Wednesday, August 7, 2024



One day Jem came walking in as I exercised and he heard this song, one of our favorites.

You need to put that on your blog...


The Change by Steven Curtis Chapman 

I've been exercising to a channel on youtube called Improved Health.  This nice lady has a wonderful variety of exercise-walk type of exercise for various needs.  I exercise to my own music (above from the Speechless cd) on my cd player to usually this exercise routine.  I play one song after another on the 'Speechless' cd where that song is from, instead of the station's music unless it's something I like.  I sometimes add a ten minute walking routine of hers too.  These exercise routines come in handy on a rainy day and all of the Speechless music cd music flows beautifully with the routines and my spirit soars and I am encouraged.   

The Lyrics to the above song are excellent:

 "The Change"

Well I got myself a T-shirt that says what I believe
I got letters on my bracelet to serve as my ID
I got the necklace and the key chain
And almost everything a good Christian needs, yeah

I got the little Bible magnets on my refrigerator door
And a welcome mat to bless you before you walk across my floor
I got a Jesus bumper sticker
And the outline of a fish stuck on my car
And even though this stuff's all well and good, yeah
I cannot help but ask myself--

What about the change
What about the difference
What about the grace
What about forgiveness
What about a life that's showing
I'm undergoing the change, yeah
I'm undergoing the change

Well I've got this way of thinking that comes so naturally
Where I believe the whole world is revolving around me
And I got this way of living that I have to die to every single day
'Cause if God's Spirit lives inside of me, yeah
I'm gonna live life differently

I'm gonna have the change
I'm gonna have the difference
I'm gonna have the grace
I'm gonna have forgiveness
I'm gonna live a life that's showing
I'm undergoing the change

What about the change
What about the difference
What about the grace
What about forgiveness
I want to live a life that's showing
I'm undergoing the change  

I think these words are very good food for thought.  What are we allowing in our homes?   Can Jesus watch television with us?  I hope so.   How are we treating people from behind our keyboards?  I hope with the love of Jesus, not like mean school girls piling on, that kind of thing breaks hearts and makes people cry into their pillow...just like gossip would do.  It should be fundamental.  


How about the checker at the store?  Do we make her think...Oh what very kind people, now they must be true Christians!   Or...Oh my gosh, what hypocrites!   


One year, one of our daughters worked at the county library.  A lady who was a professing Christian, who we knew, was the rudest person our daughter had ever spoken with over the phone. The woman did not know she was speaking to our daughter over the phone.  The woman was known as a church-goer.  (I purposely say, church-goer, not Christian.  Not everyone who attends church or is in ministry has the true fruits of being a Christian, not everyone standing in our garage has the fruits of being a true automobile.)

How about our children or our elderly parents or just well meaning middle-aged parents, or a friend?   Are we giving grace, love and appreciation to them or picking them apart?  Are we seeing our children's hearts no matter what the age?   Are we seeing our parents hearts no matter what the age?  Friends hearts?   Are we seeing what they do right?   Always, always...Look.   At.   The.   Heart.  Look at the heart!  

How about fellow bloggers or commenters who we don't think we need to impress?   You know what they say...True character is how you treat others who you think can't do anything for you.  (See the first paragraph on piling on.)

The waitress or waiter at the restaurant?   I'm sure we've all seen the "churchie" that is harassing the waitress unmercifully after church on a Sunday.  That goes for anywhere, not just how we treat waitresses...We can see the true character of a person on how they treat 'the least of these'.



Just some food for thought....


What about the Change?


Have a sweet rest of the week,  until the next time...

 Blessings!   (As a famous prolife advocate used to say to us in correspondence!)  


'Cause if God's Spirit lives inside of me, yeah
I'm gonna live life differently

~Amelia at My Forest Cathedral


Anonymous said...

What a coincidence you mentioned this song! I don’t really listen to CDs much anymore but happened to come across this album at the thrift store and remember it being a good one and have been playing it in my car since! It is interesting how songs in the 90’s and earlier 2000’s seem to have much deeper and convicting lyrics than much of the Christian music today.

Thanks for posting this song and the wonderful reminders to ask ourselves if we are reflecting Christ. Many proclaimed Christians seem to have forgotten about “the change” and live like the rest of the world. 😢

Anonymous said...

This reminds me of some lines of thought that came out of DC Talk way back in the day, "What if I stumble, what if I fall? What if I lose my step and make fools of us all?"
We so often neglect the fact that we are supposed to be something akin to "Little Christs," and in that line of thinking we're often the only "Christ" that some people get to meet... Are we acting like Him, or are we just a reflection of the society around us? We're called to be different, peculiar, and righteous. I would get flack for saying we're to be righteous, but we're supposed to at least try for it! I think it was Ravenhill that said people love sin more than holiness, but I'd go so far as to say that these days Christians are more afraid of holiness than of sin.
"Only God can judge me" should be the invitation to fear Him, not to excuse sin.
What you said is absolutely spot-on, we may not ever achieve perfection, but God-willing we must TRY! We might not ever be the best, but we must be better than we are. They will know us by our love, and they simply do not know us.

Thank you for posting on this subject!

Cheryl Kimbley said...

Hope you are yours are well and safe from any problems from the hurricane.

Amelia said...

Dear Anonymous, I'm so glad you were able to snag the cd! It's actually a beautiful cd, both spiritually and musically. Steven Curtis Chapman is the real deal.

It truly boggles the mind the disconnect that people who proclaim to be a Christian have, are they living for the culture and what the culture expects or what the Lord expects? We will know them by their fruits.

Thank you for your thoughtful comment, it means so much.

Blessings! (As Randall Terry used to say) ~Amelia

Amelia said...

Dear Anonymous (2), Awww yes, Leonard Ravenhill, music to my ears...Those were the days.

You wrote:

"I think it was Ravenhill that said people love sin more than holiness, but I'd go so far as to say that these days Christians are more afraid of holiness than of sin."

"Only God can judge me" should be the invitation to fear Him, not to excuse sin."


I loved your comment, it truly adds. I wish I could blog your entire comment!

Thank you for your encouragement, it means a lot.

Blessings! (As Randall Terry used to say) ~Amelia

Amelia said...

Hi Cheryl, Thank you. That hurricane even though a month ago hit us hard. It was no cat 1, that thing was a cat 3 here. We are still cleaning our grounds, our daughter watched as a huge oak fell towards our home from the roots, many old oaks were lost, a huge loss and tragedy. Thank God our home suffered no damage though.

Take care, Blessings!

Cathy said...

So true and timely. We must always be posing these questions to ourselves when the flesh would desire to do what is natural for the flesh. Which is to sin! But to be "In Christ" makes all the difference.
We put on Christ, we abide in Christ, we walk in Christ...
I just heard recently that to be In Christ is a better description for a believer....the church in Antioch called themselves Christians. Paul always referred to himself as "In Christ".
Blessings in your coming and going....

MP said...

I do remember that song! It was/is a good one! It is a good one to exercise to, yes. I’m glad you’re enjoying your YouTube workouts. I don’t know why more people don’t take advantage of all the free workouts online! They really do lift the spirits.

It truly is important to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit in our daily life with the people who come across our paths or the people God wants us to reach out to. And hopefully we will shine for Jesus with love and care as we do that! And it is good to always assume the best about people as you were saying — good reminder. You never know what’s going on in someone’s life. 🧡

Amelia said...

Thank you Cathy, I love what you wrote, very true!

Yes, may we be "In Christ" 'Imitation of Christ'. May we never mar his image if we can help it. May we be blameless.

Blessings to you! ~Amelia

Amelia said...

Hi There MP, Yes, that is such a special cd isn't it? Just love it. Did you see the latest Steven Curtis Chapman concert as he played with the symphony? It was beautiful and such a powerful message through out.

So true, we must be Still ...and Know that He is God as another Steven Curtis Chapman says. We must have that quiet time with Him so we can hear that Still Small Voice...and the Holy Spirit will truly direct our hearts, minds and souls as we reach out and know that fulfillment in life.

May we Live the Life! <3

Anonymous said...

I love that song. I have been listening to it on repeat for the past two weeks in my car. In fact, I listened to it today on the computer. So much truth there. Diane

Amelia said...

Thank you Diane, yes, so many songs on that cd are so meaningful. And we love this song too, it's so wonderful to hear from you.

Blessings! Thanks for coming by and taking the time to comment, Diane. ~Amelia

EM Griffith said...

Thank you for letting me know about this post, Amelia. I don't get automatic notices. My mom died and we were away for several days to be at her funeral.

What a wonderful message and beautiful song! Yes, we need to show Christ as often as we can, throughout each day and every encounter. As we drove cross country we chatted with strangers. My guys helped elderly folks unload and load luggage at hotels, helped jump start a stranded father and son, but mostly it's just a smile and the kindness of showing an interest in others' lives. Listening. There are many hurting people in this country. For some it's medical issues or a job loss. For others it's the loss of someone deeply loved. I can relate. We've lost my mother-in-law, my older brother, and my mom in less than 2 years. But many are just trying to make the best of struggles they face in their lives. I make a point of saying a silent prayer for each stranger we chat with afterwards, asking the Lord to bless them.

It's the same here at home. A very pregnant, unwed waitress at Denney's lives in a travel trailer. She's asked us to ask for her whenever we're in. We chat, we listen, we smile, we laugh. We tip generously so she can stock up for the baby's arrival. I think it's what the Lord would want us to do.

Anyway, thank you again. The words to the song are so meaningful! --Elise

Amelia said...

Elise, I'm so, so sorry about he loss of your mother. That is a huge loss for you I know. Please accept my sincere sympathy, I'm just so sorry.

Thank you for sharing the beautiful ministry that should occur with Christians. So many times, we see people turn a blind eye or just not care at all. We need the be Jesus with skin on to others.

Thank you for the precious comment that is dear to my heart especially during this most trying time in your life.

God bless you always, my prayers are so with you. I hear your heart. ~Amelia

Little Mama Mia said...

Yes, that really is such an excellent song! So well said. I'm reminded of a verse I just read this morning: "They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny him" (Titus 1:16).

And yes, to be kind and loving to others is definitely a wonderful way we can show the love of Christ by our actions. It really is interesting how you can often discern the spirit of a person; whether they are a believer or not. It is something that I'm trying to sharpen my spiritual senses on. The Spirit speaks the more we listen! :)

Amelia said...

Hello Little Mama Mia, You wrote: "They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny him" (Titus 1:16). That sums it up doesn't it... Sometimes people will even show true colors by omission (inaction) as well.

Yes, it's so true...We know them by their fruits and can discern. Yesterday a precious young man who checked us out came and told us he was 'open' and I could just tell by his gentle demeanor, his care in even checking us out making it easy for us, he was a Christian. He was wearing a cross necklace and I thanked him for acting like The Cross that he was wearing.

Oh yes, the Spirit definitely speaks in that Still Small Voice and sometimes even loudly. Of course we must be quiet and not into 'busyness' to hear that Voice and discern as I know you know. : )