"...out here in the stillness, I find my house of worship
with column trees and canopy of stars,
Here in my cathedral." ~Chris Rice from the song, My Cathedral
An excerpt from what our daughters' pastor shared today:
"Most candidates have revealed their opinions about this subject and have openly communicated their positions. Frankly, it is insincere for candidates to claim to be 'against abortion' yet do everything within their power to ensure the continuance of it. Their claims are only meaningless political speak.
This year, I have noticed that some candidates have finally said what they have meant all along - they will fight to retain the ability of a mother to take the life of her pre-born child up to the actual day of the birth of that child. Can you imagine that? That act is called 'partial birth abortion' and is nothing short of the same crimes perpetrated against human beings in the darkest days of human history. These candidates have said that a pre-born child, even those who could easily live outside the womb, are not 'persons' and therefore have no rights. Upon what scientific information do they make this judgement? None at all! In fact, everything known by science argues against that position. These candidates' anti-pre-born position is morally corrupt.
These were the very conclusions of Nazi policy toward Jews during World War II and slave owners toward African Americans in the early decades of our country. Abortion is as unjust and despicable as were those two periods in history. participants in all three periods - slavery, Nazi death camps and abortion all used the exact arguments to justify their positions.
All the studies have shown that the reason for abortion for the vast majority of those who have it, is the inconvenience of having a child, not health concerns. For some women involved, though, there are great needs and stresses. There are better solutions our society could advance than taking the life of an innocent child.
For the past 14 years, I have said exactly the same thing to you and I will continue to do so. I will NEVER vote for ANY candidate who would seek to ensure and propagate the continuance in America of the killing of pre-born children at whatever state of gestation those children might be.
Why? Those precious babies are both human and persons. It is just as morally wrong to take the life of a child before birth as it is after. For me, one day I will give an account for my life's decisions before a holy, righteous God. I refuse to have the blood of the unborn on my hands because I turned a blind eye or because I helped to put into office ANY person who would assist in the continuance of abortion in America.
In my opinion, the life and death of human beings supersedes other issues.
...Make sure you truly know the positions of the candidates about abortion before you vote."
-Photo by Robert Stock
"Pray for God's leadership in this election concerning every office. While God is sovereign, we are accountable. Become aware of the actual positions different candidates have about the issues. Vote. If you have the privilege of voting, be a good citizen of the this great country and vote."
We will vote for the prolife platform and we encourage everyone to do the same. Blessings to all this Sunday eve.
This just made my morning. Wow. If this doesn't touch your heart nothing will...Enjoy.
I so love God's Creatures.
I also have a love for children, unborn and born.
At one time I was a counselor at a prolife clinic. We have four daughters of our own and they have been such a joy in our lives. Two of our daughters as adults have also been counselors at a prolife clinic.
Praying for our country. Praying people's eyes will be opened to what is of utmost importance. It's interesting that Trump did bring up the horrors of abortion in the debate and many who claim to be prolife will not even acknowledge or give any credit whatsoever.
When these same people go to the emergency room and it is life or death for themselves or a loved one, perhaps their little child...I do wonder what they would do if a specialist who did not match up to their personal convictions popped in the door in surgery greens to operate?
I wonder if some of these people really do care about the unborn when we follow their thinking to the end.
There are those who behave as if they are disgusted with locker room talk when they themselves bring and enjoy programming that displays the same and more into their own homes as they laugh at it as well as watch it with great interest...
"Things just don't make sense"
Ask the animals, and they will teach you. -Job 12:7
"I've noticed that everyone who is for abortion has already been born." -Ronald Reagan
As my old pastor used to say, if they won't speak up for you, they might as well be against you.
This is not 1980 and it's not a normal election cycle. There is some serious stuff at stake here as I'm sure you would agree. It never ceases to amaze me how the subject of the Unborn in the womb is not more of a focus. This is not just rhetoric in a normal election where mud slinging is ever present. There are Supreme Court Justices at stake here as you also know. There is media bias and one-sided lies that are so glaring it is frightening. It's frightening they are getting away with it all. I'm horrified by attitudes. I'm horrified by passivity and stubborn pride of some voters. Do some not see or care what the next years will hold for us?
Yes, pray. Pray like your very lives depend on it. Pray like little innocent baby's lives depend on it. Actlike innocent baby's lives and others' lives depend on it. Because they do.
As my husband shares, you can pray, and then vote like it matters.
Following is an excellent article by Mr. Eric Metaxas. I heard about this article while listening to Eric Metaxas as a guest on the Laura Ingraham radio program. As I listened to Mr. Metaxas I wanted to jump up on my chair and yell...
Suddenly the scene with Gregory Peck playing Atticus Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird came to mind as Atticus fought for Tom Robinson's life in the courtroom, pleading to the jury...
In the name of God...Do your duty.
Should Christians Vote for Trump? by Eric Metaxas:
From The Wall Street Journal
"This question should hardly require an essay, but let’s face it: We’re living in strange times. America is in trouble. Over this past year many of Donald Trump’s
comments have made me almost literally hopping mad. The hot-mic
comments from 2005 are especially horrifying. Can there be any question
we should denounce them with flailing arms and screeching volume? I must
not hang out in the right locker rooms, because if anyone I know said
such things I might assault him physically (and repent later). So yes,
many see these comments as a deal breaker.
