Beloved Father, help me to expect you as I travel the ordinary road of life. I am not asking for sensational experiences. Fellowship with me through my everyday work and service, and be my companion when I take an ordinary journey. And let my humble life be transformed by Your presence.
Some Christians think they must always be on the mountaintop of extraordinary joy and revelation, but this is not God's way. Those high spiritual times and wonderful communication with the unseen world are *not* promised to us, but a daily life of communion with Him *is*. And it is enough for us, for He will give us those times of exceptional revelation if it is the right thing for us.
Excerpt from today's devotional; Streams in the Desert, 366 Daily Devotional Readings by L.B. Cowman.
Good Morning Friends and Dear Readers, I thought I would treat myself to a nice blog of a 'Show n Tell' style today, I love sharing treats with y'all... Kinda fun, and realness will be included as always from this artist and lover of home, my little family and the Father who makes my Life so possible, so real and gives me any creativity I have. He gives me Hope and helps me cope with those heavy loads that come from the outside and try to wreck my soul.
Sometimes I have to just grab hold of myself and say:
Now Self, stop it. Get hold of yourself. Okay, a few women with insider ignorant smalltown (fearful of what? I do not know) mentality dissed you. Self, you must remember, for every dodie that swanned by you there are several lovelies. Self? So what if that loved one out there has once again disappointed? God WATCHES FROM AFAR. ....None of it is Eternal. Make your Life the beautiful thing it is intended to be! Count those blessings!
That is one beautiful thing about knowing the Father and having an infp personality; money doesn't impress, cliques do not impress, name brands do not impress and small town mentality is just ignorant. Suburban gossips are ridiculous. It really doesn't mean much to me although the smallness is stunning at times... and the shallowness of Vanity Fair to me is akin to 'The Emporor's New Clothes'. I bet you also agree if you read here for the right reasons.
There have been days gone past when I quietly, in a whisper to my step-dad Al who has gone to be with the Lord.... (I do that sometimes when things are troublesome) just as I do Mrs. Blount my old confidant' and friend.. also with the Father now. Why did they have to leave us I do not know... The conversation goes like this: Why did you have to go?! What am I to do?! Why can't you be here?! If you were here you would know just what to do, what to say and be such a presence of comfort... oh what a gift you were!
God sends signs through these times.... If you don't believe me, that is a pity, don't be a scoffer.
I'm also amazed in bewildering times how God places us in the deep, quiet, depth of the sea...where nothing is disturbed... like a graceful little fish swimming quietly...peacefully with the Father.
... sips coffee
Sometimes I see Christ in people. He is there if we look.
Here is an example: Hubs, Janie and I were at an order-at-the-counter little restaurant in smalltown, a darling young man with dark hair and eyes, looks at me for my order, I notice his arms filled with tattoos. He speaks with a kind voice and I ask if they have veggie burgers for crazy people like me. He looks at me for a second with kind, large dark brown eyes. And with a soft, kind, sweet voice says... You're not crazy....... And actually you are the second person to request them recently... I smile appreciatively and suggest to him a good brand to order... Just that kindness shown from the young man with the large brown eyes with that kind, soft voice...Yes that was Jesus with skin on to me.
Another sip of coffee...
I rather enjoy being 53 years of age, yes I do. I know myself and I do what I like and I don't participate in what I don't like... Now I realize things that bothered me since I was a little one were for a reason. That conscience alert and heartfelt care was from the Father.
My husband and I get each other most all of the time and enjoy being with each other...When we don't get each other? We can playfully knock each other in the head, roll our eyes and go on with a hug or two... Our four daughters are blossoming in their lives. Grace is attending art school part-time and as I see her go through the door with her huge, huge! Half her size! ...Art pad under her arm, I smile. She is an extension of me. It's neat. God has given that Life, that abundant life through my daughters in so many special ways and hopefully we have fed the sweet sensitive things of the Father in them, through them and may it shine to others now...
May it shine and may God be Glorified...
