Outside my window... All is very still. The trees are just in standstill mode except for a few over gently swaying in the breeze. Every now and then huge flurries of blackbirds flock over and sometimes settles making quite a loud ruckus. It's very grey and overcast.
I am thinking... I'm thinking I am going to get a lot done today moving quickly and doing the next thing. This daybook is a treat for me today.
I am thankful for... Pretty music. My husband getting me for understanding my squeamishness about visiting his mom in the hospital, his sense of humor yesterday in the hospital room picking up my mil's cell phone when a relative would call and putting on a 'girl's voice', saying..."Hello, this is Lena...I just had surgery" Thankful for my mil's sense of humor. She looks up from the hospital bed, (full makeup, hair piece on) when we came in and says..."I didn't have time to bake". ...And I'm thankful that Mar is getting settled into something she enjoys and a great close college to boot. We live here in the country and this top school is close by. Totally the Lord. And it will be an occupation she can meter out on her own, working at home most of the time plus meeting very interesting people in the court system. I think that is great. Plus, her class is all girls, the college calls it 'the nursery'. Ha! That is so great.
I am wearing... My hair is in a messy bun, black workout pants, tennies, a magenta long sleeve t with a light olive green cotton v-neck sweater over it. It works. : ) ...Oh and a silver vintage windup timex watch. <3>
In the learning room... Becs is sewing on the machine. She's sewing a secret! (I wonder what it is?) : )
I am remembering... So many memories from when I was a very little girl and my mom and dad were a happy couple, both good looking people, having friends over to play tripoli and such....Normal. They are both almost 83 now. Divorced but talk. Life is so strange....Just so very strange. When "To a Wild Rose" comes on my favorite cd I think about them both so much and those years... It's like re-living a black and white movie with music and all....
I am going... Nowhere really, maybe for a walk in a bit. Hopefully Hubs and I can squeeze in a datenight this week.
I am currently reading... Other than my Bible, I am going to get back started on "Main Street Vegan" and "One Thousand Gifts" a gift from Mar for my birthday.
On my mind...I need to make some changes with my schedule. Today I'm doing better praise the Lord.
Noticing that.. I haven't eaten lunch
Pondering these words... The song by Sara Groves about having a new hope. I don't quite know all of the words or the name but I like it!
From the kitchen.. I sorted and am quick-soaking some white northern beans and will make a nice Mediterranean soup for supper with a loaf of ciabatta bread I bought and put in the freezer. Perfect!
Around the house... The washer is going, going, going...the dryer is drying, drying, drying. My sweet doglets are napping, so are the kitlets... Every now and then Becs and I will exchange some pleasant conversation and philosophies on life in general.
One of my favorite things Oh! Aha! I think one of my favorite things is a family movie night and I have something really good lined up hopefully for tonight! Yes indeedie! EDIT 2.1.13 I'm sorry to have to say but the movie, "Cape Fear" I wrote about here is not suitable. It's also not a 40s movie but a 1962 movie and it's very typical of the racie movies that had started up at that time. When I had requested for Li-Li to check the movie out from the library out I had no idea. Neither did Li-Li. My apologies. Li-Li checked out "Cape Fear" from the library, I think it's from the 40s, an old black and white with Gregory Peck and Robert Mitchum. Gregory of course is a distinguished lawyer and Robert Mitchum is a horror. It's a good ol' creeper. We love, love, love 40s movies - more than Elvis loved jewels. ; )
Here's a few pics I would like to share today:
And this is one of the most FAVORITE SIGHTS in the WHOLE WORLD!!! This is our four daughters coming back from taking trash out. Here at the
Forest Cathedral, trash-day is a bit of a chore. : ) But it sure is
cute with the girls! (At least for me to watch) : )
This is what was a REAL USO activity building in what we call USOtown. Hubs and I LOVE exploring in this old town. This place has a gym, locker room, an auditorium, etc. I try to imagine the soldiers and such going in and out with pretty young ladies during the 40s WWII. I wonder if there were famous entertainers too, I would imagine so.
This is reflection of me in USOtown one fall Sunday when hubs and I were scouting around having fun. I love flowie skirts and ankle strap ballet flats. I enjoy celebrating my femininity. : )
Have a nice week everyone! God bless and may we lift our nation up in prayer.
Love, Amelia