Yeah...We all feel like this at times, no matter what season of life it may be for us. Just think though of the's only what will last for Eternity that will last.
At 53 and a veteran homeschool mom I'm seeing changes in society and the homeschool community.
What follows here is not only applicable to Christian homeschoolers but to any Christian group, church or individual.
Several years ago I felt rather put out to pasture when the support group our family has shared at yearly was taken over by another workshop leader with what seemed to be of a very different heart. Our workshop named, 'Vision For a Godly Home' was shelved, it wasn't even shelved politely...and actually God was shelved. The support group had closed all Christian classes down at the workshop and every year...little by little academia has taken the throne. That Tower of Babel ...once again...the Tower of Babel.
Now don't get me wrong, in a way it was a relief, I'm like Moses, I don't like speaking in front of people, maybe that is why the Lord selected us, because none of us like getting up in front of folks and speaking. Only God knows the prayer and hours of putting together a talk for people so people could get a glimpse of what God wanted them to *see* in homeschooling. I knew. I knew that I better have it right, it was huge. Not huge for me but huge because I did not want to misrepresent God.
My husband and I were watching the Homestead Blessing ladies, the West ladies in a gardening video the other night. This is one precious family by the way...the young ladies have sweeping long hair and long cotton romantic skirts...earthy, sweet, Southern enough to charm the daylights out of you.
My husband remarked...My, my how the homeschoolers have changed.
Yes, you can say that again.
I first saw it over ten years ago when I sat on a panel with several other homeschool moms. I shared how our daughters and I had afternoon tea and solved the world's problems, God came first, beware of youth group pitfalls and etc. All I will say was I was attacked by some of the other moms on that panel. I've also been attacked on our homeschool loop on email. Yes, I made one suggestion that people keep their comments to homeschool comments and questions instead of "Can my Freddie play with your Susie?" Several who were not walking with the Lord or on the same page took it as opportunity to attack me publicly online. This support group had over 300 families in it. I had a handful of women come to my aid, they tried they did. I was accused (accused) the father of lies accused me of trying to close down the loop, isn't that funny? Just the dumbness of it all...This was back in the day when inboxes only held so-much and if your inbox was clogged you may just miss the information that a friend has cancer. Yes, that is just what had happened. Long story short, my husband got on that loop. He said his Peace in a respectful way. Before I had posted the suggestion I had asked him what he thought! Thank God I had saw the safety in asking Jem's opinion! He said ..Go with it, it's a good suggestion. Thank God for that one question of safety to my husband. It was a good example despite the pain and depression these loud mouthed women caused. Did it stop? A little. God used the situation, we spoke in the "big room" the next time...God used it all. Me? It had been devastating for this merciful artist infp. ...but God used it. He is the Revealer, He is Justice and Mercy. He still is and always will be. Amen.
Today. Unfortunately there are some homeschooled young women who are now married who have useless degrees and don't even know how to cook a nice dinner for their husbands. There are young men who don't know what the strange-woman looks like let alone what a godly young lady resembles. Academia. Academia. Off-balance academia. God? God is here, He was there. Those parents left, God did not.
Jem and I will trod on. Our daughters will trod on, there have had to be adjustments, and that is okay. Because God is here.... He is here and that is all that matters.
The culture is warped, it's eeking into our churches and I am grieved. You see, we've homechurched for at least five years now and my husband feels like it's time to venture out a bit...It's not doing me that much good but I also realize it may be a matter of me reaching out to some precious elderly people in one of those churches or perhaps something of the sort. I can't help but wonder what these ladies who in the 1950s as young brides in the old engineering town we visit must think of this whacked out culture. It's just sooo very sad to me.. Just. so. sad.
My daughter Marianna reminds me that some of those women, those 1950s brides, could have been part of the problem... We notice some of the WWII generation definitely have their heads in the sand as they have also bought the lies of compromise in our culture and the way they perhaps raised their children.
I'll close now.
The following clip from the poignant old movie Mrs. Miniver, (a must-see) as it progresses is how my cathedral may look these day...but the people inside? They are strong. Strong in the Lord. ....You see...They. It is They who are the great Cathedral. We stand strong in You Oh God.
Onward Christian Soldiers. Stand strong... in God stand the name of Jesus stand strong...Your fellow Soldier in this weary world... ~Amelia