Friday, January 13, 2017

But This Music...A Neat Discovery...Cozy Recipe for You to Enjoy

I'll open up with this quote I found on a Midtown church site:

'When any church will inscribe over its altar as its sole qualification for membership the Savior's condensed statement of the substance of both the law and the Gospel, "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and thy neighbor as thyself” that church will I join with all my heart and soul.'  -President Lincoln

It hits right-on doesn't it?  

I found the church site as I've been looking for my only first cousin on my father's side.  I knew if I could find the maiden name of my Uncle Wesley's young wife I could most likely find their once baby girl.  The other night it was on my heart to do another check.  I do that from time to time as I feel prompted and I googled her first name and Uncle Wesley's full name together.

I gasped and my heart skipped a beat as a 1940 society page came up from the university they had both attended.  My cousin and her mother, the bride of course, had the same first name thus it came up.  It was the wedding announcement and full description including the church they were married in.  I have found the cousin's online info, she is quite a bit older then I, at 75 she lives in the city, she was born a year after their marriage.  Her mother back in the 40s took the baby girl (my cousin) and had left.  My father was only around twelve years of age when this occured and was away at military school so didn't know detail or does and doesn't tell.  Knowing some control issues with my German grandfather it makes sense what happened.  Control as in controlling people is a bad thing, it comes in many forms and to all nationalities as we probably all know, If you don't know it, then you may be a controlling person.   Are you a good witch or a bad witch? asked Dorothy.  ; ) 

My uncle died several years later of cancer at 23, way too young.  I have his pocket watch, his Rice yearbook, his dress gloves from military school and his Kappa Sigma book, I even have his chaps he wore when he fence walked at the West Mansion with his horse, Punkin and his friend, Cowboy Will, (a most kind black cowboy).   Cowboy Will worked at the estate, he and Uncle Wesley were buddies and would sleep under the stars.  Uncle Wesley so loved those weekends at the estate grounds.   

Uncle Wesley and my father also enjoyed acting in their young years,  I actually have one very funny story I'll have to share in the future on my dad playing a monk in a most solemn scene, having to wear too short of tights on stage (climbing stairs). : ) 

To make this brief (yes, I shortened it), all of this hits way down into the soul as you may imagine.  My mother said she knew who Wesley was, he would walk in a room and everyone would turn to see this tall handsome young man with a Jimmy Stewart stature.  My Italian grandma said he and my father's eyes were like stars.    

With much prayer, a written note may be sent to my cousin.  We shall see.  It takes time and prayer for a possible release in my heart to do that.

Life is an adventure and a journal page.  I hope I make the most of  what I compose everyday.


I was listening to the light classical station and this came on, it seemed such perfect timing: 

Beautiful music.  Very fitting for the mood.  I have this song on a music cd I own as well.

Here are some relaxing shots at the Forest Cathedral..

We name almost everything here, and this little running buddy vehicle is no exception, he is named:  Sparky.  Cute isn't he?  Sparky was bought used and Jem painted him up.  Cute little Sparky was used for football games at a school on the field at one time.  I think he likes it here much better. : )   Jem (here) and our girls use Sparky for running things back and forth.  ..So cute I think.

loading ...
An adventure...I love old buildings.  Yes, I'm carrying my camera these days, it's rubberbanded together but I always remember the quote from Ansel Adams, it was something to the effect of...You can use a box camera and get good shots with a good eye. 

loading ...  I would like to share a recipe you all may enjoy.

The base recipe is here but I made it my own so to speak. : )

When Jem asked what it is (I always try to think up a fascinating name) ; )...I said it's Confetti Casserole!

Or we could call it Confetti Frittata!

Oven Baked Confetti Frittata

One large packagae of frozen hashbrowns

dozen certified free range eggs

1 chopped bell pepper

2 chopped onions

few chopped Roma tomatoes if you have them on hand

olive oil

garlic powder, salt and pepper.

Okie Dokie, let's get started...

Get your 13 x 9 baking pan and pour a little olive oil in the bottom.  Put your hasbrowns in that, sprinkle with garlic powder, a little bit of salt and peppa.

Pop it in the oven and brown the hash browns.  You may want to give it a stir.  I finally put it on broil for a minute to give it a good and final crisp.

In the meantime saute your bell pepper, then onions, then tomatoes.  This will be juicy but that's good, you won't need to add any other liquid.  Season a little with salt and pepper.

Scramble up your eggs and veggies plus the juice (broth) the veggies made.

Pour that over the hashbrowns and  bake til done, at around 425 or so.   Slice in squares as served.  Boofet (buffet) style.  My Italian grandma always pronounced, 'buffet', like boo-fet.  This makes me *smile*. 

This was a good comforting dish.  You could mix and match many different veggies, as long as you  keep those wonderful aromatic onions in. : )

This fed four big eaters plus a very large serving the next day. 

I served this with some baked broccoli florets from the oven.  I just put two bags of some frozen broccoli florets on a pan with olive oil, season and bake. 

I sure hope everyone is having a nice day.   Take care now, may we all remember that every day is a journal page, what shall we compose?  ...And that goes double for me.  *big smile*

Mo-Mo our sweet kitty says hello...  She is my little i.n.f.p. buddy.  

I'll close with more of my favorite music that suits the current mood in a good way, the theme to one of my most favorite movies:  To Kill a Mockingbird.   (1961)  Scout is very much me as she opens her cigar box...  How about you?

Signing off from the Forest Cathedral, take care until the next time!     -Amelia

(All black and white photos are by Robert Stock)

Sunday, January 8, 2017

TOTO, I've a Feeling We're not in Kansas Anymore...

On the way home from Midtown with Jem.  Ethereal.

Isn't this beautiful? 

A day in smalltown...

Clifford and Goat-Goat my friends and pretend pets.  We like to sip on tea and once again enjoy watching our friends from afar by the drive-thru after a big grocery trip.

 Why wouldn't anyone not understand enjoying these sights?  Peace and quiet, quiet and peace.  

An enchanting walk through the forest.  Would you like to come along?

Perfect for our walks in the forest.  A Turner Classic shirt with Dorothy and Toto in front of Grauman's Chinese Theatre.  "Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore."  ...And my old faithful tweed blazer.  I do find that particular quote quite handy at times. : ) 

A movie I so enjoy every year.

'Tenth Avenue Angel'.  (1946)  

Everytime we see this movie, Jem says:  That really is a good movie .

You see, at 3:15, little Flavia praying is touching to my heart in a personal way.  I love how the cow kneels just as the animals kneeled on the night of Jesus' birth.  The end of the movie is a happy one.  I do recommend!  Enjoy. 

 One evening here in the forest.

 By the way, do you like pretty music?  You may enjoy this!

I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore...