Are you ever just speechless? Wordless? That is how I've felt lately on blogging...What do I say?
We lost our little Harper puppy Nov. 2nd. She became ill, we noticed she was throwing up large amounts of red salvia plant. Our youngish vet treated her for such. The next morning she was not doing well at all. We rushed her back to the vet's office that Saturday morning and our little Harper died in my arms in the car...I can't even hardly write this. The vet on call that Saturday morning, a vet I've dealt with before at a sister clinic when we lost Coffee, she claims it was a virus. We do not know if it was one or both or what.
But all that matters is we lost our little Harper. I wonder if they took care of her properly the day before since they were so booked and busy, we had to drop her off for care and pick up later. The vet we normally deal with, I had talked with him on the phone that Friday as Harper was in his care, a nice young gentleman had done a blood panel and cheerfully said she was just two points off but very normal for a puppy. It's all so bizarre and troubling to our hearts.
The next day her brother, Leelo fell ill and I knew he had also eaten the red salvia. He could also have had the same virus if that is what Harper had also beside the poisonous plant. I immediately jumped into gear hydrating him with syringe fulls of Pedialyte. Giving him pepto bismal, black charcoal, herbal medicines I had on hand and everything our vet had given for Harper including probiotics in a syringe he had given. This was every 30 minutes or so...for more than several days and some things like charcoal capsules for two weeks, hydration was key.
I just stuck to it praying and serving that little pup, morning til night. Leelo survived thank the good Lord!
All Red Salvia is out of our flower beds to put it lightly, I had that flowering plant all the way back from my Italian grandma's yard. Sorry Grandma, it had to go and I had no idea that Red Salvia was poisonous if that is what caused the death of our puppy. I don't know...I just. don't. know. But I will say she was spitting up a large amount of it. Please look up flowers and things in your flower beds and make sure they are not poisonous to pets or humans.
Can I just share something here that hurt my heart even more? I got a call from the vet's office 2 weeks after Harper died. I called them back and the woman who answers the phone, brusquely told me I needed to come and pick up my sweater and water bottle. I had accidently left it there the morning Harper passed in my arms as we had followed the assistant into the building that morning, she had gently taken Harper out of my arms and as I waited on the lobby bench and I got up to meet the vet, and later left with Harper in a little blue body bag....I left my sweater and bottle on the bench. Understandable of course.
The woman who I've dealt with over the years who answers the phone there who I considered a friend was so shockingly rude to me on the phone asking when am I going to come and get my sweater and bottle. I explained we live a little ways away and (this is only 2 weeks after Harper passed!). I had a very old vintage autumn pumpkin-man pin from the local jewelry store open since 1920. The elderly lady who owns the store sold it to me for a couple of dollars since I knew her and she knew I appreciated it, it was priceless to me, it was on the much loved black cardigan that had been patched several times and she is telling me she was going to throw it all away! It just broke my heart, everything about this just screamed a lack of respect. I quickly told her...
Oh no! Don't throw it away! That's my favorite sweater and vintage pin!
I felt like a little girl who was being mistreated. Her answer was, Well, you need to come pick it up. I stammered that my husband would probably be there that week, we live a stretch away and don't go that way that often. This animal hospital is a premiere facility, it's huge, they have plenty of room. It broke my heart. What is wrong with people?! I've had teensy Chinese buffets not to mention a funeral home kinder to me than that when I've left my sweater! I knew the woman was a tough cookie but oh my gosh...My husband was bewildered too, this woman has seen us go through several losses and then behaves this way. Some women are such complex people to put it nicely; jealousy, envy and manipulation and every dark thing seems to be working in some. I went the next day with my sweet husband to get get my sweater, pin and water bottle and I was ready for that gal, thank God she was not there because by that point I had words of wisdom for her. Yes, this Italian-German (quite the collision) girl is a quiet force and when pushed, the velvet curtains will fall. I'm still very bothered and my heart is hurt by it but I know her lack of respect and coldness tells me something about her, not me...
To say that November was just a sad and tumultuous month is an understatement. I had two weeks of taking care of our pups and then I was so behind for Thanksgiving. And that kind of leaked into December. I'm putting out the basics, and still wrapping gifts. Usually I'm on that around Thanksgiving. Our youngest daughter, Grace has been very upset since Harper passed away because she was very close to Harper, Harper and Grace really bonded since Grace took Harper and Leelo to the vet that very first day after they were cruelly dumped as tiny puppies. Grace was out of state for a class when Harper passed away and not with poor Harper, what a nightmare.
So maybe that explains things why I've been gone for a while. I'm so thankful that Leelo is okay, my 94 year old mom is doing okay too. We're dealing with dementia and are learning that the bad occasions are a chemical imbalance and dementia combined but as a whole she is being a sweetheart and very nurturing even calling me sweetheart and oh that does my heart good. Everyone is accepting that the bad days will usually be forgotten by the next day. Many things like foods she eats are experimental, what affects her and so forth....she is on a healthy diet, but some things a bit too close to the edge can throw her temperment off within minutes.
