You'll like this one mom!
She was right, I did!
I hope you too enjoy this short video. The message is so very, very needed in my book. There are many of us who have chosen this simple path and allow me to say, it's a fulfilling one. Yes, despite what society or present culture tries to say, despite what the pride of life tries to say, this is truth.
His yoke is easy and His burden is light. Enjoy...
I may not garden or can but I know how to make a dollar stretch and making things out of what I already have has always been such a blessing to me, it's fun and a great outlet of creativity. Spying nice items that are good quality but in our budget is a blessing too. If you've read my blog for any amount of time you can see that I am careful on how I spend, we have had to be careful in our married life for my husband works on commission only. It takes perseverance but yes Virginia it can be done. If that meant going without a car or whatever it took...Yes, my children were more important.
As my husband shared once:
Our children are the only thing we can possibly take to Eternity with us.
Here is an excerpt from the little booklet our pediatrician, Dr. Louis Pottkotter wrote, Caring for Your Baby:
3. "Some working mothers soon discover that when they add up the cost of weekly visits to the doctor with a sick child, plus the cost of medicine, plus the cost of daycare, they are actually LOSING more money than they make. If this happens to YOU, I suggest a serious reassessment of how important working is to you."
That always rang true to me.
I also knew my children needed me to care for them if at all possible. There would be no career possibility to ever change that. As Phyllis Schaffley once said, Some one has to rock the cradle! As Napoleon said...Give us good mothers!
I definitely taught our daughters the arts of sewing and cooking in our homeschool.
It's one of the nicest blessings ever to see our grown daughters using these gifts and budgeting lessons now in their lives at whatever stage they are in.
If anyone has any questions on being a happy budget friendly homemaker please feel free to leave them here and we can have a friendly forum. : )
I love being an encouragement to others, we've been married for over 37 years, I'm almost 57 years of age and my husband, Jem (64) and I have brought up four daughters on one income.
And I cannot close without pressing that God was and is our source in all things. Many of you know, it's been a very, very challenging year for me to put it lightly. I cannot thank God enough.
All great change in America begins at the dinner table.
-Ronald Reagan
Good evening, loves, and don't forget, if you have any questions that maybe I could help with please let me know here. Pretty much the only things I will not share are my Grandma Oddo's heirloom recipes. ; )
*Big smile* Amelia
I really love this post. That video is perfect! I also love what your doctor wrote in his book. That is so true!
Thank you for being an inspiration and a wonderful example.
God bless you!
Thank you Mrs. White! : ) Yes, I thought the same when I saw the video! I've always saved our pediatrician's booklets for when our daughters have children. That quote is timeless I think.
I appreciate your encouragement, my daughters are enjoying your books and sharing tidbits with their husbands as well!
I hope you are doing well there in beautiful Vermont. Blessings!
This really encouraged and ministered to me today as we are facing the challenges of living on a tight income with a lot of extra expenses right now. Thank you for modeling this simple life for we sisters... now I am, too, seeking to live a simple and frugal life so we can enjoy a peaceful life. Glenn Beck once wrote of his grandparents that they didn't have everything they wanted, but most importantly they wanted everything they had; made me think of you and Dad... and now James and I are seeking to live life that way, too. Thanks for being trail blazers.
And thanks for encouraging me in my journey today!
P.S. I love my sewing machine, even though I haven't used it as much as I would like lately! :)
I love what Glenn Beck said, that is so wonderful and I think so important. It speaks contentment doesn't it? So proud of you and James.
So glad you were encouraged today! Contentment is a beautiful and Christ-like thing, it whispers His Peace...
Much love, Mom
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