Tuesday, January 11, 2022

'It's On Us...' Let This Sink In

The following was most recently re-posted by our thirdborn daughter from what looks like a very right-on blog.   Our thirdborn daughter just delivered she and her husband's precious secondborn.  Our third most precious little grand-baby boy!

My heart was so touched by this truth, It is from this precious blog:   www.honestlyashleya.com


Here goes...Let this sink in...



It's On Us...


'I know your lipstick color is fab…

But has your child watched salacious filfth this week?

We’ve coddled distraction and adopted lackadaisical habits of shielding.

We’ve nodded at sorcery and winked at the sexual agenda.

Can I tell us….

it’s not on them to protect themselves from what the enemy is trying to encapsulate them with.

It’s not on them to stand when every other parent is giving in.

It’s not on them to weep in intercession in the wee hours of the night for their future…

It’s on us….

And at the risk of losing friends…

I must say we’re quite frankly too preoccupied with the latest trend to notice the latest demon coming after our children…

You’re making decisions right now, Mom….

Decisions that will have your grandchildren saying one of two things….

“Grandmother was a valiant warrior for the kingdom and our family peace is owed to that..”


“Grandmother never could stand. She was too blinded by culture and attention to protect the anointing our family could have had…”

And that’s on you.


It’s on you this moment and it’s on you all of 2022.

We get to make this decision every single day until the days run out.

Are we watching over the ways of our household?….


are we watching over the ways of TikTok?

Are we sending forth the Holy Angels over our babies?….


….are we sending forth another Snapchat?

Who viewed your story won’t matter 10 years from now if you’re fighting the gates of hell for your child.

Who liked your sultry selfie won’t even be remembered if you’re carrying the guilt of intercessory years wasted…

This is not a game…

Not a tournament…

Not a competition…

This is an occupation.

An honor.

So a reminder that…

Hell is consistently charging towards the goal of occupying their future…

And Momma, your prayer life just may be what’s standing in the way…'



This contains an image of:.

Two of our little grandsons, big brother with his newborn baby brother, oh my heart.

May I be that grandmother who stood against the culture keeping a sweet, safe and peaceful home in the Lord, fighting in prayers and guarding over her family.



Sandi said...

Oh my heart too!

I was just praying with a friend today about what I should be doing. This. She reminded me. I take care of my two, teens now, and the household and make it quiet and guard what comes in and pray, pray, pray. What do I do? This. I hope it is enough.

Amelia said...

Sandi, it *is* enough and the *best* and most important ministries there is. It's the *best* ministry, the call to be a wife and mother and then beyond to that of a grandmother. I once heard it said that the true fruits of a godly person is godly grandchildren. As I'm sure you would agree, I wish more women would mind their homes making their homes that most wonderful, sweet, loving and protected place, insulated from the culture. The enemy would love to interfere and distract us. There is great joy in contentment, a simmering soup, beautiful music, sweet things of life. A happy husband who knows he can trust us at every angle. Spending time with our Lord. Just think if every woman would do these things...

Bless you Sandi, I appreciate your comment. : )

GrammaGrits said...

Amen and amen to this post! Thank you.

Amelia said...

Thank you so much for taking the time to come by, GrammaGrits. Your comment is a blessing to me today! God bless you!

Sandi said...

Thank you for that, Amelia.

Amelia said...

You are so welcome friend, we're all in this together right? (gentle smile)

Amelia said...

Sandi, I remember a long, long time ago I had taken our oldest little girl at the age of 5 to the eye doctor, a sweet lady opthalmologist. The doctor and I had gotten into a debate over the prolife issue, she had noticed my prolife button on my purse. Well, before the afternoon was over she wanted me to come to work for her. It was hard,and I was flattered. I discussed this with a fellow homeschool friend of mine who had been a school teacher in the classroom and married to a doc herself. I'll never forget her wise words to the effect of...You will get pats on the back and accolades from society but nothing like being home with your little children even though we won't get the pats on the back...She was exactly right. It frightens me now that I even considered going to work outside of the home back then, oh what a sweet and most precious blessing I would have missed with my little angels back then. And I think the same pats on the back come from "ministry" outside of the home as well,people can confuse us meaning well. Some of my biggest regrets come from that sort of thing though few but they are there, even in blogging I have to be careful. Many will never understand the high, sweet and precious calling of being a wife, mother and grandmother.

Mrs.O said...

Hello Amelia! I have not commented for a long time now, but I always enjoy your blog and am so happy you are posting more often.
I don't know if you remember but I too am in Texas and half Italian as yourself!
This post is so powerful and I am going to hand write this one down!! I would love if you would share more sewing ideas, we have the same taste and I love your art skirts!
Do you still usually wear a black or navy top with them?
Also, our family has enjoyed many of your movie suggestions.
Congratulations on your beautiful new baby grandson.
Oh! I also wanted to mention if you liked,( loved in my case!), Connie Hultquist Christmas book, her Dear Kitchen Saints is wonderful. Just wonderful, my copy is falling apart I've read it so many times��
God bless you and yours������

Sherry said...

ooohhhhh so true.
all of it.

Amelia said...

Awwww Mrs. O, It's so good to hear from you, what an encouragement and blessing your comment is to me today! I'm so happy and thankful for your input because many times I'm just not sure what is helpful. I'll try to put more pics up of my art skirts and yes...I do still pair them with navy or black tops, I've ventured out to a white top this past summer. ; ) But even then, my navy and black are my very favorites. How nice that we have the same taste, it's always wonderful to meet other ladies who value the same type of things, and celebrate femininity in special and artistic ways. I'm glad you mentioned the book, why yes! I went ahead and treated myself to the 'Dear Kitchen Saints' one too, it is truly wonderful and I will sometimes text excerpts to my grown daughters, oh what a famine we have for women like Mrs. Hultquist,oh how I long for women like her, maybe we can have some kind of sisterhood of the hearts here? : ) I hope so.

Well my Italian Texan sister, it's great to hear from you, I hope you are doing well, and I appreciate your helpful comment so very much! Our new little grandson is an angel indeed, a sweet blessing from the Lord. God bless you Mrs. O!

Amelia said...

Awww Sherry, Seeing your comment made me smile. Doesn't this writing just register something fierce in our hearts?

So great to see you in blogland again, I'll be joining you in prayers.

God bless you Sherry!

Diana said...

Amen and AMEN! Even as grandparents, we MUST stand for the Lord and what is right in this world today!! I am not afraid to be that gramma who fights for her grandkids!

Amelia said...

Amen Diana! Yes, may WE be that grandparent who stands for the Lord with everything within us! It would be very sad to be one who is known for not standing...It's just part of my fiber and may I know my where that natural stance comes from, that lifeline to the Lord, personally on a daily, hourly moment by moment basis. : )

Your comment is a blessing to me Diana!