But we have a very
knotty and larger problem. What if the other candidate also has deal
breakers? Even a whole deplorable basketful? Suddenly things become
horribly awkward. Would God want me simply not to vote? Is that a
serious option?
if not pulling the lever for Mr. Trump effectively means electing
someone who has actively enabled sexual predation in her husband
before—and while—he was president? Won’t God hold me responsible for
that? What if she defended a man who raped a 12-year-old and in
recalling the case laughed about getting away with it? Will I be excused
from letting this person become president? What if she used her
position as secretary of state to funnel hundreds of millions into her
own foundation, much of it from nations that treat women and gay people
worse than dogs? Since these things are true, can I escape
responsibility for them by simply not voting?
Many say they
won’t vote because choosing the lesser of two evils is still choosing
evil. But this is sophistry. Neither candidate is pure evil. They are
human beings. We cannot escape the uncomfortable obligation to soberly
choose between them. Not voting—or voting for a third candidate who
cannot win—is a rationalization designed more than anything to assuage
our consciences. Yet people in America and abroad depend on voters to
make this very difficult choice.
Children in the Middle East are
forced to watch their fathers drowned in cages by ISIS. Kids in
inner-city America are condemned to lives of poverty, hopelessness and
increasing violence. Shall we sit on our hands and simply trust “the
least of these” to God, as though that were our only option? Don’t we
have an obligation to them?
Two heroes about whom I’ve written faced similar difficulties. William Wilberforce,
who ended the slave trade in the British Empire, often worked with
other parliamentarians he knew to be vile and immoral in their personal
Why did he? First, because as a sincere Christian he knew
he must extend grace and forgiveness to others, since he desperately
needed them himself. Second, because he knew the main issue was not his
moral purity, nor the moral impurity of his colleagues, but rather the
injustices and horrors suffered by the African slaves whose cause he
championed. He knew that before God his first obligation was to them,
and he must do what he could to help them.
The anti-Nazi martyr Dietrich Bonhoeffer
also did things most Christians of his day were disgusted by. He most
infamously joined a plot to kill the head of his government. He was
horrified by it, but he did it nonetheless because he knew that to stay
“morally pure” would allow the murder of millions to continue. Doing
nothing or merely “praying” was not an option. He understood that God
was merciful, and that even if his actions were wrong, God saw his heart
and could forgive him. But he knew he must act.
and Bonhoeffer knew it was an audience of One to whom they would
ultimately answer. And He asks, “What did you do to the least of these?”
It’s a fact that if Hillary Clinton
is elected, the country’s chance to have a Supreme Court that values
the Constitution—and the genuine liberty and self-government for which
millions have died—is gone. Not for four years, or eight, but forever.
Many say Mr. Trump can’t be trusted to deliver on this score, but Mrs.
Clinton certainly can be trusted in the opposite direction. For our kids
and grandkids, are we not obliged to take our best shot at this? Shall
we sit on our hands and refuse to choose?
If imperiously
flouting the rules by having a private server endangered American lives
and secrets and may lead to more deaths, if she cynically deleted
thousands of emails, and if her foreign-policy judgment led to the rise
of Islamic State, won’t refusing to vote make me responsible for those
suffering as a result of these things? How do I squirm out of this
horrific conundrum? It’s unavoidable: We who can vote must answer to God
for these people, whom He loves. We are indeed our brothers’ and
sisters’ keepers.
We would be responsible for passively electing
someone who champions the abomination of partial-birth abortion,
someone who is celebrated by an organization that sells baby parts. We
already live in a country where judges force bakers, florists and
photographers to violate their consciences and faith—and Mrs. Clinton
has zealously ratified this. If we believe this ends with bakers and
photographers, we are horribly mistaken. No matter your faith or lack of
faith, this statist view of America will dramatically affect you and
your children.
For many of us, this is very painful, pulling the
lever for someone many think odious. But please consider this: A vote
for Donald Trump is not necessarily a vote for Donald Trump himself. It
is a vote for those who will be affected by the results of this
election. Not to vote is to vote. God will not hold us guiltless." Mr.
Metaxas, host of the nationally syndicated “Eric Metaxas Show,” is the
author of “If You Can Keep It: The Forgotten Promise of American
Liberty” (Viking, 2016).
Thank you Mr. Metaxas, your common sense and clear thinking coupled with godly logic is refreshing. Eric
Metaxas is an excellent Christian who also wrote a most compelling book on Dietrich Boenhoffer during the time of Hitler.
"A vote for Donald Trump is not necessarily a vote for Donald Trump
himself. It is a vote for those who will be affected by the results of
this election. Not to vote is to vote. God will not hold us guiltless." Eric Metaxas
Hello, Thank you for stopping by. I'm a middle-aged veteran home educator, happily married 44 years, mother of four sweet adult daughters, grandmother of 4 precious little children, three boys and a girl. We live in the forest. I design, sew, write, enjoy art, cook, and take care of our many fur angels. ...I'm also a hopeless romantic who wishes it were the 40s again. Follower of Christ, I cherish my personal relationship with the Lord. A pro-life advocate and ethical vegetarian; think: John Wesley, William Booth, Fred Rogers and Frances of Assisi. I laugh hard and pray hard too! Live, Laugh, Love...And pray hard...That's me.