Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Silent Night...May Your Week be a Peaceful One. 'Meet John Doe' (1941)

Image result for baby Jesus

I have the above painting on a round refrigerator magnet up year round.  A very good reminder I think of sweet Baby Jesus and God's creatures...So sweet I think.  Sleep in heavenly peace... Sleep in heavenly peace.................

This time of year makes me think of unfortunately what follows for many.  I was talking to a young man cutting my fabric in U.S.O.town Walmart a couple of years ago and he shared that he was trampled the year before on black friday as they moved the crowd to another side of the store.  The young fella ended up with a fracture.  May I say that U.S.O. town is one of your better towns and the people are for the most part polite people there?  Why, it looks as if Judge Hardy lives there, seriously.  What has become of us?

And let's not forget the warning from the old movie, 'Meet John Doe' (1941)  One of our favorites.  I saw this movie for the first time when I brought our precious little baby, our youngest, Rebecca home from a birth center that first evening almost 24 years ago.

Whatever you do this Holy season, please don't be a Heelot   

Beautiful...The end scene.  (spoiler alert)

The original trailer:

This is a Frank Capra movie and it seems most all of Frank Capra movies are total greatness.  It's interesting to read Frank Capra's biography, he is actually from my Grandpa Oddo's hometown of Bisacquino, Sicily; he and my grandpa were around the same age.   The Oddo family is actually mentioned in one of the biographies I own.  You can read more about Frank Capra, it's really very interesting on Wikipedia.

Well, I hope all is well.  Here in the Forest I'm washing dog bedding and baking apples and such as well, composing and making our nightly suppers, trying to squeeze a whimsical Christmas-dog print maxi skirt together.  No time to be bored that is for sure.  I am missing my dad these days with the holiday season, it's difficult.  We mothers are the strong ones and the bearers of everyone's concerns but so many times we too are bearing a cross as well.  But I realize there are so many things to be thankful for so I must not complain but I would appreciate prayers.

If you like, I think your family too will love the "Meet John Doe" movie.  (1941).  How can we not enjoy a wonderful movie from 1941?  Gary Cooper,  Barbara Stanwyck, Walter Brennen?  Wow.   I so long for things to be more like that these days...I try to keep it like that in my home but the culture is so different, just so very different.

I'll close with our sweet little cat, Mo-Mo.  She is my i.n.f.p. buddy, such a sweet little angel, she exudes Peace.  She never claws or behaves badly, she's never greedy, just sweetly glad to be here.  Such a dear.

I look out the window and it's such an interesting fall day...It's overcast with patches of blue.  Just enough blue to make a Dutchman's britches....

(Edit 5:12pm.)  Just looked out the window here at and it looks like mother of pearl above the winter trees...an airplane is flying...I can hear it.  It sounds like the kind my dad used to fly...

Have a sweet Thanksgiving.  ...And have a Peaceful Holiday week.  (Holy day week).

Good evening, loves,    Amelia


Marianna said...

I have found that one way to save money is to stay home -- just leaving the house can be expense, lol! I did do a bit of Black Friday shopping later Friday evening and from my computer at home for some things left on our registry with gift cards... but most of it is soooo ridiculous. I have found it a bit overwhelming lately going to the stores and seeing all the Christmas paraphernalia JUNK and everybody crowding in to buy it.

Sue Thomas' version of Silent Night really puts it all into perspective.

Love the pic of Mo Mo Channel. ;)

Praying for you this season as you continue to grieve the loss of Grandpa. <3

Amelia said...

Awww, thank you Marianna. It's so true, we can save a lot of everything by staying home many times. "Stay, stay, stay at home my heart and rest..." -Longfellow

So proud how you are living lessons out now in joy and ...peace.

Yes, that Sue Thomas singing made me cry...Oh yes, it so does put so many things in perspective!

Mo Mo Chanel, just a sweet little thing. She is quickly becoming a bud of Dad as well. : ) Who can resist Mo Mo?

Thanks Marianna, thanks so much for your prayers, it's a strange thing losing loved ones. Very strange.

xo Mom