"It was after Mare Griebe said she was done with me, that I knew."
No matter which end you are on this, this is a great article, it touched me greatly. So glad to see some 'Mare-human-like' feelings honestly written.
I won't add to the blog, I sure don't want to get in the way. I do hope you too will enjoy this blog as I did.
As my dear old dad has always said... The more people I meet the more I love my dogs. Ain't it the truth! Ha!
I'm doing a little better this week, so thanking God for my blessings and praying through anxieties. (Trying to!) : )
So thankful Michelle is fine, I didn't write about it last week but she had a strange lump on her arm and we have found that it is fine, a great doc said so. (A Gift). ...Why mother's get grey though in the meantime? Is it any wonder why the emotions of this gal were flying last week?
I have a feeling as I look back on this season of my life, an only child, two parents, divorced, both 85 years of age, four sweet daughters and hubs living in this crazed age we are in... We also see and are discouraged by but not destroyed by nutty people full of the false kind of churchdom, or without. You get the picture. ....I will see how the Father carried me. ...Because He is.
On the Duggars. I miss their program greatly. Our entire family does! I cannot tell you the encouragment we receive from the Duggar family. Is it because we idolize them? No. Do I think the Duggars are perfect? No, of course not. Are we a.t.i.? No, never have been, we have always believed we have the same Bible. ...But in this day and age it is difficult to find fellowship, in this day and age of the drop of the name, Duggar even some pastors and their wives say suspiciously... "The Duggars..." ...As they intentionally say no more. I want to say... "Okay. I get it." I get it in more ways then one. ...At least I think I do.
Many people really don't like goodness do they.
As my husband so wisely said the other night...
If the Duggars were lukewarm this would not be an issue now.
Signing off from the Forest Cathedral...
This morning I saw two doe and a little spotted fawn. It was the picture of God's Perfect Handiwork, Sweetness, and Innocence. It was so, so precious, the mommy was galloping around in the back property near my back door... She was having the greatest time ever! She was showing her baby how to play. A Gift to see.
Oh God help us to know and learn to play even more so... Please help us to depend on You as You provide for us, emotionally and physically.
Good Evening Loves, amelia from the Forest
PTL. That she does not have anything bad on her arm. Such great news.
I hope your Father is doing better.
Totally agree with you! I never did give an opinion about the Duggars recent situation on any sites or in any conversations. It seemed like there was enough people just getting their 3 seconds of tongue-tornadoes out on the internet and then leaving a wake of ridiculousness after them. We had a friend who just lost her son, so felt it was inappropriate to be concern about social media issues when I had a "real" friend needing compassion and prayer. You know? But, I did think this was a good read and happened to have a friend who said it was probably the only thing she felt worth to re-post. http://liberate.org/2015/05/26/we-are-all-the-duggars/ Thoughts?
I'm glad your daughter is okay. Such things can tempt the imagination to run amuck!
LOVED the photo of the boy with his spaniel dog. We had 2 Cocker Spaniels for 14 years. They were litter mates and my most favorite dogs in all the world.=!
Amen to your husband's comment about the Duggars. The enemy of our souls is prowling about, seeking whom he may devour. I pray for the strength of all Christ-followers during these days.
I always enjoy your blog posts. Blessings to you.
Oh Amelia,
you have written another beautiful post, full of interesting tidbits and truth. I'm so glad Michelle is okay and yes....the mom thing...I get that! I have become more gray as my kids and grandkiddos get older. The little scares and big ones we go through as moms. What a blessing she is fine.
Love the boy and his dog. So precious! The whole Duggar thing has really blown up, hasn't it? It is sad how society wants to destroy and hurt. Praying for God's will in their lives and for His glory to be revealed.
Love and hugs to you, sweet friend!
So glad Michelle is fine! Prayers for you right now and all the different challenges you are facing.
I had some of the same agonies of heart that you have written about... about the Duggars and all the hateful comments... I was dumbfounded to realize, same as you, that there are just people who can't stand goodness. That is such a sad, disheartening thought, because it is not the world I grew up in.
Other agonies of heart... the demonic force of ISIS, and the evil abortionists.
It seems I begin every day now with agony of heart for this world, just like you.
So pleased to hear that Michelle is well.
Blessings to you,
How in the world are you doing Lynn? : ) So great to hear from you and so good to hear your heart this day. I agree with you, there are just so. many. horrible things happening. I think of our unborn and what those little babies are going through. Truly a modern day holocaust. If people would place themselves in the womb I think they would consider the baby's choice! I also have noticed as another famous person once said...Those who are for abortion are born.
May we lift our country up in prayers. May the church be the Church.
So good of you to stop by Lynn, please come by again! Loved hearing from you! I actually had thought of you the other day for some reason. Everything okay?
Hi Amelia, It's so nice to know you still think of me. I hope you pray for me too? :-)
I'm pretty much the same as always, nothing changes much with me. Thank you for asking. :-)
About the abortion thing, I saw an interesting thing the other day, that I agree with, I'll bet you'd like also...
"Birth control is not 'pro-choice'... it's about avoiding the consequences of your choices".
So, so true... avoidance of responsibility and responsible, accountable, disciplined, behavior. Not at all what God wants.
May God continue to bless to you and your family,
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