Sunday, February 27, 2022

A Personal Update from Ukranian Missionaries and More

Here is an update from Ukranian Missionaries, sent from my brother in law today, my brother in law who just lost his wife.  He was once a missionary and knows this pastor personally who sent it to him:


"Here is a report from Tim and Ellie who worked in Moldova so have on the ground contacts.  Guys, I'm going to keep posting updates on here where possible, as it so important that we all hear.

From a friend... 

Message sent by one of the pastors of Kharkiv


I want to inspire prayer books with the words of familiar soldiers and ordinary people from all over the war.  

 Warriors of Ukraine testify

'We feel your prayer support.  Sometimes something really inexplicable happens as if someone's invisible hand really takes bullets and shells away from us, and they fly past us.  We emerge victorious from very difficult situations, as if someone is accompanying us.  We become invisible to the enemy, we ourselves see even in complete darkness, and we know what to do it.  

It inspires us and gives us strength.


We believe that the Lord Jesus Himself is for Ukraine.  We ask you not to stop, support us and continue to pray.  

We really need you

 Come Lord Jesus, Come!!'"   

(three praying hands and two profusely weeping face emojis)


I thought some of you would value this most touching and heart wrenching, even encouraging update from our brothers and sisters in Christ over there as we lift them up in our constant prayers.

Edit: 3.29.22   We lift up all innocent people in both the Ukraine and Russia.  We're seeing this is a very, very complicated conflict that involves a lot, much concern on a lot of things....  Talk about a matter of prayer!



Thank  you SO MUCH for those who relayed their prayers towards our fur angel, Coffee Belle.

This contains an image of: Yesterday.  

It's a miracle she was up and playing with the other doggies.  We are so praising the Lord!

This contains an image of:.  I must brag on one of the sweet technicians at the new animal hospital we found, when I went in to tell Coffee bye-bye and that I would see her the next day...The precious lady, a very sweet and precious technician was laying down by her on the exam table with her head on Coffee to comfort her.  Wow, is that not wonderfully precious?  

Coffee Belle's History:   Our secondborn daughter, Joycie brought her home one day when she was showing a home back in the day.   Someone had dumped this precious girl and we nursed her back to health from mange etc.   I think at this point all of our pets are rescue animals except for two kitties born from a rescue mama cat.  They are all a blessing to our family. 


This contains an image of:  

A recent evening sky here.




Closing with our beloved Keith Green, this was done in '82.  I was carrying our first little baby when we saw Keith Green in concert.  Keith Green died in a private plane crash just months later when I was five months along...I remember it like it was yesterday.


Enjoy, be blessed on this Sunday afternoon:



God bless and be with you.  Peace be with you in Jesus name.


Thankful for Grace said...

It's been ages since I've been by. Just haven't been online much the last couple months. Thank you for that update from the missionary couple. It's hard to know what is really going on, as I have become so mistrustful of the media. But first-hand reports from Joe Public are definitely something I believe.

What a sweet sweet vet tech! Years ago, we had a tech who was like that, but she retired, and I have yet to find another gal like her. I'm glad Coffee Belle is doing better! Our fur babies sure mean a lot to us!!

Oh, I adore the music of Keith Green! What a heart for God he had!!

Love and hugs,

Amelia said...

Hi Patti! So great to hear from you dear one! : )

You are so welcome, and your comment is refreshing Patti. Oh yes, we have good reason to be mistrustful, it is unbelievable the propaganda we started hearing in the past years. We gave it up totally a while back and stick to tried and true sold out Christians giving their perspectives. You may enjoy some of the links I have on my past two posts. : )

Oh how sad that the vet tech retired, it seems like so many good docs and techs are retiring now. We just had to switch and it is totally the Lord we found this new place with such wonderful people. Our fur babies are part of our families, right? Taking our fur babies to the vet should be a trusted and sacred place so to speak as I recently read on someone's review.

I'm so glad you too cherish Keith Green, oh those were the days when people were true-blue Christians and just sold out to the Lord.

I appreciate your comment Patti so great to hear from you, I've missed you.

Love, Amelia

Marianna said...

I really needed to hear the Keith Green song today! So good and refreshed my weary spirit today!

Thank you for sharing the update abt the Ukrainians. I love hearing personal experiences and testimonies so much more than reading the news articles. It’s encouraging to hear how God is protecting them! Reminded me of the stories we’ve heard abt George Washington and how bullets were flying around him but he was protected. May the protection continue!!

So glad on the Coffee Belle updates!! Thanks God for loving people at both pet and people hospitals!!

Amelia said...

Hi Marianna! Yes, doesn't it remind you of that story about George Washington? We continue to pray for our brothers and sisters there. I just cannot even imagine. Psalms 91.

So glad you too enjoyed the Keith Green song, I saw it and I said...That's it! There is just something about that song...

Yes, the Lord definitely led us to that place to take Coffee Belle to, what a blessing it was and they were so thorough and compassionate as well with fair pricing that doesn't break the bank. You feel like they care about your pet. Totally the Lord. And our pets are God's Creatures, His Fur Babies. : ) He trusts us to care for them.