Joycie our secondborn with Mo-Mo our precious kittlet. Studying hard in court reporting school. Photo by our youngest daughter, Grace. We have quite the menagerie of animals here...God's sweet little and large creatures in our care.
Janie, our firstborn, a counselor at a pro-life clinic at a banquet here with a real WWII bombardier and his precious wife the other day, our vets, real heroes. I hope we appreciate them. I also pray there will once again be bluebirds over the White Cliffs of Dover. Where have you gone Joe DiMaggio? Joltin' Joe has left and gone away...
Zuzu, last Christmas. Working for a campaign scheduling events for the candidate. The fragrance of a courtship with a godly guy is wafting... : )
Grace, our baby girl... resident photographer, artschool student getting to know a young man who loves the Lord. : )
Me. Yesterday and today.
This is how I do my hair on most days...hairband I made myself out of an unused black jersey t, tied in the back. Hair clipped up. Gives an illusion of short hair but I have the luxury of letting my hair down when I want too.
What I've been up to...
Sewing Art!
This pattern is my easy-breezy go-to standby, it goes with casual or elegant material. The belt I made covers the elastic waist in case I tuck my top in.
My girls looked at me skeptically when I told them I was making this material into a Muffie skirt. (Muffie is our little beige mini schitzu...he looks like this little bear) Why not wear the material? I will wear it to shop in and have fun with it. I'll sport it with a navy turtleneck and boots, tights...maybe a fitted denim jacket. We shall see.
I also have grown to LOVE this pattern lately as well! New Look 6843
I use view A. I have the older version of the pattern and it's fine...and it's less expensive many times.
This pattern has helped me with my zipper skills! Now I put that back zipper in like a boss! lol (No, they are never perfect but who cares) ; )
I make this skirt 6 to 10 inches longer then the pattern. The 10 inch longer version is great. I can go with hose or without. It is a tea length on me and uses 2 yards of fabric. I used a dressie fabric I had on hand and had almost tossed out after an epic fail on a dress. The slippery fabric behaved fine for this skirt and we shook hands. It may be used for dress-up with my black Audrey Hepburn turtleneck or with various tops I already have for less dressy datenights; black, navy, white, perhaps a burgundy scarf etc. and my signature cardigans of course.
The above skirts remind my girls and I of these gals's skirts and this glorious time period! Enjoy!
Come on, admit it...That made ya smile. : )
I have also done some serious Franken-sewing!
I used this for the top: New Look 6262 or 0981 (Use the exact measurements, err larger on this one ladies, runs way small!) Measure your pattern pieces! They are not playing on the measurements here ladies! No ease!!! at . all. I also had to add an inch to heighten the neckline plus the sleeves run small so went with the largest sleeve.
I used this for the bottom: McCalls 6503. The pleated bottom. I added inches to make it a comfortable length.
A tie belt from a fave tie belt as a pattern was also added. I used grey broadcloth I had on hand for the dress. I'm thinking this will be a versatile little dress with different colors and prints of belts, plus layering possibilities!
Mar decorates so cute for the fall! If it was up to me? may not happen. ; )
...another sip of coffee and a break to turn my music on:

and other music I have been enjoying? This. Is. So. Beautiful as well as the movie!

..refill on that coffee...
Black and white photography stills by Robert Stock
Thanks for the show and tell! Such fun to hear about your family and your sewing projects.
Thanks Abbi! So glad you enjoyed it. I enjoy your blog as well! : ) God bless you Abbi.
I enjoyed the catch-up!
Wonderful post! The Andrews Sisters is something I have shared on my blog in the past. Not sure why, but I love old songs "before my time." I was born in 1956, but I find myself really loving music from the early 1900's to 1940's for some reason. :)
Hi There Carolyn! I just now saw your sweet comment. I hope you have a sweet Thanksgiving with your family!
Thank you Linda! I know what you mean, I tell people many-a-time that I should have been in the 40s! I just love, love, love that time period in so many ways! : )
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