Here's some shots of little Harper, there are some on my last blog from last September too.
Little Harper taking a little nap.
Leelo and Harper resting...after
Harper and Leelo fitting both out of the dog door...So cute.
A Walk
Christmas...So Dear to My Heart
I have my little tree on top of this old bookcase that my dad and my Uncle Bennie, (my mom's brother) made when they were young.
The little tree, with little doggies and deer. The brown doggy at the top is made in Germany, our eldest daughter, Janie gave this to me on Thanksgiving because she thought it kind of had the same look as Harper. This little doggy really does! Harper would have that same darling expression.
I thought these choir boys with the little tree were so cute, I found them at Dollar Tree in a package. They are plastic and are with the miniature houses and figures there. Simple things make me happy.
Under my little tree. I had this exact little Baby Jesus on Hay when I was little. The original was stolen and I found this one on ebay.
Our little-big tree. This little tree is four and a half foot tall and I have it setting on the coffee table from my childhood home. The little treeskirt is from Walmart, I had gotten it on clearance one year for hardly anything and I just adore it. The ornaments are doggies, kitties and little pink and gold bulbs. The pink and gold bulbs are from dollar tree.
The general setup in the living room, I was watching Bocelli and Sarah Brightman singing Time to Say Goodbye. This song gets me every time. This rendition was sung at my Italian grandma's funeral in the old stone chapel...Oh my heart...
This is my little four foot tree by the breakfast area near the living room too....It's an open area. I have this smallish tree on an old cedar chest made for me when I was born.
The pink deer (here) and blue snowman (below)ornaments are from Dollar General, Zuzu gave those to me. The wooden doggy is from Hobby Lobby after Christmas.
Wooden kitties too from Hobby Lobby after Christmas. The wooden snowman faces are from the sweetest little cozy gift shop in smalltown...The owner is so nice. I got these after Christmas too.
Here are some links from Last Year's Christmas that show the rest of my decorations and some Christmas thoughts too including 'Don't be a Heelot!':
One of my favorite Christmas stations:
Nothing like Bing at Christmas...Another time and place that I prefer to keep in our home.
Time to Say Goodbye by Boccelli, one of my very favorites, this touches my heart so much.
I sure hope everyone is having a nice Christmas season so far. I have some presents to wrap and supper to think about...God bless and be with you all.
Please remember your comments are a Gift to me and helps me to know that friends are reading here. Let me know how you are doing too, I'm interested in your lives too. How is your Christmas going? I think at this point I'm at a standstill besides maybe putting a few garden banners and some poinsettias outside here and there. We sha'll see.
In closing....
If I can stop one heart
from breaking,
I shall not live in vain:
If I can ease one life the aching,
Or cool one pain,
Or help one fainting robin
Unto his nest again,
I shall not live in vain
~Emily Dickinson
Have a sweet and most precious Christmas, God bless you, you are preciously loved by God. ~Amelia
Oh, my heart too!
My condolences to you and your family, Amelia. How is Leelo handling the loss? I can't even imagine. God bless you all and keep you close to His heart.
I am so sorry for the loss of your baby. And for your treatment afterword. I am happy the other pup is OK. Oh, that picture of them in the doggy door! I would have that enlarged and framed. Adorable.
I love all your decorations - very pretty. So happy to hear your mom is doing well.
Take care and have a wonderful Christmas with your lovely family.
I am so sorry for such a painful loss and the way you have been treated. God bless and cheer you and comfort you greatly. Thank you for the beautiful old-time Christmas songs!
It does do us good to be able to express our sorrows, pains, and ill-treatments.
I am sorry about the passing of your sweet dog friend. We all get attached to our pets and losing them causes us sadness. (And I am glad you got your things back from the vet.) I never realized red salvia was deadly to dogs!
It was good to see your Christmas trees, decorations and music. I have found some good places online to listen to good Christmas music too.
Bless you dear Amelia. May you fix your eyes on Jesus and find strength daily. He makes all the difference.
So saddened by the loss of Harper! So fast it all happened. Truly heartbreaking. Especially since Leelo is left without his sister now. 😭
Some people are so cold in the way they treat others. I’m glad you got your items back safely.
Love all the ornaments! They’re all so adorable and fun!
Hello Dear Sandi, Thank you so much, your comment means the world to me. Little Leelo was confused at first, it broke our hearts. He was actually standing at the large wired fence in the back looking through it as if to take in all of the senses present of his sister, for he was looking out where she is buried. Oh it was just so hard to see. Our hearts broke.
Leelo has adapted to the other doggies, he and Lily are pals as well as Liesl too....They all play, even Gracie the eldest, she treated Leelo has her own puppy. Leelo is such a good-natured little doggy.
Thank you Cheryl, I know you know how it is with our fur angels, it's a horrible thing especially when they are lost so early in their little lives and we wonder if necessarily...That is a wonderful idea to print the doggy door picture out, that would be so very sweet.
Have a Merry Christmas and enjoy your family too, I'm looking forward to hear about your games you make and play.
