Thursday, May 18, 2017

Prayers Requested!

Prayers are being requested.

I'm suffering from the flu, my father is dying according to nurses.  He is around four hours away in a hospital so you can imagine what I am going through at present.  Our two oldest daughters made the trek to see him yesterday and he wasn't doing well.

When they arrived they told him they didn't know...they didn't know he was there...

No one from our immediate family did.  A concerned wife of a distant cousin (an old running buddy of my dad's) happened to see Lea's number on Daddy's wall at his house after some investigating, she took courage and did the right thing and called Lea.  That is how we found out.

My father crossed paths more then several years ago with a woman who has wrecked things.  She has manipulated things to an unbelievable point turning my father's heart against us at a point, and now not even calling our family to let us know.

Be careful who your elderly parents make friends with.  My dad's giving and romantic but needy heart has gotten him in huge trouble not to mention ripping our emotions apart.

My only child heart has been so broken, I had such plans for Daddy and I in his old age.  Such plans.

Daddy, I wanted to take you to the old Methodist in downtown where you and Mother were married back then... I wanted you to be able to relax here in the Forest with Mother.  You could have held our dogs, you too love dogs and cats and all things.  Why on God's green earth did this all  have to happen I do not know or understand the choices.  I cried out the other day with my daughter in the kitchen just crying out saying.  Why.  

Yesterday our girls helped him get water from sponges there in that far away hospital room, he would cry out for a cup of water repeatedly.  They said the Our Father together as well as Psalm 23.  Lea and Marianna asked him if he knew the Lord and he said he had prayed with a radio preacher.  My dad still has a radio hooked up to his bathroom light so that when you turn the light on, the old time radio preacher comes on. 

I am a highly sensitive person, what the books call, an HSP.  If you know anything about highly sensitive people you may know this is a gift but in this case perhaps a curse.

I will end with good things, Roman 8:28.  My husband is a huge help, my girls have helped hugely with supper and things putting their gifts to work.  My two son in laws (one of those is soon to be), he has been checking in with Mar, sending roses thru Mar to me. The other is of my personality and would like to call the offending woman and enlighten her a bit on what she has done to our family.  My sweet mother, the wife of my father's youth is so proud of our girls on handling things so beautifully, she was so glad they told Daddy that (she) Lena loved him.  The two of them are in the top photo taken shortly after they were married.

There are other good things too that I don't have liberty to share.

Please pray I get well for one so I can begin to do what I need to do in this situation.  I feel like my nerves are shot, frayed and all the rest along with the flu. 

loading ...

Pray for my dad I don't like the suffering I am hearing about.  Not one bit.  It's breaking my heart and it didn't have to happen like this. 


Linda said...

I will definitely keep both you and your father in my prayers, Amelia. Hugs and love to you.

Amelia said...

Thank you Linda so, so much. I hope to be visiting blogs again soon. And please know that love and hugs are sent back to you too. I appreciate your comment so much.

Barbara said...

What a tough situation going on there. How many of us are facing extremely trying circumstances with our elderly parents? I pray our parents will "finish well," but dementia (and so many other things) threaten their dignity to the extreme.

I am praying for you to get well soon and for all things to be made right with your dad.

Take heart, even though you are incapacitated now, not even the flu can prevent you from praying to our Heavenly Father. Hugs.

Amelia said...

Hello Barbara, Thanks so much, it sounds like you have a good understanding of much of this. This situation has become especially bizarre in the past year because this person made it her business to become exeter and power of attorney even medically. She is the wife of an African American pastor in his town. We had no idea what this woman was capable of.

My husband, Lea and I were able to visit him yesterday along with Michelle and Josh, my precious son in law. it was a long trek there and I could hardly stand emotionally or physically but I'm so glad I was able to.

You are right dear Barbara, and thank you for the sweet reminder. Yes, the Heavenly Father is so nearby to us in these times and always, and it's so good to be able to talk to Him on a personal level like a real Father. What would we do without Him?

Blessings and hugs to you dear friend.