I learned some illustrated lessons this weekend, so yesterday, a most balmy Sunday, I thought I would write about them and share today. I also have some token gift offerings that might put an ease in your Christmas, and a new old movie discovery I think you may enjoy!
Lesson 1. Jem, Joycie and I were on our way to the city church in downtown and I realized in my hurry I had completely forgotten my already carefully packed socks, peanut butter-crackers, kleenex, toothbrushes etc. for the homeless we see on the streets. Why? Because I was not watching my time and rushed at the end of leaving time! I told Jem, ...That is why being un-organized or in a big hurry is so bad! Now I don't have my stuff for the homeless. The last-minute thing just doesn't cut it. How many times have we not done we should do for the Lord because of a lack of planning in simply getting ready? Perhaps we take our time for granted thinking we have plenty of time and then, fly out the door half done. Aargh.
Lesson 2. We walked up the beautiful old hundred year old steps inside the old historical church to the balcony to see the violinists, the percussionists and choir sing and make Christmas music so lovely, so beautiful you become teary eyed. In front of us though was the video guy who videos the service weekly for television. He was blocking part of my view. Hm. Disconcerting I thought. But ya know? Before I knew it I looked straight ahead and there was that huge beautiful stained glass window, and oh it is a huge one! One of the most huge if not the hugest I know of. The curve of the balcony made a way for me to face the Jesus window. There was Jesus standing in front of me head-on holding His hands out to me! To the left of the same window was Jesus again holding so sweetly, meekly his little lamb with two other of his little lambs at his feet in that huge stained glass window. I could hardly keep my eyes off of Jesus with His little lambs. It was right where Christ wanted me yesterday. Facing Him. If I would have spent time fretting over the videographer being in my way, I never would have *seen* Jesus right in front of me, my precious, sweet, loving Jesus who ministers to my soul!
Lesson 3. Jem and I were very tickled the other day, we were on a daytrip and saw a couple with the cutest little white dog. The very young lady and her "dad" were taking very good care of this little dog. As we walked on, Jem noticed they were holding hands like husband and wife...It was the famous entertainer, Tony Bennett! Right under our very noses. (He was in that town for a concert).
I wonder who else we do not notice?!
This brings me again to Christ. Are we missing Christ at times right under our very noses? : )
And by the way on that city church, Pastor Wende, we will miss you greatly. I wish you weren't retiring. But if you see this, we will miss you. Praying that there will be another godly pastor leading the flock this summer.
Pastor Wende just married Zuzu and Tommy, it it so evident he knows the Lord in such a personal way. I try and look forward to watch and hear his sermons every week on television. He's a very kind man from what we know and that is a blessing. Very rare unfortunately.
I remember when I was a little girl in the modern catholic church I attended. There was a father Connally. He loved our family, he was a friend of my cousin who was once a priest and father Conally seemed to have a special concern for my mother and I. He would braid my long waist length hair outside on the sidewalk as I waited on my mother to pick me up after Wednesday evening catechism. Think Bing Crosby in The Bells of St. Mary's. As a little girl, I could literally feel the Holy Spirit when around this man. My mom and I would attend church frequently but infrequently, so inadvertantly we returned after a month one summer to find father Connally gone. My little girl stomach was sick and that church was never the same.
So now, I have the same strange inkling. So I pray. I pray that the downtown church will not go the way of the world. People don't seem to understand that families like ours do not want the cheap or modernized. We don't need "younger" ministers, just a minister with a timeless heart who knows Christ personally. A simple sweet gospel with care. We want the tried and true, the old fashioned which should be the all-the-time fashion in Christ.
Some of these thoughts bring me to think about this blog at times and what it is for, I do pray it will be a gentle challenge of thoughts perhaps others are not willing to challenge on, but also a very honest account of life. I also like the everyday normalcy of life. It's a Gift! So have a cuppa with me won't you?
Hey Gals! Here are some Cute Gift Ideas You can Find at Your Local Grocery for Last Minute Gifts, Perhaps to Have On Hand:
I think I will post some gift ideas since this is Christmas week and some are looking for easy-breezy ideas at their local grocery etc, here are some cute little token gift ideas that make life easy but thoughtful.
Most of these can be found at the grocery store so you won't have to fight crowds and go crazy. Walmart has these to order as well although I know it's a little late now to order.
Another gift suggestion from a blog is a boxed bar of pink Dove soap wrapped. I think this is so cute and different with a pretty towel or washcloth wrapped around it as well. I have some single soap boxes on hand wrapped in red and white candy-stripe wrapping paper, and the fragrance is so pretty. I've tucked a wrapped bar in the box with my mother's blouse for Christmas, the entire box has a lovely fragrance now. These also make cute wrapped gifts to leave for the homeless.
For a neighbor who always brings us homemade goodies, I put a wrapped soap bar, two dish towels, a hot pad and a small can of dipping cookies in a cute gift bag ready to go.
Eight O'Clock coffee makes a great gift as well either on it's own or paired with some store-bought cookies such as archway or european ones in the cookie section. Last year our girls did manage to make homemade candy cane cookies so that was nice. This brand of coffee is already in a Christmas color and it's good coffee too! The price is very reasonable for good and good-looking coffee. : )
Perhaps this will help you with token or surprise gifts to have on hand. We just don't make cookies like we used to, we don't eat much sugar in our home or wheat for the mostpart so tea, coffee and towels with a fragranced soap bar fits the bill for having on hand.
Come to the Stable (1949) Anyone seen this movie? We hadn't and are so very delighted with it!
Come to the Stable is a 1949 American film which tells the story of two French nuns who come to a small New England town and involve the townsfolk in helping them to build a children's hospital.
Nominated for 7 Oscars and other awards as well including the Writers Guild.
My husband and I were rolling, laughing while watching this one, and there are plenty of poignant parts as well. Elements of Christmas are included.
One very poignant part is that of one of the nuns playing a rather strong tennis match in her habit to the shock of everyone. When asked where she learned to play tennis she replies...She was the winner of a famous 1939 match. The several around her gasp, and proclaim she is the famous player by name. She walks away smiling and says No Mademoiselle... No longer. She was obviously speaking of her new life in her way of walking with Christ. It's a very neat scene as well as other scenes in the movie.
Where do we discover this movie greatness you may ask? We subscribe to Turner Classic Movies on cable television. Turner Classics plays no commercials so it is very nice indeed. I love the 40s as many of you may know so this definitely sets a most wonderful theme in our home many a day or evening as we desire. You cannot beat the later 30s or 40s movies. These movies as I have written before are made in a time in our country when there was a healthy fear of God. ...WWII. I know so well from speaking to people in the nursing home and some of my older friends, the nation was a very different place then.
We may not be able to control the nation but we can make our homes that peaceful place. I was sharing with Jem that if every mom would tend to her home and make the most of it, making home a cheerful place with a nightly family supper, the country would be so much better! Talk about true liberation! : ) I see it as an art and my first ministry. It's for an Audience of One and that's all that counts.
What's for supper?
Vegan Zuppa Toscana Soup! We love this stuff... Soooo good. I am using frozen spinach instead of kale in mine this evening. It's what I have on hand. It works.
What are we listening to today?
Well Loves, I better run, Have a sweet day, Signing off for the day from The Forest Cathedral. ~Amelia