Thank you so much Mrs. White, your comment did my heart good, I so appreciate your empathy concerning the entire situation, it helps for our sisters in Christ to come and put your arm around us, now a days everyone seems so busy.
Aren't the old fashioned Christmas songs so sweet? I was just watching the old fashioned Davey and Goliath Christmas, I watched those when I was little.
Hello Dear Cathy, oh it was such a nice surprise to see your comment. I appreciate it so, yes, it is painful when we lose our precious fur angels. My husband had tears rolling down his face on the way back from the vet, he said it was just so tragic. The little puppies had already been dumped and she was in such a good place with us...
Yes, I was shocked when I read about Red Salvia, apparently the red is more dangerous than other colors. The little puppies liked the woody stems on them and I noticed after I pulled them up, Leelo was jumping up as if I had a treat in my hand. I've learned that vinca and others are also poisonous. Some are worse than others.
I'm so glad you've found some nice Christmas stations too...Music is so healing and uplifting, especially at Christmas time.
God bless you too dear Cathy, I agree, what would we do without Jesus?
Dear Anony, Thank you dear one for your sweet comment and empathy. It blew our minds and affected us more than we could know. Looking back, God's grace was so with me as I cared for Leelo and handled what happened to little Harper. I became that 'nurse on Lifeflight' so to speak.
I wonder about that receptionist, what in the world was her upbringing to behave in that way...And one thing I had forgotten to write in the blog is that we had tried to go by the animal hospital the Saturday before and they were unexpectedly closed. I told the woman and she was not fazed by our inconvenience or grief in all of it. We try to be wise for we may need them for an emergency in the future but we also know God sees all. That very receptionist has a habit of saying karma will follow people. Well, God does too, He sure knows all about it all, we can trust and be comforted in that.
Christmas ornaments are such a sweet thing to look at and very meaningful too. Such a sweet season, the Holy Spirit is so very present.
Poor little Harper. It truly saddens my heart to see the sweet photos of her; I know that was such a heartbreaking week to see her ill and then not be able to save her. Our pets are our babies and part of our family so it is always so devastating to lose one. It’s also so hard when someone is rude afterwards — salt in the wound.
I love all your beautiful Christmas decorations. Such beautiful ornaments. I’m still doing the finishing touches with mine. I wanted to be very ahead of the game this year, but man’s best made plans, you know… illness and other unexpected obligations have me still with a box of decor that needs to be put back in the garden house once those finishing touches are done. Oh well, the stable had no decorations at all… the true CHRISTmas came anyway. I pray the Lords peace guards and comforts you this season! <3
Our precious little Harper. 💔 We will miss her forever and her sassy adorableness. How she would come running up with her little ears flying in the wind, tongue hanging out. Love seeing all the photos of her. She is so missed.
It’s so unfortunate how the lady at the vet was so insensitive and cold after everything. That’s not how you treat people. All of your ornaments look beautiful and it’s so nice how many of them have special meaning. ❤️
Dear MP, Yes, this Christmas season we feel a loss without our Little Harper....Thank God we have little Leelo and I wonder what he must think, and if he is wondering where his sister is.
I wish I would have known how I could have treated this myself when Harper first became ill. Whether it was a deadly virus or a poisonous flower it could have been treated at home. Please for anyone reading this...Look things up, things can be treated at home with over the counter things and save your pet's life!
Life sure does throw those curve balls to write on the light side, I'm still doing last minute decorating and things, oh dear me.
That woman at the vet's office...Oh me oh my. I pray she will be exposed, God has ways of doing that and if I get a chance to talk to our vet face to face I will discuss the problem with him.
Hopefully you have things to a dull roar at this time with all of the things to fill your home with a Christmas spirit! Yesterday I just walked over to our ceramic manger scene and just meditated on the simplicity and just like the old time children's Christmas shows...I thought to myself...Now that is Christmas, and I felt that old fashioned feeling in my heart and His Holy Spirit just as I did as a child.
Dear Anonymous, I know...I miss her so much. That little gal was something else. I think of her often especially when I see little Leelo and take care of him. Such darling personalities. I loved Harper's little round head and her flppy ears.... you could see that beagle in her cute.
That woman at the vet's...*sigh* the damage she did that day was not good at all and I pray God will see to it that there is justice. God is the Revealer and I'm sure He saw and I know this makes Jesus sad too when His children are treated in this way. Praying for that woman...What must be in the recesses of her heart to allow her to act in that way when I have been nothing but very nice to her. No excuse for it.
Thank you, the ornaments are representative of the love for our sweet pets! <3
Dear Amelia,
Thank you for letting me know. Sorry I must leave message here, but I do not have your email or any other way to leave a message of any sort. I cared for both my parents in their older life, it is a wonderful privilege to care for our parents, but it is not easy. It is actually a pearl of great price. A prayer lifted up for you now for strength, peace and the truth of His sovereignty over every aspect of your life.
Are your grandchildren able to be a part of your mother's life?
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