingly beautiful old oak trees.



Soups are my Thing

Love to get a couple of onions, saute in a generous amount of olive oil til browned a bit.   Saute lots of fresh garlic until fragrant, no more than a minute, usually 30 seconds or so.   I never go over that, garlic gets bitter when browned at all and my Italian grandma from Naples stressed that!  At least several tablespoons of dried basil, a sprinkle of red pepper flakes.  Perhaps nutritional yeast for flavor.   I add a good no sodium pasta gravy or good Italian tomatoes, frozen spinach and asparagus.  Water.   I throw in some lentils and low sodium white beans and oh my...This is a wonderful Mediterranean delight!   I serve this with a good gluten free angel spaghetti, breaking that up into pieces before cooking.   Bellissima!

 Rest in Peace Dear Cousin, I Wish I Could Have Known You...

As many of you know I had  been on the hunt for my cousin.  I had miraculously found her seven years ago after years and years of searching for her but in the end she did not desire to communicate with me or our daughters, an unbelievable and great disappointment. I always hoped I would run into her at a restaurant in the city, I knew what she looked like through her social media.  She did communicate with Janie and Joycie for a bit through social media and then went off radar.  In one of her first communications she asked, How in the world did you find me?!  She had lived within an hour of me for years, she lamented to Joycie in writing how she missed the country where she grew up with her grandparents on a ranch riding horses not far from here.  I pictured her personality and even appearance much like Rosalind Russell in the old movie, 'Auntie Mame'.  Seven years ago when our daughter wrote how old I was (EDIT: I was in my late 50s) she quickly wrote...A mere child.  She had some salty choice words for my grandfather when told my grandfather on that German side had disowned me too, she then wrote gently...People don't have to be mean like that. She is an only child as I am also an only child, we're cousins on the German side, my father's side.  We had never met, she was not mentioned hardly ever, her mother was estranged from my German grandfather after my Uncle Wesley tragically died when my cousin was a baby.  She was a  good nineteen years older than I and she had no children and was unmarried when she passed away.  Though we had never met, we had many of the same characteristics, it's uncanny...She was an artist, majored in art history, loved animals and a conservative, she enjoyed writing, her reviews and marks are everywhere and prolific.  She actually raised butterflies in the back of her home in one of the most expensive neighborhoods if not the most expensive in the city, fed the possums in her backyard, kept colorful garden clogs by the back door, a beautiful large lush yard, loved her large dog.  Her achievements were great on this green earth, she designed and made many things, even opened up a factory in downtown where the plastics she used to design walls and ballroom floors in notable places were actually made.  She at one time was a buyer for a major department store. 

She was tall like her father, my uncle:   My dad's brother.   Uncle Wesley was ten years older than my dad and is pictured in this photo from a 1940 college yearbook.  My dad and my uncle had a very similar handsome face  but my dad was shorter than his brother, I am also shorter, and we had the same brunette features, her dad married a brunette much like my mom he met in college, she is pictured on this very same yearbook page.   

This past year I was quickened  by the Holy Spirit one evening to check on her online.   When I looked her up I saw her obituary!  Gifts were to be made to her animal foundation she created.  Now Jem and I are in search of her grave in a beautiful, beautiful historic cemetery in the city, one of the oldest if not the oldest.  Many prominent people are here, many of the old, old city families.  It's one of the most unusual old cemeteries, it's huge for one thing, you can look in one direction and see beautiful old oak trees and yet skyscrapers hovering in the distance.

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A physician's family below;  their sons, a young man in his later youth, the larger angel.  And a baby boy, the smaller little angel.  Oh my heart...

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Even though I haven't found my cousin's place of rest on the German side, I have found some of our Italian relatives who arrived here in the early 1900s.   Oh, the little children, a beautiful toddler girl's portrait...Heartbreaking.

Day to Day Here, Back to the Forest

The real joy of life is in its play.  Play is anything we do for the joy and love of doing it, apart from any profit, compulsion, or sense of duty.  

It is the real living of life with the feeling of freedom and self-expression.  Play is the business of childhood, and its continuation in later years is the prolongation of youth.  

 ~Walter Rauschenbusch



Day to day to I go about my creative job of homemaking, and lately have done much gardening as well...That is play along with designing and sewing.

