Vintage copy of 'In His Steps'
Our family owned this copy when our girls were little, and we loved this movie. I humbly recommend. It's an older movie, probably done in the 50s or 60s but very valuable in it's timeless lessons.
A quote from this old movie, but still relevant for today:
The church is not this building or any other building it's people. God's people...
This copy is the only one I could find on youtube, sorry about the watermark across the front. It's still very watchable! All parts are available so it may be watched in entirety.
A photo of Jem and our little Timmy. I thought this was so precious.

The discovery of God lies in the daily and the ordinary, not in the spectacular and heroic . If we cannot find God in the routines of home and shop, then we will not find Him at all.
~Richard J. Foster
Good Friday
I think of my Grandma and Grandpa Oddo and the simple sweet family times we had in their simple home. I remember as my Grandma and I stuffed Italian artichokes together one Good Friday, the sky grew dark. I made a comment about it and Grandma said..."It gets dark and stormy like this every year on Good Friday". And ya know? She was pretty much right on that. We think of Jesus and His suffering on the Cross.
May We be Easter All the Time
May we be a sweet Light. May we not be one of the complacent ones who lives for a country club man-made church membership. I ponder what Jesus must think at times... If we are greeters at church shouldn't we be greeters elsewhere? If we are Christians shouldn't we be known by our Love for others at all times?
I'm not anti-church, but I will say that I am very surprised that there are so many people who seem to equate their faith with going to church and church membership only. It's as if Church is not their very lives or beings. I hope we can live the Life fully!
I can say I know the president, but if I do not walk with him and talk with Him and have that very personal relationship with him? I really don't know him. I just know about him.
That's the difference.
My dad used to say...
People may not remember what you said, but they will remember how you made them to feel...
Trust steadily in God, hope unswervingly, love extravagantly. And the best of the three is love.
1 Corinthians 13:13
The wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure. It is also peace loving, gentle at all times, and willing to yield to others. It is full of mercy and good deeds. It shows no partiality and is always sincere. And those who are peacemakers will plant seeds of peace and reap a harvest of goodness.
~James 3:17-18
I hope you all are doing well as we ponder this Easter week. Last week I learned to my horror that a friend was lost in a horrible car accident. I will say this gal knew Christ and went into the presence of God. Her daughter said...Mom only wanted others to know Jesus. ~Amelia in the Forest
There is a silence into which the world cannot intrude. There is a peace from God you carry in your heart and cannot lose.
"...and Grandma said..."It gets dark and stormy like this every year on Good Friday". And ya know? She was pretty much right on that."
Weird. I have never noticed that. We have thunderstorms expected here tomorrow!
Yes! Almost every year it's like that! It really is something...It really is.
I hope you have a wonderful Easter weekend, filled with Hope and Love.
Thank you Sandi for coming by!
Hello my sweet friend~
I loved your posting, so many good thoughts to take from here.
Your grandma was very much right I have to say.
For me, Good Friday is a lot like Christmas Eve, significant in their own incredible ways. Christmas Eve we worship the birth of our Savior, Good Friday we see the incredible suffering that took place for our Salvation, both showing forth the love of God for a world in need of a Savior.
Such incredible grace!
Your thoughts on "church membership" is so very true, Amelia. Yes, we should be known by our love for others all the time.
Your dad was correct "people may not remember what you said, but they will remember how you made them feel."
Our world needs compassionate, loving and caring people who are willing to share Christ with them.
I'm sorry about the loss of your friend.
She sounds like she lived her life to the glory of God.
Praise the Lord, she's in glory with the One she lovingly shared with others.
The photo of your dear Jem and Asher Samuel is absolutely precious!
That is certainly one happy and loved little guy.
Such joy!
God bless you~
Hello Amelia. I have been a long time reader but have never commented;)
I love your blog and share your views on many things. Italian lady too;)
I wanted to suggest a blog I found that is so precious called g.donna-
It stands for grandma Donna. If you go to her menu and start with " living like the past" I think you would LOVE it. I know I do. I am about halfway through.
God bless you and yours. Enjoy your writings very much!
Awwww Debbie, Thank you so much for your precious thought out comments! I appreciate it, and take each one to heart.
Some of this is hitting home these days with baby dedication questions etc. I'm shocked at what is still in operation in some of the churches even today. I can't understand how far removed from our precious Jesus people must be in leadership boards. (ugh, ..just knowing the character I see when out of church and running across some of them). Disappointing, it's kind of like..."I've done seen this movie before." Really? It makes me want to cry. Just when you think you have found a viable place to worship..I try to watch my words, because I don't want to burn any bridges but this is where we're at.
My friend, Evelyn was a very sweet and cheerful lady who loved the Lord, I had known her for many years, she was one of those friends who would always be at our girls showers and weddings through thick and thin. Her little grand daughter has her eyes and quick smile. An angel and will be a reminder now of her Grandma, Evelyn. She was too young to leave this green earth and will be sorely missed.
Thank you Debbie, I appreciate you!
Mrs. O!!!!! : ) Oh how great that you came to comment! Greetings!
Thank you SO very much, and so very nice to meet you!
Your comment was a huge blessing to me and I will definitely be checking into g.donna's blog, that sounds plumb luverly. : )
Please come by again! I so enjoyed your comment, it makes blogging so worthwhile to me to actually hear from fellow blogging friends. <3
Ciao & Blessings!
The photo of your husband and grandson is priceless. Such a special time in the life of your family!
Thank you Barbara! Yes, we are so enjoying this sweet little baby!
Oh.... that pic of Dad and Little Asher is just sooo precious! What a sweet moment you captured! I'm so glad you and Dad are finally getting to experience grandparenthood... what a special season. <3
Yes, I definitely remember our family owning and watching that movie growing up. What a great message it sends!
I love the version of that verse... "Trust steadily in God, hope unswervingly, love extravagantly. And the best of the three is love." So beautifully said.
And yes, we remember our sweet friend, Evelyn. Oh my goodness... still hard to believe she is gone. What happened was incredibly tragic and shocking. How wonderful that she is in a better place but so hard for those left behind now :( i understand she was just driving some family members to leave for a cruise - she wasn't even going on the cruise herself, just helping out. How sad but apropos that she died serving others.
Lots of love, Mom... Lea :) <3
Yes, Thanks Lea. Oh that old movie sure brings back memories doesn't it? It seems to either repel or attract. : )
I think of Evelyn,who would have known? I knew when I heard the shocking news, feeling in a stupor but stunned...Evelyn was in the Presence of God.
Thank you Lea for taking time to comment, so very sweet and thoughtful.
Love, Mom
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