This contains an image of:  Bought a few extras yesterday, I love ivy, and things that do well in heat, moss rose, succulents, etc.  I have a few miniature rose bushes and regular rose bushes as well.

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Grace is making fairy garden items for her fairy garden...All from twigs and dried flowers.

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The way I creatively and more stress-free-manage our home is in a very spirit led way...I seek the Lord and ask what to do first....First things first and He will show me what to do first.   He hears even the smallest prayer!  There is no prayer too small for God.   Don't let anyone tell you any differently!   

I ask for help and guidance from the Father what is most important and so forth...This makes for a confident and sweet homemaking experience.  We know when to stop and rest, when to go and when to play.  We may not have a perfect looking magazine or sterile home, but it will be kosher and more importantly a sweet home with a sweet cheerful spirit that honors God.  A place that says:  Peace.


Besides the noble art of getting things done, there is the noble art of leaving things undone.  The wisdom of life consists in the elimination of nonessentials.    


A Thought From Jem and I

My husband and I were talking Sunday and we heard a favorite preacher of ours talk about the scripture about sitting at the seat of scoffers.

The Bible says not to sit at the seat of scoffers and I think many do this by allowing unsavory things that have a worldly spirit into their homes through television and so forth.  



I love to play sweet music in the background many times from the 40s, we have an old fashioned Christian radio station that will also play beautiful Christian music.  And of course I will keep tabs on events in our world from a trusted radio station that is in line with my values for the mostpart.   But not too much!  Not all day!  I hear what I need to hear, I learn and turn it off.   Although important we have knowledge of what is going on, that is wise, but too much stuff and news can bring us down and make us feel yuck. 


God is so good, He truly answers prayers if we will seek his Face.  


This contains an image of:   I love to wake up early in the morning and get my coffee and pray, I pray the Lord's prayer and I talk with the Lord about every little thing!   He answers too, in His time He answers.    He gives Grace and Mercy and Guidance.  

I will not forget you.  See, I have inscribed you on the palms of my hands.   ~Isiah 49:15

Prayer is the way to open ourselves to God, and the way in which He shows us our unstable hearts and begins to strengthen them.

~Teresa of Avila

Here's a sweet little thing for you sweet friends,  it's a clip from the old 1944 movie:   Hollywood Canteen during WWII.   A time in our country where even many of our actors and actresses had a healthy fear of God and love for our country, they did what they could to serve and honor our country!    

 I Present Roy Rogers and Trigger, Hollywood Canteen (1944)  Trigger is dancing and Roy is singing...Don't Fence me In.  Enjoy!


Is this not the sweetest thing?

Some days we see that God's Creatures are kinder then humans and have more good horse sense too. ; )


It doesn't take monumental feats to make the world a better place.  It can be as simple as letting someone go ahead of you in a grocery line.

~Barbara Johnson 

Let's be Jesus with skin on to others, don't be that person talking about your wonderful church as you push others to the side to get a good deal as your grandchildren watch.   Yes, this happened to one of our married daughters recently...Two ladies talking it up about their church waiting in line far behind our daughter pushed and shoved and actually took cherished things our daughter had patiently stood in line for, (she arrived early in the morning) out of our daughter's cart at a resale shop.   Our little grandson now calls those women...those bad women.

We don't want to be known as "those bad women".   The Bible says that even a child is known by their doings.

Have a sweet day,   let's cling to the Father and talk to Him a lot, He listens.  If something doesn't register with your spirit, if it's not a pure and lovely thing, then be careful of it, there are some seducing spirits out there.  We're shocked  by how people are swayed as we sometimes overhear conversation, what people are accepting and what we are seeing people do.   (As in the days of Noah)   And it is many times people who should be old enough to know better.  People are buying into the culture without a thought.  Beware.  Beware of even what you may apologize for, we do not have to apologize or make excuses for our Faith. 

Let's keep things pure and sweet, real, insulating our homes and lives in godliness, not a cold, sterile home or life of course, but of kindness, smiles and laughter and holiness too.  If we keep things sweet and godly our children should be able to spot the counterfeit because they will know the real thing if we know the real thing and live it.  Our grown daughters still come to me and tell me little things that impacted their lives for good.  I hope to share soon.

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Closing with this beautiful song by one of my favorite true-blue Christian artists.   How Beautiful by Twila Paris

 How Beautiful is the Body of Christ.  

